11 Best Onboarding Email Templates [2024]

Updated: February 22nd, 2024

Onboarding email is a crucial element of any new employee onboarding scheme. It's the best way to approach your new recruit with confidence, and also to make sure that they get off on the right foot.

These emails will set the tone for what's going to happen next in the company, as well as provide information about the purpose of their job and how everything works together.

Here are 11 free Onboarding Email templates to use in 2024 that will save you time and help you with your email marketing efforts.

What To Include In Your Onboarding Email

When it comes down to crafting your email, there are a few key elements to include:

  1. Write a catchy subject line
  2. Restate your value proposition
  3. Add helpful resources
  4. Provide customer service contact information
  5. Conclude with a call to action

The welcome email

title=Let’s get started with us Hey {user name},

Thank you for signing up for {app name} and welcome to the community!

We’re stoked to see what you’re able to {action (create, do, etc)} with our {app, tool, service}.

To get started, we recommend checking out our {quick-start guide} that’ll walk you through the basics of {app name} step-by-step. We also have a {two-minute intro video} if you’re more of a movie buff.

And if you’re ready to start {action (creating, exploring, etc)}, you can log in below!

{CTA button}



Checking in email

title=Just checking in! Hey there [Customer],

I wanted to reach out and give you information about [a product update or new feature/touch base] and see how things are going. We don’t have anything scheduled on the books, but would you be interested in hopping on a call?

I would love to hear about how things have been going for you since our last call on [date]. Has there been any movement on [details about a specific goal]?

Looking forward to hearing from you!



Pre-boarding email template

title=[Your company name] Job offer! Hi [New hire’s name],

The whole company is pleased to welcome you to [Your company name].

We want to thank you for completing our recruitment process. At every turn, you proved to us that you would add incredible value to our team.

As discussed with you over the phone, the summary of your offer is as follows:

  • Job title:
  • Employment type:
  • Department:
  • Your manager:
  • Your annual compensation:

These are your other benefits:

  1. Stock options:
  2. Vacation details:

We’re all excited about your first day! To help speed the process up, could you please complete the requested information in this workflow? There are documents to check and sign in the workflow, including your employment contract.

Once we receive your completed workflow, [HR employee name] – our [HR job title] – will contact you by email to inform you of our employee onboarding process.

If you have further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact. We look forward to seeing you!

Best regards,

{Your name}


Welcome email to a new employee from HR email template

title= Welcome to the team at [Your company name]! Hi [new hire’s name],

Congratulations! You’re now a fully-fledged employee of [Your company name]. We hope you’re excited about joining us, and we’re writing to give you some more information about working with us.

We’ve provided a list below of questions we thought you might have. Everyone worries about these things on their first day, don’t they?

• Start date: Your current start date is…

• Working hours: You’ll work… hours per week

• Dress code: We prefer…

• Documents to confirm your ID: Could you please bring the following with you…

• Contact information: If you need to call us before your first working day, please call/email [HR employee name] – our [HR job title] – on/at [Phone number/Email address].

• Reporting sickness: Please refer to the above contact information until your first working day. Once you begin working with us, you can report sick leave in our workflows, such as our Leave of Absence workflow.

• Vacation: You may request a holiday from your first working day using our Vacation Request Form workflow.

We’ll be in touch shortly to give you an itinerary for your first working day and week! In the meantime, enjoy your day. Contact us anytime If you have further questions.

Best regards, [Your name]


Invite to a webinar

title=Are You Ready for a Career Change? Hey there,

I wanted to reach out and let you know about an upcoming event we have that I think might be interesting to you!

We’re hosting a webinar on [date] about [subject]. Given our conversation about [feature/need/issue] on our last call, I thought this might help you and your team.

You can register for this webinar and add it to your calendar here: [insert link].

At this webinar, you can expect to learn:

[Topic 1]

[Topic 2]

[Topic 3]

If the timing doesn’t work for you, no worries. We’ll send a recording of the event to anyone who registers, so don’t forget to do that.

I hope you’re well otherwise, and let me know if you’d like to set up a call to talk about anything.




Renewal email

title=Your renewal is coming up. Dear [Customer],

It’s been so great working with you over [subscription length]. I wanted to reach out and let you know that your annual renewal is coming up on [date]. If you’re happy with your service, there is no need to do anything. We’ll automatically process the charge to the card that you have on file on [renewal date]. You can see which card we have on file on your account page here: [link to account page].

If you’ve had any issues with [Product] and are considering canceling or changing your subscription, please let me know, and I’d be happy to talk through those issues with you. Our goal is to keep you as a happy customer for as long as [Product] is working for you.

No need to decide now. You still have [number of days/months] until your renewal occurs; I just wanted to give you a heads-up. I’ll also remind you during our calls between now and then.




The pro-tip

title=Your account is active! Now what? Hey {user name},

Need a bit of help getting started with {app name}?

Hey, we get it: there’s so much you can do!

Here are a few suggestions to get better acquainted with us (and start {seeing benefits}):

{Action/feature #1, optional link and/or corresponding resource to help}

{Action/feature #2, optional link and/or corresponding resource to help}

{Action/feature #3, optional link and/or corresponding resource to help}

If you have any questions in the meantime, feel free to reach out to us at {contact}.




Employee onboarding feedback email

title=[Your company name] would love to get your feedback! Hi [new hire’s name],

It’s hard to believe that you’ve worked with us for a week!

Thank you for all your hard work so far. It was great to meet you on your first day, and I hope you enjoyed the lunch we put on for you.

We want to ask for a favor, if we may? Could you please answer the following questions for us? Please be honest in your feedback. If you feel there are other issues you’d like to discuss, please don’t hesitate to mention them.

• On your first day of work, did you feel we missed anything?

• How do you feel about your time with the company so far?

• Would you like to tell us about any issues or observations?

We look forward to seeing your feedback.

Enjoy your day and best regards, [Your name]


Virtual onboarding email template

title= We’re happy you’ve decided to work with [Your company name]! Hi [new hire’s name],

The whole company is pleased to welcome you to [Your company name]!

  • [Insert a company photo here]

We want to thank you for completing our recruitment process. At every turn, you proved to us that you would add incredible value to our team.

Having received all of your documentation, you should now have taken delivery of a shiny new laptop. Your machine will have all the necessary software preinstalled.

Finally, here is a link to your Welcome Workflow. It contains:

  • The first task that involves entering your personal information
  • A list of tasks you can complete
  • Tasks that show you how to set up accounts and passwords for our software

Don’t worry if you don’t complete all the tasks immediately; you’ll have plenty of time in your first week to finish them.

Please remember, your first Zoom meeting with us will be on… at… AM/PM. We have no dress code policy, but please ensure your camera is on in all discussions with [Your company name].

If you have further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact [HR employee name] on/at [Phone number/Email address]. We look forward to seeing you at the meeting!

Best regards, [Your name]


The 90-day email

title=Wow! You’ve been working with us for 90 days! Hi [new hire’s name],

We’re happy that things are working out for you with [Your company name]. We’re all excited and satisfied with your progress so far. We hope you’ve built good relationships with your colleagues and now strongly understand your work.

We want your input to ensure things are moving in the right direction and, more importantly, that you are happy. Your answers will help us with new hires, particularly in their onboarding process.

Below is a set of questions. Could you please answer them by [Date]?

• Your opinion on your wins and losses

• Your opinion on the company’s future

• Groups at the company you may have joined

• How would you like your career to develop?

• Please let us know any additional comments you have

Please note – as with your feedback email – we will not show your answers to anyone outside the HR department.

Best regards, [Your name]


Reaching out to an unresponsive customer

title=We're trying to stay connected Hey there [Customer],

It’s been quite a while since we’ve spoken, and we’ve made a few updates to our product. I have some features that I’d love to introduce to you: [list of things that may interest them, such as features, documentation, beta programs]. I think they’d be really beneficial for you based on our past conversations.

Would you be interested in having a conversation about this? If so, you could schedule at a time that makes sense for you here: [scheduling link]. Let me know if you’d rather me just give you the details asynchronously over email. I’m happy to do that, too.

I hope you’ve been well otherwise.

Speak soon,

[Name] Source

25 Onboarding Email Subject Lines You Can Use

Here's a list of 25 popular email subject lines you can use for your Onboarding Email

  • Welcome to the team!
  • Let's make it official.
  • We're glad you found us.
  • Starting your new job?
  • Don't keep me waiting
  • How's your onboarding experience so far?
  • Hi, Not a customer yet? Time to onboard!
  • Thanks for joining!
  • Your Onboarding week begins now!
  • Did you enjoy your first week?
  • We can't wait to get started!
  • Greetings! Thanks for signing up.
  • Just an in-the-know heads up...
  • Ready to learn more about us?
  • You got this – quick tips to get started
  • Welcome to SaaS onboarding!
  • Welcome to the team! A few things to get you set up.
  • To help you get started, we have put together a two-part onboarding
  • Here's how we're going to onboard you
  • Let's get started with Onboarding
  • Hello from Help Scout!
  • Congratulations on your new job!
  • Welcome Aboard!
  • We want to help get you started right!
  • Just wanted to check in on your onboarding.

Tips For Writing A Successful Email

A well-written email can be a powerful communication tool. If you want to get your point across and have it read, write an email that is clear, concise and compelling.

Here are 6 tips to help you write better emails:

1. Keep it short.

People are busy, and they aren't going to read anything more than a few paragraphs long in their inboxes. If you have something important to say, be concise.

2. Be friendly and personable. The best emails show that their sender cares about the recipient: address them by name, make jokes and be friendly, compliment them on something they've done recently—demonstrate that you know them well enough to give them a personal touch.

3. Use bullet points or numbered lists where appropriate.

If you're making a list of suggestions or talking about multiple things, it's much easier on the reader if you use bullet points or numbers rather than listing every point out separately in paragraphs.

(Obviously this doesn't apply if you're using an email for something else entirely—such as a newsletter or informational message.)

4. Proofread your message carefully before sending it out.

Even though you may think you're a pro at typing emails, there are still some mistakes that you could be making. It's important to avoid these errors so that your message is clear and correct.

If you skimmed over the email, there is a good chance that you missed an error in the very sentence that you just changed.

Pro tip: Read your entire message out loud before hitting send. You are more likely to catch mistakes this way!

5. Be sure to include the recipient's name in the email.

This seems like an obvious tip, but it's easy to forget that we're not sending mass emails to a group of people but individual messages to each person on the list.

Your best bet is to craft your message carefully, and make it personal by using the recipient's name. It shows that you're paying attention and it also makes the email feel more personable.

6. Be clear about what you want

Be specific and don't beat around the bush. Think about what you're asking for clearly before you write anything down.

In the first line of your email, state clearly what you want and how the recipient can help.


Below we detail the most common questions as it relates to Onboarding Email Templates for email.

How do you ask an onboarding question?

  • Do you see yourself working here long term?
  • Is there any training you feel like you need?
  • Do your manager and coworkers communicate well with you?
  • What did you think of our onboarding process?

What are the three 3 phases of employee onboarding?

  • The “Hype” Phase. This phase is the pre-induction, which starts before the new employee even enters the building, and is key to setting the scene and creating excitement before their first day
  • The “Immersion” Phase
  • The “Cultivate” Phase

What are the key steps in order of the onboarding process?

  • Sending an offer letter.
  • Early onboarding for the new employee.
  • Welcoming New Hires on the first day.
  • Orienting and Onboarding New Staff in the First Week.
  • Employee Engagement and Team Building.


If you want your email campaign to perform well, it all starts with your subject line.

Think about the emails you receive in your inbox and what makes you click vs what gets buried - odds are, the same habits go for your customer.

We hope you enjoyed our guide + list of 11 Best Onboarding Email Templates [2024].

meet the author
Pat Walls