40 Essential Email Templates For Freelance Photographers
For freelance photographers, email is still the most popular medium of communication to build a positive relationship with their customers. Sending a well-composed email is highly effective in converting people who emailed you into loyal clients.
Although email is a valuable tool, you may face challenges while writing a really good one. Putting together the perfect words can turn out to be much trickier than you can ever imagine. There will be times when you don’t know where to start, especially if you are new to your photography business.
To all the new freelance photographers and also the ones who are tired of rewriting the same emails, the trick is to create some email templates.
You should have email templates that are designed for different occasions and purposes. Rather than writing everything from the start, you can use a pre-built template -saving you time and energy.
A well-organized email template is like adding seasonings to your salad. With reduced effort, you have more time to concentrate on your photography. It will also help you avoid typos and your emails will be more consistent.
Do you want to save time, but still want to respond instantly and effectively like a true professional? Then it’s time to change the way you use email in your photography business.
We put together 41 common email templates you can use to save you time and get more replies, here they are:
Response to inquiry template
Initial Response to contact email (pricing found online)
The first step to winning over a loyal client is to respond to their inquiry as soon as possible. Open the email with an appreciation, followed by a relevant and detailed answer to the query.
Remember, a prompt email response always makes the clients happy, and there is always an increased chance of the person hiring you.
Sample 1:
Sample 2:
Follow up-to initial inquiry template
If you have not heard back from the client, it’s important to follow up.
Keep it short and easy. Also, remember not to send too many follow up emails. You might seem desperate, and that is very unprofessional. Wait for at least a week before sending a follow-up email. This will help remind them of you and their photography bookings.
Sample: First Follow-up
If your prospect does not respond to your initial/first email, you can leave a message asking for a response.
Sample: Second Follow-up
Still no response?
Then it’s time for you to send a second follow-up politely stating that you are still waiting for a reply.
"About me" email template for photographers
This is an introductory email where a photographer can talk about his/her qualification or areas of expertise.
If you can, share a link to your work/portfolio right in the email. Your work will speak for itself :)
Your first impression may be your last impression. So, always try to be as genuine as possible.
Photographer Autoresponder Email Template
Do you want to stand out from the crowd?
When people are shopping around for a photographer, they've likely reached out to some of your competitors.
Responding instantly and with relevant and meaningful information can help you outshine your market competition.
For this, you can set up your email to go out automatically, for every inquiry, even if you are not at your desk at that moment.
The Pitch Email Template (for outbound)
For a budding photographer who is into freelancing, getting noticed is crucial for your business. If you're starting out, selling and getting gigs not that easy!
You have to learn how to pitch photography to brands or agencies in order to get recognized.
This is where pitching your services, sometimes cold, can work.
Always try to keep this template concise and personal to grab the recipient’s attention:
Sample 1:
Sample 2:
The Proposal/Quote Email Template
In response to a client’s request for a quotation, a photography quote template should include everything relevant to the job or services you are going to provide. This means that you will provide clients with a detailed package pricing in your template too.
Sample 1:
Sample 2:
Sample 3:
Photographer Pricing Template Example
This photography pricing template works when a client wants to know about your rate or budget for their special occasion. You can either offer them packages, or else you can also charge them on an hourly basis.
Client Contract Confirmation
A contract signing email template is crucial when your client offers you the job.
The right contract will look professional and include information like name, address, contact number, etc., and most importantly the terms of the agreement.
This is also the time when you discuss your billing and the payment method(s). Once agreed upon both parties will sign the form and enter into a contractual agreement.
Sample 1:
Sample 2:
Contract Follow-Up Templates
When your client doesn’t send you the contract document or information you need to get started, you send them a quick follow-up email.
2nd notice Contract Email:
3rd notice Contract Email:
Session Confirmation
After Booking Email
This template confirms the booking for the photography session, and may provide all the necessary details that a client needs to know.
Sample 1:
Sample 2:
Client Cancels Confirmed Session
Client asking to reschedule the confirmed session
Via this email a photographer confirms the rescheduling of a new photo session by cancelling the actual/original due date.
Confirmed Session No Call No Show
This email is directed to client’s who have already confirmed their contract but did not show up for the photo session.
Event Day Tips Email Template
This email template is to let your client know that you are all set for the day.
You may also write down or add a link to a list of instructions to be carried out for the photo sessions.
Gallery is Ready
Gallery is expiring
Keep your client’s updated about the gallery. This email is a reminder to the client that his/her gallery has long been uploaded.
Gallery re-release (social media)
The Announcement Email Template
Use announcement email templates for special occasions like when you publish your client's images in magazines, websites or blog posts.
Blog Post Template
Album Update Template
When you finish designing an album for your client, notify them by sending an email that their photos are ready to be reviewed.
Provide a link to the gallery and it is also the duty of the freelance photographer to instruct them on how to navigate them or how to ask for further revision.
Thank you note email template
Photographer thank you note to client
Don't forget to thank your client for hiring you. A simple thank you note can go a long way, for future shoots and referral clients.
Sample 1:
Sample 2:
Invoice Email Template
Notify your client with a quick email that an invoice has been prepared for the photoshoot.
Sample 1:
Sample 2:
Invoice Reminder Templates
Final invoice
This is another reminder email notifying your client that the invoice has already been sent and you have been waiting for a response/an action.
Sample 1:
Sample 2:
Payment Received Email Template
Email a client thanking him/her for the payment received. Your client will appreciate it.
Deal Email Template
Sometimes you need to offer some 1deals and discounts to your loyal client’s to keep them happy. This will also help draw more customers, thus an increase in business opportunity.
In reply to a client wanting a reshoot
Request from self-conscious clients for a reshoot is a common issue that photographers have to deal with. Accommodating reasonable client requests is important to make your client happy and keep them coming back, but you can’t let unreasonable demands cost your time and money. Knowing how to please your clients and understanding your limitations is a delicate balance and you will definitely not want your behaviour to offend them, or affect your work relationship. Under such circumstances, you may consider offering a small discount or a reshoot of 2-3 specific photos at a nominal cost.
Feedback Email Template
Are you interested in improving your photography skills? Ask your clients for a feedback.
If you are not interested in surveys, you may request a review.
Photos being held from lack of payment
Photos being held from lack of payment | REMINDER 1
Send this reminder email to your clients when you do not receive your payments.
Photos being held from lack of payment | REMINDER 2
This email is to be sent to your clients when they have neither made your payments, nor answered to your previous emails and calls.
Photos being held from lack of payment | Gallery Removed
This is a final notice to your clients that their images will be pulled down from the system because they failed to make their payments.
Referrals Email Template
As a freelance photographer, you have by now understood how difficult it is to grow your business. In this difficult situation, referral email templates have always come in handy.
The best way to attract referrals is to make your clients happy. You can later use it to your advantage by encouraging them to refer their friends, family members, and other acquaintances. This way you can save time for more freelancing jobs, without stressing over the issue of making new clients.
A study undertaken by the Hubstaff has found that nearly 30% of the prospects that come through referrals convert to clients.
In conclusion
Freelancing exposes you to potential new customers every day. If a prospect contacts you, be quick to respond. Creating a pre-written response for general inquiries and the like not just saves your time; it also helps you relieve the stress of re-writing all the texts over and again.
Using email templates will help you use the email more effectively. You can keep your customers informed and happy with your own tailored templates designed for specific purposes or occasions. After all,
It takes months to find a customer, seconds to lose one.

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