175+ Best Instagram Bios For Record Store in 2024 [+Ultimate Guide]
If you're looking to up your Instagram game, it's imperative that you have a great Instagram bio.
Your Instagram bio is the first thing your followers will see - it should be unique and tell users exactly what you do and who you are.
We understand how difficult it can be to craft a compelling Instagram bio, which is why we curated a list of the best record store Instagram bios.
Additionally, we provide you with examples of the best record store bios on Instagram and a step-by-step guide to get you started.
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Creative Instagram Bios For Record Store

- Things you can't buy in stores
- It was a place where people knew music and they knew me, and could make great suggestions and discoveries. Whether it is in the physical world or on-line, the value of a great and knowledgeable record store has not gone away
- I try to explain that to my kids - the experience of going to a record store, flipping through racks and finding that album cover that intrigues you - but my kids don't want to know about it. They download the one song on the album they like, and pay their 99 cents.
- I remember when I was coming up, the music stores where you could get guitar strings was where I got my records from. Now the place where you get your records from is where you can get your DJ mats and your mixers.
- The idea of, 'The journey is the destination' is put into action by browsing in an indie record store. Besides, a human being is a much better guide than a 'More Like This' link on the internet.
- Other kids would take their parents to the toy store and I'd take my mom to the record store.
- I didn't know if I'd be successful at it, but I knew I'd be doing something in it. Maybe get a job in a record store. Maybe even play in a band. I never got into this to be a star.
- They'd hawk the song and hawk the artist and you'd get so excited, you'd stop your car and go into the nearest record store.
- Where past generations had film cameras, scrapbooks, notebooks, and that part of the brain which stores memories, we now have a smartphone app for every conceivable recording need. The thing is, all that time you spend logging and then curating the quotidian aspects of your daily life is time taken away from actually doing things.
- Well, everybody faces the fact there really aren't many records stores around to just go and browse. Maybe browse online, yet that tactile feel of flipping through a stack of vinyl remains one of life's simple pleasures.
- My advice is, don't spend money on therapy. Spend it in a record store.
- Whether they run a record company or a grocery store, every boss will tell you you're in big trouble if you're borrowing more than you can ever afford to pay back. Delaying the pain for future generations is suicidal. We've got to start getting the deficit down right now, not next year.
- In other countries, people are still buying CDs and going to record stores. But in America, it's all about digital. The game is breaking down. But, look at me, you need to know how to play the game the right way.
- Anger is an acid that can do more harm to the vessel in which it is stored than to anything on which it is poured.
- Knowing that you’ve taken part in this fight... You can’t imagine the happiness it brings. Every time I see a kid going out of the store with a vinyl record under the arms, my heart beats faster. Music should only be this. An intense emotion.
- A., I think I probably brought my Shania Twain Come on Over CD. But if I lived in the '80s, I would definitely be the one going to the record stores.
- When a person sees my record on the shelf, it eliminates someone else's record from being sold. It's about continuing to try to find new ways to sell records.
- Independent record stores are like a casino where you put down your money and you always win. How amazing to discover gems you didn't know about, to meet someone more passionate than you are, and to feel at home in a place you may never have been to before. I'm convinced they will never lose their place - Long may they rule.
- Record stores can't save your life. But they can give you a better one.
- It became our music. . . But then we uncovered another, deeper level, the history behind rock and R&B, the music behind our music. All roads led to the source, which was the blues.
- I always show love to the local record stores because they actually listen to me... They know the songs on my cds. They look like me, straight out the hood. They know whats hot and what is on they shelf.
- Buy real records in real shops, or I'll come round your house and scream at your mother.
- It's important to keep indie record stores alive because their unique environments introduce music lovers to things in a very personal way.
- I always tell the girls never take it seriously, if you never take it seriously you never get hurt, if you never get hurt you always have fun, and if you ever get lonely just go to the record store and visit your friends.
- I found this really fantastic used record store in Japan, and I bought all these different records and different 45s, and one of the 45s was just, it had the theme, "Green Leaves of Summer," the theme to "The Alamo" on one side, and then on the flip side was a theme to, the theme to "The Magnificent Seven."
- The 'cool' record store. It is where you can talk to people who are like you. They look like you, think like you and, most tellingly like the same music as you - the only comparable experience these days would probably be an art museum - an actual place where you can stand and simply be surrounded by your heroes.
- I'd been in a band called the Iguanas. And when this boss wanted to embarrass and demean me, he'd say, 'Iggy, get me a coffee, light.'
- I notice you're a nerd is like saying, 'hey, I notice that you'd rather be intelligent than be stupid, that you'd rather be thoughtful that vapid, that you believe that there are thing that matter more than the arrest record of Lindsay Lohan.
- I do a lot of curiosity buying; I buy it if I like the album cover, I buy it if I like the name of the band, anything that sparks my imagination. I still like to go to record stores, I like to just wander around and I'll buy whatever catches my attention.
Cute Instagram Bios For Record Store

- Basically, I wake up at nine o'clock in the morning, go to different record stores, go to the studio, think up different ideas for songs. Just workin'.
- I did find some time to go to a record store and check out "Headstrong" actually in the racks. It was pretty cool; I never thought I'd see my own CD sitting there with everyone else's. I made my Mom take lots of pics!
- Sometimes record stores - back when there were record stores - they'd put my records in the country music section, but other record stores would put my records in the pop or even the rock section. As long as it's in the store somewhere, I'm OK with it.
- Whether I'm doing music or I'm walking down the street or I'm in a record store buying a record or I walk into a comic store and I'm buying comics or having a drink with my friends, it's the same me.
- Nothing was alphabetized!
- That openness, in a way, fosters the imagination. But growing up, Lincoln wasn't a small town. It was a college town. It had record stores and was a liberal place.
- Without the independent record stores the community breaks down with everyone sitting in front of their computers
- I think the good thing about the Internet is to give something away and to sell something else. Get a business model like that because the old brick and mortar record stores are falling apart, and the big record companies are collapsing under their own weight. - Author: Roger McGuinn
- I have a sort of tactility about music. I go into record stores and just run my fingers over it, the spines. - Author: Twyla Tharp
- Thus science may implement the ways in which man produces, stores, and consults the record of the race. - Author: Vannevar Bush
- Record stores can't save your life. But they can give you a better one. - Author: Nick Hornby
- Look at music for what it's worth around the world and not just America. In other countries, people are still buying CDs and going to record stores. But in America, it's all about digital. The game is breaking down. But, look at me, you need to know how to play the game the right way. - Author: Snoop Dogg
- Radio Shack is meeting the fate of many other stores that were wildly popular in the twentieth century, including record stores, comic book stores, bookstores and video stores. - Author: Annalee Newitz
- If it weren't for Criminal Records, Wax-n-facts and other indie record stores I could have only sold my CD's at my shows and by mail order as an independent artist. The greatest stores that have character and include a much wider range of music of music are all independent, mom and pop stores. - Author: Shawn Mullins
- Music is an important part of our culture and record stores play a vital part in keeping the power of music alive - Author: Chuck Berry
- I love indie record stores, man. I love anything that's about independence and preserving the brand of good music. - Author: Raheem Devaughn
- I gave away 'Life in Hell' when it was a little 'zine, and sold it at record stores for $1, and I knew from the time that I first did it that I would continue to do it, because it was fun. - Author: Matt Groening
- Spend it in a record store. - Author: Wim Wenders
- I went to a record store, they said they specialized in hard-to-find records. NOTHING WAS ALPHABETIZED! - Author: Mitch Hedberg
- I always show love to the local record stores because they actually listen to me ... They know the songs on my cds. They look like me, straight out the hood. They know whats hot and what is on they shelf. - Author: Webbie
- I don't relate to what's left of the music business. There doesn't seem to be any point to it anymore. The business that I grew up in and loved, we made records a different way - there were record companies, there were stores where you could buy albums. - Author: Don McLean
- What I would argue in my defence is that shows like 'Britain's Got Talent' and 'The X Factor' have actually got people more interested in music again and are sending more people into record stores. - Author: Simon Cowell
- There's nothing as glamorous to me as a record store. - Author: Paul McCartney
- I definitely love record stores. And worked in many over the years. Having said that, it's not necessarily that I love vinyl per se. I mean, I'm happy to use CDs and MP3s: to me, it's the music that's top priority. I do have a good collection of vinyl, but I rarely actually pull it out. - Author: Gary Calamar
- To see a lot of the smaller labels disappear or get gobbled up by the bigger labels, that's a shame. It was a bit of a shock at first to see the demise of the record stores. - Author: Phil Collins
- Record stores are great because it's good to physically get your hands on the music instead of downloading. It's always better to get the artwork too. - Author: Nathan Followill
- Once I got into punk rock, I started mail-ordering albums, because a lot of the record stores in my area didn't carry the punk bands from England or Sweden or Chicago or Los Angeles - Author: Dave Grohl
- Record stores keep the human social contact alive it brings people together. Without the independent record stores the community breaks down with everyone sitting in front of their computers - Author: Ziggy Marley
- I don't go to record stores to look at my albums, but it's always a thrill to see them. - Author: Kara DioGuardi
- Rock & roll seemed to just come to us, on the radio and in the record stores. It became our music ... But then we uncovered another, deeper level, the history behind rock and R&B, the music behind our music. All roads led to the source, which was the blues. - Author: Martin Scorsese
Cool Instagram Bios For Record Store

- Even as a kid, if I would come across something cool in the record store, that would be how I found out about bands. It's kind of the same way these days. In a way even less because there are no record stores to go to anymore. - Author: Scott Ian
- I don't have a good attention span and can't spend long in record stores or video shops or games emporiums without getting grumpy. - Author: Beth Ditto
- I love that vinyl is actually growing in popularity, and that there are so many great record stores. - Author: Moby
- It's important to keep indie record stores alive because their unique environments introduce music lovers to things in a very personal way. - Author: Norah Jones
- Part of it is, I think, just to let people know you've got a record out there and that you're still alive requires more work than it used to, because the traditional radio, bug chains of record stores, all of that, that doesn't exist anymore. - Author: Steve Earle
- How about no one's ever going to outsell Michael Jackson at selling records because the record industry is over. Game over. There's no more record stores. With no more record stores there's no more pressing plants. With no more pressing plants, there's no more charts. - Author: Will.i.am
- You know, we opened a record number of stores last year. - Author: Lee Scott
- But trust me, if I lived in the '80s, I would definitely be the one going to the record stores. - Author: Julianne Hough
- I worked in restaurants, bars, record stores; I did anything and everything to pay my way through university and LAMDA. - Author: Tom Riley
- I love Rebel Rebel in Manhattan's West Village for vinyl, but record stores are hard to come by these days. I almost don't even use iTunes. I mostly use music subscription services. But I'll go into Rebel Rebel once a month or so and buy everything I love on vinyl. - Author: Jake Shears
- I have watched independent record stores evaporate all over America and Europe. That's why I go into as many as I can and buy records whenever possible. If we lose the independent record store, we lose big. Every time you buy your records at one of these places, it's a blow to the empire. - Author: Henry Rollins
- I still like to go to record stores, I like to just wander around and I'll buy whatever catches my attention. - Author: Bruce Springsteen
- Before the Internet, we were in a different sort of dark age. We had to wait to hear news on TV at night or in print the next day. We had to go to record stores to find new music. Cocktail party debates couldn't be settled on the spot. - Author: Marvin Ammori
- The openness of rural Nebraska certainly influenced me. That openness, in a way, fosters the imagination. But growing up, Lincoln wasn't a small town. It was a college town. It had record stores and was a liberal place. - Author: Matthew Sweet
- Record stores have whole sections devoted to the chant. - Author: Richard Morris
- My advice is, don't spend money on therapy.
- Think how weird profit margins are: We've got high unemployment and financial crises - and world record profit margins. People think the American market is very cheap. We don't. The market quite incorrectly gives full credit to today's earnings. - Author: Jeremy Grantham
- I love the idea of a record containing an entire universe; where the sounds span decades of recording from all over the world and all sorts of different sources. - Author: Jeff Mangum
- 40% of homicides go unsolved. You know, it's not a very good record. And, also, 95% of convictions in America come from plea bargaining, which is often coerced. It's like we have the worst of both worlds. We don't convict the guilty enough, and we coerce the innocent too much. - Author: Bill Maher
- The difference between my world record and many world class runners is mental fortitude. I ran believing in mind over matter. - Author: Derek Clayton
- Historically, philosophy does not have an impressive track record of answering questions about natural world in a decisive manner. - Author: Christof Koch
- In Gujarat, we had the world record of largest number of chess games in a single venue - 20,500 - and in Tamil Nadu, I have been emphasizing on the positives of chess to the authorities. - Author: Viswanathan Anand
- It was a world that I wanted to record because it was such a miracle visitation to me. - Author: Laurie Lee
- I always think it's because of you know hard work, hard training. And if Susie's training hard, you know, why can't I train hard to get a world record. I'm doing the same thing. - Author: Inge De Bruijn
- Few governments in the world, for example, praise human rights more ardently than does the government of France, and few have a worse record of supporting tyrants and killers. - Author: Richard Perle
- The world is a very, very, very big record. We just have to learn how to play it. - Author: DJ Spooky
- I was about 12 when I heard my first Lenny Bruce record. He was already dead. But it changed my life and really did change the world. - Author: Penn Jillette
- I don't know how you keep the world record holder off your team. - Author: Ryan Hall
- If I could set a world record, it would be that I have 150 business partners, all with thriving businesses of their own that started with nothing and I made the difference to make them all billionaires. - Author: Barbara Corcoran
- So it helped me to just let go of all my tensions and feelings about that world and say 'OK, this is for my fans in Japan. They'll be nice and get into it and have fun.' And it was the first record I made at my home studio. - Author: Matthew Sweet
- The world is more than a game of cards. History is more than a record of gambling operations. - Author: Arthur Twining Hadley
- Keeping this facility [Guantanamo prison] open is contrary to our values. It undermines our standing in the world. It is viewed as a stain on our broader record of upholding the highest standards of rule of law. - Author: Audie Cornish
- My musical background is like almost every non classical musician in the world. One day a special record was heard and that was it. I was hooked, started trying to play various instruments and was off to bar land to become a rock star. What else? - Author: Kevin Johnson
- Long dismissed as children's stories or 'myths' by Westerners, Australian Aboriginal stories have only recently begun to be taken seriously for what they are: the longest continuous record of historic events and spirituality in the world. - Author: Karl-Erik Sveiby
- You realise that having a number one record and being loved and adored isn't the most important thing in the world. But at the same time, I don't have a problem with it. What I'm trying to say is, I'm not a reluctant pop star. - Author: Madonna Ciccone
- Michael Schumacher deserved the driver's championship. To be honest, I didn't want to keep my record as the last Ferrari world champion; it's never done me any good! - Author: Jody Scheckter
- But I'm after medals more than anything. Championships don't get taken away from you but records do, so I think I'd rather have medals at every championships rather than times. A world record would be a bonus, but I'm still only 25 in 17 days. - Author: Sally Pearson
- My record of 13 goals in the World Cup finals still stands. - Author: Just Fontaine
- For me, the movement has to be bigger than just a record. For me, a movement represents like taking over the world. - Author: Miley Cyrus
- You know, I can be the happiest man in the world with minimal record success. - Author: Joe Nichols
- Perhaps I should call the Guinness Book people. I wondered what the world record was for not being sure whether you committed a string of murders? - Author: Jeff Lindsay
Unique Instagram Bios For Record Store

- Having a record company and putting out my own CD. There's clothes and shoes. There's also an upcoming book deal that I'm trying to do. I'm trying to be positive. I'm a big fan of the Nobel Peace Prize. - Author: Metta World Peace
- I have a great track record, and I have never been sued. If I can't find someone for someone, I refer them out. I have an affiliate division of matchmakers all over the world that I work with. Men like certain types of women, and I can subcontract that out to foreign countries. - Author: Patti Stanger
- In a world where the great technologies enable us to record, replay, cut and paste, zoom in, and delete, listening is the crucial commitment to keep the heart touchable. - Author: Mark Nepo
- The imminent demise of the large record companies as gatekeepers of the world's popular music is a good thing, for the most part. - Author: David Byrne
- More material progress has been made during the past one hundred and fifty years under the American system of business enterprise than during all the preceding centuries in world history. This record of achievement is a challenge to those who would radically change that system. - Author: Karl Taylor Compton
- Silicon Valley's long-running track record of creating globally disruptive startups is the envy of the world. - Author: Jay Samit
- The Priceline Group is a truly globally-scaled digital e-commerce Fortune 500 company operating world-class brands. I look forward to contributing to the Group by identifying new opportunities and operating synergies that enhance its already strong track record as a global digital pioneer. - Author: Maelle Gavet
- He moved in a way that suggested he was attempting the world speed record for the nonchalant walk. - Author: Terry Pratchett
- You can't change where you from. You can't take a person out of their zone and expect them to be somebody else now that they in the record industry. It's gonna take years. Years of travelling. Years of meeting people. Years of seeing the world. - Author: Kendrick Lamar
- Ingrid Kristiansen then has smashed the world record, running the 5000 metres in 14:58.8Truly amazing. Incidentally, this is a personal best for Ingrid Kristiansen. - Author: David Coleman
- If you record the world honestly, there's no way people can stop being funny. A lot of fiction writing doesn't get that idea, as if to acknowledge it would trivialize the story or trivialize human nature, when in fact human nature is reduced and falsified if the comic aspects are not included. - Author: Lorrie Moore
- Oh, how this world needs Filipino trailblazers! Yes, we can be that. - Author: Tim Liwanag
- The world doesn't belong to us, we belong to it. Always have, always will. We belong to the world. We belong to the community of life on this planet
- I want to learn how to play an instrument. I want to break a world record. I'm just a very determined, motivated type of person. - Author: Alyson Stoner
- It's a great feat for me to have broken my world record. - Author: Usain Bolt
- School feeding not only fills stomachs, but has a proven track record of boosting enrollment, attendance and academic performance. For just pennies a day per child, this program changes lives - and ultimately can impact the futures of poor countries around the world in a profound way. - Author: Drew Barrymore
- One-time Guinness World Record holder for Yo-Yo endurance. - Author: Bob Brown
- The record producer is the music world's equivalent of a film director. - Author: Phil Ramone
- Man's record upon this wild world is the record of work, and of work alone. - Author: J.G. Holland
- We are intensely proud of their noble record and are glad to have had the whole world see how irresistible they are in their might when a cause which America holds dear is at stake. The whole nation has reason to be proud of them. - Author: Woodrow Wilson
- There is always anxiety before a competition and it was no different for me today. It was only in the third round, with about 40 targets left, that I realised I could match the world record score. - Author: Rajyavardhan Singh Rathore
- What happens someday if more people own my record than the bible? That will make me god because a lot more people believe in me than him? Because it's just about popularity. There are plenty of people in the world how have never heard of Jesus, while America takes him for granted. - Author: Marilyn Manson
- I'm really happy to have set the world record for the fastest disabled woman, but I think I can go much faster. - Author: Heather Mills
- it doesn't belong to us. We got confused about that, now it's time to set the record straight - Author: Daniel Quinn
- And the world around me was nothing if not an infinity of distractions: cute girls, novels and comic books, my budding record collection, neighborhood boys whistling from the playground under my window, beckoning me to a soccer game. - Author: Aleksandar Hemon
- Going into that race I was going for the world record, just quietly, but I wasn't feeling at my best all week so it was hard to determine what would happen. I could not believe it, I went into shock, I'm still in shock. - Author: Leisel Jones
- You have to record as many details as possible and achieve an order, without taking away the complexity of the real. To voice the real and at the same time to create an image that is a world in itself, with its own coherence, its autonomy and sovereignty; an image that thinks - Author: Luc Delahaye
- The history of the world is the record of the weakness, frailty and death of public opinion. - Author: Samuel Butler
- When I first heard bands like Tortoise, it seemed to come off the back of that world, like let's make a record with three vibraphones and release it on a seven-inch with black-and-white artwork. - Author: Kieran Hebden
- There's all these musicians in the world, and anybody that takes enough time to create a record or even think about the fantasy of rock & roll, it's a vulnerable place to be in, it's a huge thing to do. - Author: Ryan Adams
- Cameras began duplicating the world at that moment when the human landscape started to undergo a vertiginous rate of change: while an untold number of forms of biological and social life are being destroyed in a brief span of time, a device is available to record what is disappearing. - Author: Susan Sontag
- I felt that photography ought to start with and remain faithful to the appearance of the world, and in so doing record contradictions. The greatest pictures would then ... find wholeness in the torn world. - Author: Robert Adams
- I don't wanna be equal with anybody. I wanna be above equal. I don't think most people are equal to me. I'd like to communicate with everybody; I'd like to do something universal, I'd like to have the hit record of the world. But that's not the same as being equal. - Author: Patti Smith
- The beauty of recording in L.A. is that most of the musicians that are on the record live here, so it was easy to get world class artists like Rick Braun to swing by and play a little trumpet, Everette Harp on sax, guitarist Paul Jackson. - Author: Jeffrey Osborne
- Who does not see that I have taken a road along which I shall go, without stopping and without effort, as long as there is ink and paper in the world? I cannot keep a record of my life by my actions; fortune places them too low. I keep it by my thoughts. - Author: Michel De Montaigne
- Most history is a record of the triumphs, disasters, and follies of top people. The black hole in it is the way of life of mute, inglorious men and women who make no nuisance of themselves in the world. - Author: Philip Howard, 20th Earl Of Arundel
- We live in a difficult but inspiring world, and there is so much out there that I want to record. - Author: Martin Parr
- If man does find the solution for world peace it will be the most revolutionary reversal of his record we have ever known. - Author: George C. Marshall
- It was not the purpose of poetry to record anything and everything, to merely describe either the outer world or some subjective mood, but to speak from the imagination of the poet to the imagination of the reader. - Author: Kathleen Raine
Funny Instagram Bios For Record Store

- The Olympics are a world apart from racing for a record. You put out of your mind pretty much what anyone else doing in the race. - Author: Sebastian Coe
- Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written. - Author: Anonymous
- When we race in London a world record will be the last thing on our minds. - Author: Haile Gebrselassie
- I wanted to get the fastest time in the world this year, but with everything going on, it's a pretty decent swim, ... I knew I was under world record pace. You could tell by the crowd. You can always tell at these meets when something good is going on because of the crowd. - Author: Michael Phelps
- For the record, I'm a Second World War veteran and served in the Pacific. - Author: Gore Vidal
- Athens is a great place for me. It is my second home. It's where I won my first world championship medal, it's where I set my world record. - Author: Maurice Greene
- That's the difference between most oppressed peoples of the world and American blacks. They vow never to forget, and we want everything expunged from our record, sealed and filed away for eternity. - Author: Paul Beatty
- Music is the most powerful form of communication in the world. It brings us all together. Even religion separates us, but a hit record unites us across religious beliefs, race, politics. - Author: Sean Combs
- I applied at Tower Records on Sunset Boulevard after my band broke up. I really wanted to work there because it involved the love of my life, music. It was also located on the world famous Sunset Strip, a place I dreamed of going to ever since I was a teenager in the 80's to become a rock star. - Author: K.D. Sanders
- We wanted to see how close we could get to the world record. We'll take that for right now. - Author: Michael Phelps
- The great fact of individual difference and variability (that is, inequality) is evident from the long record of human experience: hence, the general recognition of the antihuman nature of a world of coerced uniformity. - Author: Murray Rothbard
- We have a wonderful history behind us ... If you are unable to demonstrate to the world that you have this record, the world will say to you, 'You are not worthy to enjoy the blessings of democracy or anything else'. - Author: Carter G. Woodson
- The idea of photography as evidence is pure bullshit. A photo is no more proof of any reality than what you may hear being said by someone in a bus. We only record details, small fragments of the world. - Author: Marc Riboud
- I like everything in this iPhone, iPod world where you can do everything all the time. Back in my time, you bought a vinyl record when you were a kid and took it home, and it took a bit of effort to actually get it out of the thing and not scratch it. - Author: Rick Astley
- I know that attaching memories to books may be going out of the world, but while it lasts, it's a strong record of your life. - Author: Jeffrey Eugenides
- I'm quite happy there is a man in the world who can overcome my record, finally. - Author: Larisa Latynina
- To me, ballads are special, because you can have a pop song that'll be know for three weeks and then you'll hear nothing else about it. Nobody else will record it and it'll just be gone. But if you do a good ballad, it'll be in the world forever. - Author: Michael Jackson
- I'm on record saying that HBO is the best television company in the world, and I believe they are. I think they absolutely understand how to make television that is really, really vital and interesting and visceral, and all the things that television really should be. - Author: James Purefoy
- Today our unsophisticated cameras record in their own way our hastily assembled and painted world. - Author: Vladimir Nabokov
- When my world record got broken in 1999, it hurt a little bit, to say the least. But I was in a leg brace at the time and I had just had knee surgery and I couldn't do anything about it. - Author: Dan O'Brien
- When you talk about world record times, you have to understand that everything must be perfect the weather, the course, the temperature. It is not always enough to be in good shape. - Author: Haile Gebrselassie
- Our job is to record, each in his own way, this world of light and shadow and time that will never come again exactly as it is today. - Author: Edward Abbey
- I don't think that three minutes of music on a commercial record is going to bring paradise, but I feel like there is power in music and power in our words and power in what we put out into the world. - Author: Kyp Malone
- of the race, untrammelled by the necessity of rigid adherence to the fact. The myths record the earliest attempt at an explanation of the world and its life; the fairy tale records the free and joyful - Author: Hamilton Wright Mabie
- Country music is some of the best-written music in the world, so yeah, one day, I would keep my mind open to doing a country record. - Author: Ed Sheeran
- These incidents of answered prayer are not more wonderful or more worthy of record than multitudes the world over could testify to, but they are written and sent out simply and only because I had to write them or disobey God. - Author: Rosalind Goforth
- Commodity prices are at a record high. In 1933, the world's population was just over 2 billion people. Today, there are 7 billion mouths to feed - many of them depending on American agriculture. - Author: Debbie Stabenow
- I like vinyl because it's not quite random access. You have to pick up the needle, flip the record. I do think that an 18-20 minute block of music is sacred, and I can see why it's catching on. I really don't know if it will stay, but it's such a bizarre world, I think it's possible. - Author: John Vanderslice
- I haven't even thought about a world record. I just want to go out there and have fun. I think when you focus too much on the numbers, you don't see anything that's out there. - Author: Missy Franklin
- There is no one who's gonna be sitting on that stage who has the record of job creation I have. There's one in particular who's created jobs all around the world. While he was the governor of Massachusetts he didn't create many jobs. - Author: Rick Perry
- Architecture is life, or at least it is life itself taking form and therefore it is the truest record of life as it was lived in the world yesterday, as it is lived today or ever will be lived. - Author: Frank Lloyd Wright
- I had to be the world's biggest loser, writing about hair, and stuff about my body. No wonder I stopped keeping a journal. It was like keeping a record of my own stupidity. Why would I want to do that? - Author: Benjamin Alire Saenz
- On his world record triple jump - It's only jumping into a sandpit. - Author: Jonathan Edwards
- The problem is that I don't want to add another record to the world that is not necessary to be published, except to make some business. There has to be a musical reason. - Author: Eberhard Weber
- Breaking the world record in '92 was a very special personal moment, but I'd say my favorite moment as a decathlete was winning the Olympic gold medal. - Author: Dan O'Brien
- I did frequently refer to my war record in World War II, but not in any flamboyant way. - Author: George McGovern
Learn more about starting a record store:
Where to start?
-> How much does it cost to start a record store?
-> Pros and cons of a record store
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4-Step Guide: How To Create The Perfect Instagram Bio For Your Business
Instagram gives you 150 characters to tell your followers what your business is about.
This is where you are given the opportunity to summarize your company, engage your audience, and leave a great first impression.
We will break down the qualities and aspects of Later's Instagram bio, as a template for you to use.
Step 1: Highlight Exactly What You Do
Your Instagram bio should be a place where you tell your readers exactly who you are.
This should be brief, clear, and to the point. Explain what makes you unique and what you can do for your audience.
In the Later example, they do this in two different ways:
- In their profile name, they showcase their company name with a clear description of what they do
- They provide even more explanation and boost their brand up, saying they are the #1 marketing platform for Instagram

Step 2: Pitch Your Service [And Use Relevant Keywords]
While it's important to explain what type of company you are, it's also critical to pitch your product or service.
When creating a website, this is often the first thing people see on your site to really understand what you are offering and what makes you stand out from the rest.
Later does this using one line on their bio, and 8 relevant keywords:

Step 3: Provide A Clear Call To Action
Your call to action should be something you are encouraging your audience to do.
This could be in the form of a recent promotion you are offering, a link to a specific article you want eyes on, or just a way for users to get directed to your website.
In any case, you should always provide the user with easy access to whatever it is you'd like them to do. You can do this by providing a direct, embedded link on your bio.
For the Later example, they encourage users to check out their blog where they showcase tips and guides. This is a common strategy that brands use to get more traffic to their blog, and eventually, turn leads into customers.

Step 4: Use Emojis
Lastly, emojis are a great way to break up any text-heavy sections in your Instagram bio.
Be sure to use emojis that are relevant to your brand or to highlight the items you are discussing in your bio.
Later adds emojis to draw the readers eyes to certain aspects of their bio, such as what they do and their call to action:

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