1,000+ Unique Online Courses Business Names
So, you've come up with the perfect online course idea, but in order to launch, you need a good business name.
And not just a name, but a creative and descriptive name that will make your online course stand out.
The name of your business will forever play a role in:
- Your customers first impression
- Your businesses identity
- The power behind the type of customer your brand attracts
- If you're memorable or not
We've put together a list of the best online course ideas, provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to name your business and give real-world examples of how other founders came up with the name of their business.
Additionally, we provide you with a free business name generator with an instant domain availability check to help you find a custom name for your online course.
Need to start an LLC? Create an LLC in minutes with ZenBusiness.
Online Course Name Generator
Want to come up with your own unique company or brand name?
You can generate thousands of online course name ideas for free using our business name generator and instantly check domain availability.
Catchy online course name ideas
- Teachza
- Online Grow
- BrainExersice
- Krush IT
- Clever Academy
- Edge Advantage
- MedLearn
- Course Whiteboard
- Edulocity
- MaxEdge
- Onlinezen
- Course Vision
- E-Skills
- Online Mix
- Online Chip
- Educine
- ED Reach
- Preducation
- Trade Edu
- Course Wish
- Online Explore
- Course Scope
- Learn In PACT
- Onlineopedia
- Profession Propel
- BrainWorkout
- ED Shield
- Course Think
- MySkills
- Drivsaf
- Courseoont
- Online Catalyst
- MindGames
- Learn Villa
- AliDeal
- AmpHealth
- Road To Learn
- Legend Mind
- MyExercise
- Brain Web
- CourseMethod
- Coursetta
- FinanFutures
- ReFLuent
- Ed Blinque
- Bookly
- Fus ion
- CourseCircuit
- Cosmic Brain
- Spark X
- ExerciseLy
- RockSolidEd
- Katalyst
- Online Up
- Online Talent
- TryLearnIt
- MyTeacher
- LearnIt
- Online Iconic
- Courseella
- U-Beginner
- Mastery Center
- Onlineify
- Edmusing
- Ulearn IT
- CosmicMind
- BrainGames
- Course Develop
- HardBrain
- Skill Up
- CivilEd
- The EdVantage
- Online Elevate
- Pazzle Center
- Capp Edu
- FollowCourse
- The ED Factor
- Road to Knowledge
- Brain Academy
- BeClever
- CourseScope
- Stact Tech
- Pertinent Details Trading Co
- Capsaicin Information
- The Service Breeding
- The Date Selective Information
- The Efficient Serve
- Mass Curriculum Collective
- Secret
- Nations Education
- Education Department Trading Co
- Elementary Instruction Co
- LessHelp
- Interesting Info
- Evasion Education
- MuchHelp
- Spiritual Facilitate Co
- General Schooling
- Temporary Supporter Trading Co
- Interesting Inform
- ExternalHelp
- Enough
- The Statistical
- DescriptiveInformation
- Important Intel
- Current Database Trading Co
- Training Group
- PopularEducation
- Training Pro
- The Date Database
- Western Literacy
- GenerousHelp
- Environmental Enlightenment
- CompulsoryEducation
- Personal Particulars Collective
- Persuasion Education
- ConsiderableHelp
- Sufficient Documentation Collective
- The Literary
- The Line Assistance
- English Educated
- Insufficient Input
- Selective Information Co
- Substantial Avail
- Details Group
- The Hired
- Important Intelligence
- Public
- Hired Handout
- Ready
- The Tertiary
- The Graduate
- FriendlyHelp
- EssentialInformation
Creative online course name ideas
- Classical Pedagogy Trading Co
- EnvironmentalEducation
- EssentialInformation
- The Substantial
- Assist Spot
- Knowledge Spot
- Date Knowledge Spot
- Training Group
- The Date Database
- Spiritual
- GeneralEducation
- MoreHelp
- Patience Information
- The Time
- Structural
- Sensitive Contact Place
- Biographical Documents Collective
- The Enormous
- The Qualitative
- The Little
- Sensory
- Time Educational Activity
- Documents Collective
- Detailed Data
- Little Contact
- Enormous Supporter Spot
- MedicalHelp
- Service Collective
- Essential Particulars Co
- More Service
- The Agricultural Educational Activity
- Domestic
- Remedial Supporter
- Valuable Knowledge Group
- Direct Assist Pro
- Unshaven Education
- Russian Helper Place
- The Insufficient
- Universal Training Spot
- Additional
- DemographicInformation
- Elementary Educating
- Enormous Help Oneself Collective
- Hazan Information
- Reliable Info Co
- The Professional
- The Mass
- Persuasion Information
- The Prior
- Line
- Friendly Supporter Pro
- Psychiatric Service
- Excellent Educating
- Basic Information
- ThoroughEducation
- The Environmental Pedagogy
- Inside Informative
- Wonderful
- The Clerical Assistance
- The Free
- Inside Intelligence
- Medical Serve Place
- Multicultural Education Department Co
- Service Group
- The Clerical Assistant
- Musical
- The Sufficient
- Service Place
- The Skilled Aid
- Scientific Literacy Place
- Aid Collective
- SecretarialHelp
- Public Department Of Education
- HiredHelp
- Progressive Instruction Co
- Knowledge Place
- The Detailed
- Regression equation Education
- The Much
- Extra Supporter Spot
- Elementary Educator
- The Considerable
- Adequate Pedagogy Place
- Differential equation Education
- Above Info Spot
- SelfHelp
- The Constant Assist
- The Line Assistance
- Breeding Pro
- Craven Education
- BibliographicInformation
- Direct Assistant
- Genetic Data
- Popular Instruction Pro
- Greatest Helper Spot
- Specific Particulars Pro
- DomesticHelp
- The Sufficient Data
- Inside Insights
- The Academic Education Department
- Teaching Place
- General Schooling
- Moral Pedagogy Pro
- Agricultural
- Effective Assistance Collective
- Helpful Documents Spot
- English
- The Available
- Progressive
- Supporter Co
- Little Knowledge
- The Contextual
- Early Educated
- Necessary
- Much Selective Information
- Haven Education
- LittleHelp
- Psychiatric
- Further Department Of Education Collective
- Elementary Instruction Co
- Enough Details Group
- Extensive
- CivicEducation
- Education Department Place
- Prior
- ValuableHelp
- Particulars Collective
- Extra Particulars Place
- Necessary Details Collective
- Helper Pro
- The External Helper
- Definite Data Co
- ConfidentialInformation
- OnlineHelp
Learn more about starting an online course:
Where to start?
-> How much does it cost to start an online course?
-> Pros and cons of an online course
Need inspiration?
-> Other online course success stories
-> Marketing ideas for an online course
-> Online course slogans
Other resources
-> Profitability of an online course
-> Online course tips
-> Email templates for an online course
Funny Online Course Names
- Mass
- Help Oneself Pro
- NecessaryInformation
- The Hired
- Valuable Avail Place
- Line Service Place
- The Skilled
- Inside Inform
- Academic Breeding
- The Complete
- The English Breeding
- Modern
- The Secular
- Immense Help Oneself Group
- Extensive Knowledge
- Education Department Collective
- Time Schooling Trading Co
- The Thorough
- The Basic Pedagogy
- Self Serve Pro
- Reliable Info Co
- Schooling Trading Co
- QualitativeInformation
- The Efficient Serve
- Excellent Educates
- HiredHelp
- Generous Aid Trading Co
- Environmental Educators
- Moral Training Place
- Enough Details Co
- Assist Pro
- Personal equation Education
- Literacy Collective
- Inside Inquiries
- The Confidential
- The Literary
- Environmental Educates
- Remedial
- FinancialHelp
- Dental
- HistoricalInformation
- GreatestHelp
- Professional Instruction Pro
- The Popular
- SecretarialHelp
- WesternEducation
- Russian Helper Collective
- Demographic Selective Information Collective
- The Interesting
- Further Training
- Hired
- The Comparative Literacy
- The Date Database
- The Semantic Particulars
- Insufficient Insight
- Much
- MedicalHelp
- Wonderful
- Incomplete Informative
- Multicultural Education Department Trading Co
- Popular Instruction Pro
- Mutual Assist Trading Co
- Info Group
- SpecialEducation
- Insufficient Identification
- Facilitate Place
- Aid Collective
- Less Data Pro
- Hasten Information
- The Literary Schooling
- Religious Training Group
- ExcellentEducation
- CompulsoryEducation
- Secretarial Supporter Pro
- The Timely Help Oneself
- Selective Information Spot
- Incomplete
- The Secretarial
- The Essential
- The Statistical
- Legal Instruction Place
- Hired Handout
- Much Data Place
- Serve Place
- Primary Educational Activity Group
- Notations Information
- Structural Documentation
- Relevant
- Important Intel
- Thorough Breeding Spot
- The Expert Assistant
- Inside
- GeneticInformation
- Compensatory Literacy
- The Sufficient
- Qualitative Contact Pro
- Avail Co
- Literacy Trading Co
- Direct
- The Compulsory
- The Invaluable
- Hazan Information
- Temporary Avail Pro
- Personal Particulars Collective
- The Higher
- Vocational
- The General
- The External
- Universal Training Spot
- Mass Curriculum Collective
- Scientific
- The Reliable Details
- The Special
- AdditionalHelp
- Knowledge Co
- InsufficientInformation
- Environmental Pedagogy Co
- The Timely Aid
- Detailed
- Hired Assistant Place
- The Line Assistance
- ThoroughEducation
- Contact Co
- Descriptive Documents Collective
- Direct Assist Pro
- The Biographical Database
- SuperiorEducation
- More Assist Group
- Considerable Assist Co
- Service Group
- Avail Collective
- Progressive
- Incomplete Informed
- The Time Schooling
Cool online course name ideas
- Extra Particulars Place
- Interesting Inform
- Statistical Documentation Collective
- Mutual Supporter Trading Co
- Available Entropy Group
- Prior Knowledge Place
- Digital Contact
- Adequate Schooling Spot
- The Technical
- Enormous Assist Co
- The Practical
- Qualitative
- Environmental Educating
- Training Pro
- Incomplete Insights
- The Factual Knowledge
- The Graduate Schooling
- Psychiatric
- Scientific Curriculum Pro
- TechnicalHelp
- Service Place
- Breeding Co
- Helper Group
- Definite Data Co
- Inside Informed
- Personal equation Information
- Hazan Information
- Great Helper
- MutualHelp
- Education Department Spot
- DomesticHelp
- Divine Help Oneself Co
- Legal Instruction Place
- River basin Education
- Wasted Information
- Technical Pedagogy
- Additional
- The Popular Educational Activity
- Environmental Schooling Collective
- Definite Database
- Immense Serve Co
- Early Training Co
- Western Training
- Psychiatric Service
- The Latest
- Descriptive
- TechnicalEducation
- Extensive
- UndergraduateEducation
- The Psychological Aid
- Details Place
- Regression equation Education
- Foundations Education
- Direct Assist Pro
- The Graduate
- Persuasion Education
- Helper Pro
- Remedial Supporter
- Physical Curriculum Spot
- Current Database Trading Co
- Wonderful Help Oneself
- Industrial
- Literacy Collective
- The Biographical Contact
- The Specific Contact
- The Primary
- Valuable Avail Group
- Basic Breeding Collective
- Public Educational Activity Place
- Limited
- ProfessionalHelp
- The Religious
- Patience Information
- Early Literacy
- Assist Pro
- Agricultural
- Places Education
- Wonderful
- Superior Curriculum Collective
- Secondary Pedagogy
- GreatHelp
- The Much Assist
- TherapeuticHelp
- Important Contact Co
- The Sensitive Facilitate
- FurtherEducation
- Pedagogy Collective
- Dental
- Secondary
- Great Assist Spot
- SelfHelp
- Obligations Education
- Instruction Co
- Malaysian Education
- SpecificInformation
- Thorough Pedagogy Collective
- Assistance Collective
- Much Assistance
- Detailed Selective Information Trading Co
- GraduateEducation
- Schooling Collective
- Help Oneself Pro
- Serve Pro
- The General
- Descriptive Info
- Enormous Assistance
- Vital Particulars
- Informations Information
- The Theological
- Jamaican Information
- The Time
- Aid Collective
- Technical Education Department
- The Spatial
- BilingualEducation
- Educational Activity Place
- Assistance Group
- Pertinent Details Collective
- Based
- The Timely Aid
- Hired Help Oneself
- Environmental Enlightenment
- Rural Educational Activity
- RussianHelp
- Inside Intelligence
- Moral Training Place
- Special Schooling
- Patience Education
- Important Input
- Technical
- Friendly Supporter Place
- Reparations Education
- Real Assist Co
- The Available
Unique online course name ideas
- Pedagogy Co
- Like asian Education
- The Self
- LittleInformation
- Insufficient Identification
- Progressive Education Department
- Valuable Knowledge Group
- The Popular
- Extensive Selective Information Co
- Sufficient
- CompulsoryEducation
- Enormous Supporter Spot
- Documents Group
- Academic
- Teaching Place
- Latest Entropy Pro
- Definite Contact Spot
- Sufficient Info
- Descriptive Documents Collective
- Caisson Information
- Mutations Education
- Craven Education
- Phase in Education
- Much
- Date
- External
- UniversalEducation
- LittleHelp
- The Divine
- The External Avail
- MulticulturalEducation
- The Russian
- FalseInformation
- The Patient Pedagogy
- Early Educative
- Complete Details Group
- Mason Education
- Personal Particulars Collective
- The Medical
- The Early
- Structural Info Co
- Extensive Contact
- Interesting Informed
- Knowledge Group
- Elementary Educating
- Timely Aid Collective
- Interesting Intelligence
- Service Collective
- Complete
- More Service
- Factual Database
- Helpful Particulars Spot
- The Insufficient
- Particulars Collective
- Enormous Helper
- Patient Information
- Linear equation Education
- Effective Assistance Collective
- SpiritualHelp
- Vocational Education Department Place
- HistoricalInformation
- Free
- Greatest Helper Spot
- CompensatoryEducation
- Excellent Enlightenment
- GenerousHelp
- Preparations Information
- Comparative Teaching Group
- Skilled
- Exact
- Curriculum Collective
- Supporter Trading Co
- WonderfulHelp
- EssentialInformation
- The Compulsory Breeding
- Inside Insights
- The Detailed
- Helpful Documents Spot
- Better
- Special Breeding Place
- Substantial Facilitate
- Secretarial
- Outside Help Oneself Trading Co
- Genetic Data
- Data Co
- ReadyHelp
- Superior
- English
- Contact Co
- Important Info
- Further Education Department
- The Better
- The Industrial Teaching
- The Little
- The Limited Entropy
- Early Educate
- Financial Selective Information Spot
- NecessaryInformation
- Educational Activity Co
- Excellent Educator
- Capsaicin Information
- ConstantHelp
- Teaching Trading Co
- Statistical
- The Excellent
- HigherEducation
- Spatial Selective Information Group
- Spiritual
- Progressive
- The Special
- Education Department Collective
- Breeding Pro
- Current Selective Information Group
- Progressive Training Collective
- Elementary Educational Activity
- Better Teaching Pro
- The Outside Facilitate
- The Adequate
- Spiritual Facilitate Co
- Assistance Pro
- More Entropy Place
- Serve Place
- LessInformation
- Sufficient Documentation Pro
- The Mass
- Little Assistant Place
- The Constant
- Timely Help Oneself
- Interesting Selective Information
- Insufficient
- The Adequate Selective Information
- Time Schooling Trading Co
- MoreHelp
- Factual Details Co
Cute online course name ideas
- Industrial Curriculum
- Skilled Aid Place
- The Further Teaching
- Inside Intel
- The Descriptive Documentation
- Adequate Entropy
- Expert Assistant Co
- The More
- Secondary Teaching Place
- The Statistical
- Hired Hoping
- MuchHelp
- Valuable Avail Place
- Elementary Instruction Co
- The Basic
- Essential Particulars Co
- The Definite Documents
- Graduate Literacy Group
- MedicalHelp
- The Sensitive Entropy
- Expression Education
- Important Data Group
- Knowledge Co
- Insufficient Details Collective
- Education Department Place
- Enough Service
- Time
- Medical Serve Place
- SensitiveHelp
- Interesting Insight
- Self
- The Vital
- Situations Information
- The Divine Aid
- Hired Hinder
- The Skilled
- Raven Information
- Precise
- The Excellent Breeding
- The Genetic Info
- English Educator
- Hired
- The Agricultural
- Spatial Entropy Group
- Biographical Database Trading Co
- The Skilled Aid
- Self Serve Pro
- Hired Hand
- VisualInformation
- Supporter Pro
- Details Group
- The Vocational
- The Direct
- Domestic
- Contextual Documents
- Self Serve
- Public
- The Much
- Multicultural Education Department Co
- Expression Information
- The External
- Religious Training Group
- Secretarial Assist Group
- Considerable
- Elementary Enlightenment
- Classical Breeding Pro
- The Modern
- Constant Helper Co
- Excellent Educational Activity
- Basin Information
- Haven Education
- Secretarial Help Oneself Place
- Unshaven Education
- Secret
- Drainage basin Education
- The Secret
- Hired Helpfulness
- Structural
- Timely
- Specific Particulars Pro
- Particulars Trading Co
- Aid Pro
- Special Instruction
- Supporter Place
- English Educational Activity
- The Semantic Particulars
- Enough Details Group
- Night raven Education
- Direct Assistant
- EnglishEducation
- Little Contact
- Musical Instruction Spot
- Online
- The Biographical Database
- The Constant Assist
- Immense Help Oneself Group
- Educational Activity Collective
- Training Group
- Prior
- Less Knowledge
- Further Literacy Place
- Thorough Training Pro
- LatestInformation
- Service Co
- The English Breeding
- Western Training Co
- The Compulsory Training
- Interesting Info
- MassEducation
- Documentation Place
- Maven Information
- Extra Supporter Spot
- Temporary Supporter Trading Co
- Notations Information
- Further
- Facilitate Co
- Structural Contact
- Interesting
- MusicalEducation
- Contagion Information
- Elementary Educated
- UsefulInformation
- Evasion Information
- Night raven Information
- Selective Information Pro
- ClericalHelp
- Further Department Of Education Collective
- CompetentHelp
- Correct Documentation
- The Invaluable
- The Environmental
- Helper Spot
- The Inside
- Western
Clever online course name ideas
- Detailed Particulars Place
- The Sensitive Details
- Advanced Pedagogy Trading Co
- Remedial
- The Legal
- Insufficient Input
- Universal Training Spot
- ConfidentialInformation
- Outside Assistant Trading Co
- Genetic
- The Thorough
- Biographical Documents Collective
- Knowledge Place
- Compulsory Breeding Place
- The Clerical Assistant
- Secular Educational Activity
- Useful Particulars
- Info Group
- Real
- Assist Spot
- SpecialEducation
- Early Enrolment
- MoralEducation
- Religious
- Teaching Co
- AccurateInformation
- Friendly Supporter Pro
- Excellent Educators
- The Classical Breeding
- Instruction Pro
- ValuableInformation
- Entropy Place
- Medical
- Curriculum Group
- The Wonderful
- Detailed Data Collective
- The Academic
- Tremendous
- Substantial
- Above
- Environmental Education Department
- Current
- The Contextual
- PertinentInformation
- Enough Details Co
- Particulars Co
- Incomplete Informed
- GeneticInformation
- Extra
- The Hired Supporter
- The Real
- Practical Particulars Place
- Curriculum Trading Co
- The English
- Facial Education
- Greatest Assist
- Date Knowledge Spot
- English Enrolment
- Selective Information Spot
- ContextualInformation
- InsufficientInformation
- Details Pro
- The Literary Schooling
- The Rural Education Department
- Entropy Collective
- AgriculturalEducation
- Elementary Education Department
- The Complete
- Progressive Instruction Co
- Persuasion Information
- Chasten Information
- GeneralEducation
- Service Group
- Data Trading Co
- The Online
- The Enough Avail
- The Effective Assistant
- Inside Insight
- Hazan Education
- Donations Education
- Differential equation Education
- TheologicalEducation
- Outside Facilitate Pro
- Line Service Place
- Places Information
- Info Spot
- SuperiorEducation
- Literacy Pro
- FurtherHelp
- The Hired
- BibliographicInformation
- Serve Spot
- Personal equation Education
- Teaching Group
- Mutual Assistant
- The Extra
- Free Curriculum
- Important Intelligence
- Detailed Data
- PopularEducation
- Selective Information Collective
- Less Info Pro
- Vocational Teaching Place
- Incomplete Informative
- Nathan Information
- Vacationed Education
- Elementary Educator
- The Secret Knowledge
- The Visual Documentation
- Interesting Identification
- Hired Helper
- ConsiderableHelp
- Adequate Help Oneself Pro
- Elbe Help
- The Diagnostic
- The Civic Instruction
- The Clerical Assistance
- RemedialHelp
- Important Insights
- The Comparative
- Important Informed
- Competent Supporter
- Supporter Spot
- SecretarialHelp
- Modern
- Elementary Educative
- Decorations Education
- The Considerable
- Literacy Co
- Multicultural Education Department Trading Co
- Theological Instruction Group
- Primary Educational Activity Group
- Important Insight
- Compensatory Literacy
Best online course name ideas
- ClassicalEducation
- Details Co
- Incomplete Intel
- Literacy Trading Co
- Academic Literacy Trading Co
- The Efficient Serve
- Immediate
- Info Trading Co
- The Line Assistance
- ValuableHelp
- Excellent Educated
- Incomplete Input
- Time Department Of Education
- Little Knowledge
- Facilitate Place
- Structural Documentation
- The Undergraduate Instruction
- Incomplete
- Immediate Assist Group
- Training Collective
- AdvancedEducation
- Stave in Information
- The Service Breeding
- Much Data Place
- Time Educational Activity
- Competent Assistance Pro
- Little
- The Dental
- The Environmental Pedagogy
- The Higher Pedagogy
- The Basic Info
- Definite Entropy Trading Co
- Important Contact Trading Co
- Environmental Curriculum Pro
- Practical
- InformalEducation
- Additional Supporter
- Russian Helper Collective
- Practical Supporter
- The Date Selective Information
- The Sufficient Data
- The Postsecondary Teaching
- The Musical
- Moral
- More Assist Group
- Schooling Trading Co
- ScientificInformation
- Department Of Education Co
- Extra Serve Place
- IndustrialEducation
- QualitativeInformation
- Curriculum Spot
- Graduate
- DivineHelp
- The Western
- Limited Contact
- The Diagnostic Info
- The Comparative Literacy
- Elementary Educates
- Sound
- Insufficient Insight
- ThoroughEducation
- CivicEducation
- Contact Place
- Inside Info
- Department Of Education Place
- BasicEducation
- DigitalInformation
- The Divine Service
- Environmental Educates
- Public Department Of Education
- Theological
- The Effective Avail
- Expert
- The Current
- Detailed Entropy
- InvaluableHelp
- Effective Helper Pro
- Chasten Education
- Help Oneself Group
- The Visual Contact
- Professional Facilitate Collective
- The Tertiary
- Accusations Education
- Ready
- The Scientific
- Schooling Group
- Financial Selective Information Place
- The Necessary
- Insufficient Insights
- CompleteInformation
- The External Assistant
- Technical Helper Place
- Structural Particulars
- English Educate
- Inside
- Documentation Spot
- Above Info Spot
- Assistant Collective
- The Academic Education Department
- Date Contact Spot
- The Little Facilitate
- Immediate Avail Pro
- Excellent Educates
- The Remedial Aid
- ImmenseHelp
- ReligiousEducation
- Vital Database Collective
- ProfessionalEducation
- The Public Schooling
- Educational Activity Spot
- Nathan Education
- The Secondary Department Of Education
- Hired Hamper
- The Important Info
- Financial
- EarlyEducation
- The Basic Pedagogy
- Schooling Pro
- General
- The Qualitative
- Special Schooling Trading Co
- The Incomplete
- Particulars Place
- Further Training
- Popular Instruction Pro
- Applications Education
- Mass Schooling Pro
- OnlineHelp
- Adequate Help Oneself
- The Outside
- ExtensiveInformation
- The Agricultural Educational Activity
- Supporter Co
Guide: How To Name Your Business
Why Is Your Business Name Important?
Your business name is one of the single most important pieces to starting a business.
Because your business name has power.
It reflects your reputation, your mission, values, and represents what people (and customers) are searching for.
It impacts the way in which people remember, refer you, and perceive your business
When choosing your business name, there's a lot to think about in order to get it right - so it's important not to rush this process.
Let's take a look at everything you need to consider before deciding on a business name:
Tips To Consider When Naming Your Online Course:
Simple is always better
This means a few different things. Your online course name should always be:
- Easy to spell
- Easy to pronounce
- Easy to remember
Consider avoiding long names as much as possible, as this will only lead your customers forgetting your name and feeling frustrated.
To test this point, try to think of any well-known reputable brand off the top of your head.
The first that come to mind for me are Alexa, Google, Nike, Apple - each unique in their own way (hence, easy to remember) , less than six characters and easy to spell.
Your Business Name Should Define What You Do
The name of your business should reflect a defining characteristic of what you do.
Before your customer goes to your website or speaks to you, the name of your business should spark some initial thoughts in their brain as to what you're all about.
For example, marketingexamples.com describes exactly what their company is about: providing great examples of marketing tactics.
Consider SEO When Naming Your Business
Bottom line: If you don't show up in google, you're going to make it that much more challenging for customers to find you.
There are several different aspects to think about when it comes to SEO & naming your online course:
- Try not to pick a business name that's crowded with other businesses
- Consider naming your business based on highly searched keywords
- Make sure the name of your business matches search intent and what people are looking for
Think about the emotions you want to evoke
Your business name has the power to evoke certain emotions and thoughts from your customer.
It has the ability to evoke a positive or a negative feeling. An inclusive or an exclusive feeling. A fearful or a loving feeling.
It's not to say that any of these feelings are wrong, but it's important to ensure that they are in line with your values and mission.
For example, the brand Death's Door makes me feel a bit risky and uncertain - but that's the point. They're selling Gin.
Try Not To Pick Something Too Limiting
Your business name should be fitting for the future and growth of your business, that way you don't have to confront a re-brand down the road.
If you choose something too narrow, it may be challenging to diversify your product and revenue streams down the road.
Here are some tips to avoid making this mistake:
- Try not to name the business after a particular geographical area (this makes it hard to grow in other areas)
- Try not to name the business after only one product you sell
- Try not to name something based on a current trend
Brainstorming Names For Your Business
If you're in the brainstorming phase and trying to come up with a business name, there are a few key things to think about in order to get the juices flowing:
- Write out a list of words that reflect your brand, personality, team etc. These should be the first things that come to your mind and you shouldn't have to think too hard about it.
- Look at competition in the space and see if there's a common theme. Write down some key words or phrases that resonate with you and add them to the list.
- Think about the emotion you want to evoke with your business name
- Ask yourself: If I had to describe my business in one word, what would it be?
From there, you can create a shortlist based on the words that resonate best with you and follow the naming guidelines above.
Tips on naming your business
In addition to the requirements from the State, there are some general naming guidelines that may help you down the road as well.
We've put together a full guide here for naming your business here but will also cover the most critical pieces below:
Is your URL available? Social media handles?
You can check for domain availability here:
Find a domain starting at $0.88
powered by Namecheap
As soon as you resonate with a name (or names), secure the domain and social media handles as soon as possible to ensure they don't get taken.
Other general naming tips
- Consider SEO when naming your business
- Consider naming your business something that reflects what you do and/or who you are
- Keep it simple! Easy to spell, easy to pronounce and easy to remember
- Try not to pick something too limiting that could impact your businesses growth in the future!
Check out our full naming guide here.
Here is a video covering all factors to consider when naming your LLC:
Examples of Great Business Names
When choosing a business name, it's critical that you look at other examples of businesses not only in your space, but business names in other industries that have done particularly well.
Here are a few examples of great business names (+ how some of these businesses came up with their name):
Competitor Analysis Example
One great way to name your business is by looking at the competition and getting inspiration.
Gia Paddock, founder of Boutique Rye analyzed other businesses in the space and added her own personal spin to her business name:
A popular national brick & mortar women’s boutique that many may have heard of is called Francesca’s… How original, right? So we came up with Boutique Rye named after our son, Riley. We put "boutique" in front to be a little different.
The name "Boutique Rye" checks the boxes for naming a business:
- Short and simple
- Easy to spell and easy to remember
- Clearly defines what the company does
- Optimized for SEO (people searching for boutiques)
- Unique and personal touch - tells a story.
Ask Other People
Sometimes, coming up with a name is as easy as asking other people, whether that be friends, family, people at a coffee shop, or in Spyq Sklar case, his own customer!
How we came up with the name Cat Sushi:
So, we put together a quick business plan and set aside some money that we were willing to risk. One of our loyal customers actually came up with the name. We still give them free cat food.
Read the full story ➡️ here
The name "Cat Sushi" checks all the boxes for naming a business:
- Memorable and funny
- Short and simple
- Obvious that they sell treats for cats
- Fun & unique story - their customer literally came up with the name of their business!
The Amazon Example
Formerly called "Cadabra", Jeff Bezos decided that the name was too obscure, hard to spell, and easy to misinterpret.
The name Amazon came from a simple dictionary search .
Jeff Bezos wanted something that started with an A, looked through a dictionary and came up with the word Amazon.
When he told his team, he didn't care for anyone else's input. He was set on it.
Here's how the word "Amazon" checks all the boxes (aside from being worth a trillion dollars):
- Represents the largest river in the world, making it very memorable
- The story and meaning of the word matches the vision of the company: To be the larger and better than any other business!
- The name allows for future growth opportunity - they didn't name something specific to just "books," even though at the time, that's what it was.
- Easy to spell, pronounce and recommend!
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