1,000+ Best Metaverse Slogans & Taglines (2024)

Updated: January 19th, 2023

The technology nowadays is evolving like there is no tomorrow. We might sometimes have this misconception that a particular scenario is real even if it was not. That is the reality of metaverse and we are experiencing it right now.

Augmented reality has become a huge industry in the tech world. It continues to shape the present and future.

As a result, entrepreneurs who are diving into this industry often come out with promising results. We cannot blame you if you'll try to take a venture into this industry as well. However, be sure that you are ready not only financially but with your business strategy as well.

Entrepreneurs with good business acumen will often create a compelling slogan to catch the attention of prospective clients.

Your slogan is not only a promise to your customer, but it represents your brand's entire mission. Your slogan tells your customer exactly what you do and why you do it.

We've put together a list of 1000+ Slogans & Taglines For Metaverse.

Additionally, we provide you with a free slogan generator to help you find a custom tagline for your brand.

Metaverse Slogan Maker: Tagline and Slogan Generator

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List of Metaverse Slogans and Tagline Ideas

Catchy Metaverse Slogans & Taglines

  • A friendly Metaverse
  • Let's build metaverse together.
  • Metaverse believes it can be the next great workforce platform.
  • Together with Metaverse, the future of the virtual world is bright and promising.
  • Metaverse making work in virtual reality will provide great multitasking opportunities.
  • Metaverse can make meetings more interesting to collaborative to boost productivity.
  • All in the same digital world in the Metaverse.
  • The world of Metaverse is being built using blockchain and decentralized applications.
  • Metaverse, an alternate digital world of reality.
  • People in the Metaverse can work, play, do business, and socialize with other people.
  • The concept of Metaverse which is able to transcend all that is seen and known to exist.
  • Metaverse is used to describe an ecosystem that can find elements, creations, experiences, and interactions.
  • In the world of Metaverse you can use persistent space.
  • The persistent space in the Metaverse is constantly being created with an environment that continues to grow and evolve.
  • In the world of Metaverse you can gain experience in real time.
  • You can buy, sell, or trade products and services on the Metaverse.
  • Strongly believe Metaverse will open the gates of future technological advancements.
  • Put on this headset and you can be anywhere you want to be
  • Put on your VR headset and enter a new reality
  • What a time to be alive! The future is upon us, and it’s VR-ING awesome
  • Travel time made better with Virtual Reality. Let’s meet in the middle.
  • Dive into the world of virtual reality with your friends and family.
  • Enjoy the limitless entertainment possibilities with VR. Witness, play, and explore new worlds
  • The feeling of leaving the real world to enter a digital one…
  • Virtual reality is the best way to experience your memories
  • Get transported to a new world, that will change your perspective for good
  • What If You Could Bridge the Gap Between Virtual and Reality?
  • VR is not just for fun, it can help us learn and grow
  • 3D Virtual Reality is a trip, down a virtual rabbit hole. Jump in and explore, fully-immersed style
  • You’ll never want to put down your headset
  • What’s more real than real? Virtual reality
  • Virtual Reality allows one million moments, in one place
  • Gear up, get ready, it’s time to dive in. #VRlife
  • Virtual Reality — it’s like seeing the world for the first time
  • Be here when you get here, or be there when you left
  • For the first time, you can truly be present in a virtual world
  • Time to up our game. We’re working on bringing you the next generation of VR experiences
  • Bring the world to you, wherever you are
  • 🚀 Virtual reality is here. You know what to do next
  • Virtual Reality, it’s not just a fad, it’s the future.
  • No one can put you in a VR experience like [your company name]
  • Virtual reality can transport you anywhere. How will you use it?
  • Let’s step into a new dimension
  • Welcome to the video game
  • Virtual reality that lets you live your dreams
  • It’s like you’ve stepped into a movie
  • A Virtual World of Live Pictures.
  • Where do you want to go today?
  • Computers help people help people.
  • Better sound through research.
  • Feel the spark of inspiration
  • A great technology has come to life
  • Whoa. So real it’s unreal
  • Experience places as if you were really there
  • Innovation right here
  • Inspiring minds
  • Building better networks
  • Think outside the hexagon
  • The potential for progress
  • The simplified technology
  • The future is IT
  • technology for pioneers
  • Inventing and making it happen
  • Serving simple information for complex connections
  • Saving Tech for next
  • The computer for the rest of us.
  • The Essentials of Imaging.
  • The Future of Memory.
  • The heart of the image.
  • The Infinite Bandwidth Company.
  • The Internet Superstore.
  • The Leader in Small Space and Rocket Systems.
  • The Miracles of Science.
  • The Network Is The Computer.
  • The network works. No excuse.
  • The Perfect Experience.
  • The Possibilities are Infinite.
  • The Power of Choice.
  • The Power to Be Your Best.
  • The Programmable Logic Company.
  • The quest for zero defeat.
  • The Sight & Sound of Information.
  • The source for computing and technology.
  • The way it’s meant to be played.
  • The world’s networking company.
  • Reach out and touch someone.
  • Real hardware.
  • Security Made Simple.
  • See, hear and feel the difference.
  • Sense and Simplicity.
  • Serving Information. Simply.
  • Share moments. Share life.
  • Shoot it. Save it. Share it.
  • Simple Solutions for Complex Connections.
  • Software for the Open Enterprise.
  • Solutions for a small planet.
  • Changes for the Better.
  • Choose Freedom.
  • Committed to People, Committed to the Future.
  • Computers help people help people.
  • Connecting People.
  • Consider It Solved.
  • ThinkPad. Where do you do your best thinking?
  • This is the Power of the Network. Now.
  • This Will Never Take Off.
  • Tomorrow starts here.
  • Uniquely You.
  • We are making connectivity easier.
  • We Bring Good Things To Life.
  • We hear you.
  • We Help You Invent the Future.
  • We Make IT Happen.
  • We make sure.
  • When Performance Matters.
  • Where do you want to go today?
  • Who’s There Moto.
  • Wireless Made Simple.
  • You’ve got questions, we’ve got answers.
  • Your challenge is our progress.
  • Your Partner In Antenna Technology.
  • Your potential. Our passion.
  • Your Vision, Our Future.
  • Better sound through research.
  • Born to play.
  • Building Networks for People.
  • It Does More. It Costs Less. It’s That Simple.
  • Making great things possible.
  • Making it all make sense.
  • Network Assurance.
  • Networks Business Without Boundaries.
  • Rome wasn’t built in a relentlessly competitive technology-driven digital age.
  • The Miracles of Science
  • Networks Business Without Boundaries
  • People Making Technology Work
  • Software for the Open Enterprise
  • The ultimate source for miniature frequency synthesizers
  • The way it’s meant to be played
  • Business Mechanisms to Accelerate Change
  • Leading the Digital Entertainment Revolution
  • Engineered for Life
  • Work hard, have fun, make history
  • You Don’t Need Wires to Communicate
  • Empowering the Internet generation
  • A Greater Measure of Confidence
  • Reach out and touch someone
  • The world’s networking company.
  • A Virtual World of Live Pictures
  • A source of innovation and excellence
  • The technology for the next vision
  • Let innovation go further
  • The business that makes sense
  • The world of simple technology
  • Let your business be an innovation addict
  • Committed power to next generation
  • Perfect is Tech, Tech is true, True is our work
  • Good technology in the hands of good people
  • Thinking for the essentials for the next level
  • Strength be infinite
  • Taking you to strength
  • Think small think different
  • Old fashioned Tech with a modern touch
  • The power of thinking
  • Respect for Tech
  • The implementation of true Tech
  • Accelerating the Tech with confidence
  • Evolving prudently
  • Expanding the experience of empowering
  • Ideas for imagination
  • Making believe in possibilities
  • Making it make sense with honesty
  • Business has no boundaries
  • It’s brilliant to reach out
  • Taking technology forward with possibilities
  • “The next evolution of VR would be where you participate physically in that VR world. And not just sitting down; if you’re a quarterback, you actually get to throw a football, and you can interface with the team.” – Nelson Gonzalez
  • “The screen is a window through which one sees a virtual world. The challenge is to make that world look real, act real, sound real, feel real.” – Ivan Sutherland
  • “The technologies of virtual reality are attempting to make us see from beneath, from inside, from behind… as if we were God.” – Paul Virilio
  • “If you have perfect virtual reality eventually, where you’re able to simulate everything that a human can experience or imagine experiencing, it’s hard to imagine where you go from there.” – Palmer Luckey
  • “Virtual reality is a denial of reality. We need to be open to the powers of imagination, which brings something useful to reality. Virtual reality can imprison people.” – Hayao Miyazaki
  • “This is a deeply spiritual issue…Do we want to spend more time trying to care for our fellow man or do we want to just pursue more virtual reality? That’s the issue before us.. and it’s being played out in the world of the environment.” – Ed Begley
  • “There are certain ways, narrative forms, that do not function as a continuation, for example, of 3D movies. You see, what is obvious to me is virtual reality or immersive 360 degrees virtual reality is not somehow a part of 3D movies, and it is not a new form of video games, it’s neither, it is something completely new, something different, and nobody has come up yet with real convincing content.” – Werner Herzog
  • “The telephone is virtual reality in that you can meet with someone as if you are together, at least for the auditory sense.” – Ray Kurzweil
  • “Animals walk around in a state of permanent religious intoxication. This is the natural condition of the mind and intellect, the moment-to-moment perception, of man as well. I heard some computer fool say that religion is the ‘older virtual reality’ experience, to justify his scam industry. No, the denuded state of the spirit and intellect, where you walk around ‘demystified’ and ‘disenchanted’ is the virtual reality condition, and a terrible condition at that.” – Bronze Age Pervert
  • “Cultures are virtual realities made of language.” – Terence McKenna
  • “The real tight interface is between the book and the reader-the world of the book is plugged right into your brain, never mind the [virtual reality] bodysuit.” – Bill McKibben
  • “There are as many applications for VR as you can think of, it’s restricted by your imagination.” – John Goddard
  • “Looking at virtual reality through computer screens, video game screens, and above all television screens is a denial of personality development. It’s a denial of socialization, of expansion of vocabulary, of interaction with real human beings.” – Ralph Nader
  • “The fact that we can, possibly in the future, create virtual realities with conscious beings is truly astonishing, for we have evolved from single-celled organisms that did not have a brain.” – Rajesh`
  • “Everybody’s saying we’ve got to go 3D or virtual reality or choose your own adventure. But there are other ways forward. I don’t think we’re done with film by a long shot.” – Shane Carruth
  • “It’s not a virtual reality until you can be tortured to death in it.” – Andrew Plotkin
  • “The fact that all of this was happening in virtual space made no difference. Being virtually killed by virtual laser in virtual space is just as effective as the real thing because you are as dead as you think you are.” – Douglas Adams
  • “I call it Experiential Realism – If reality is made of information, as many scientists now come to a consensus, and consciousness is necessary to assign meaning to it, it’s not far-fetched to assume that consciousness is all there is. Universal mind is the sole ontological primitive. Conscious agents are low-dimensional avatars of this greater cosmic mind, each perceiving their own observer-centric virtual reality.” – Alex M. Vikoulov
  • “I would like to inform you that you also have the opportunity to Pre-Order my Internationally supported Virtual Reality and Entertaining Space E-Book available from 17th September 2015 costing £128.46.” – Orlando Gene Turner
  • “The aliens on this planet are also attempting to clone or replicate the human form artificially. Their original form, being humanoid, cannot pass the field that was established around the Earth. But if they can clone or cybernetically change their forms, it may help their designs. This is why virtual reality, cybernetics, cloning, and nanotechnology are in vogue today.” – Michael Tsarion
  • “Within 25 years, virtual reality meetings will be essentially transparent to being there in person. Once we can do this, the idea of climbing into an aircraft, and burning up huge quantities of fossil fuels to propel our bodies and briefcases full of papers, will seem absolutely backward.” – Burt Rutan
  • “The creation of a virtual image is a form of accident. This explains why virtual reality is a cosmic accident. It’s the accident of the real.” – Paul Virilio
  • “If you want to move through a virtual reality it’s called a video game, it’s been around forever.” – James Cameron
  • “A myth is a fantasy, a preferred lie, a foundational story, a hypnotic trance, an identity game, a virtual reality, one that can be either inspirational or despairing. It is a story in which I cast myself; it is my inner cinema, the motion picture of my inner reality – one that moves all the time. No diagnosis can fix the myth, no cure can settle it, because our inner life is precisely what, in us, will not lie still.” – Ginette Paris
  • “We can change an ugly reality in a real way or in a virtual way! And because it is much easier, people prefer the virtual path and thus the real ugliness continues to remain real!” – Mehmet Murat ildan
  • “I think that cinema and television have nothing in common. There is a breaking point between photography and cinema on the one hand and television and virtual reality on the other hand.” – Paul Virilio
  • “Ashton Hamid hated hiking. He hated the woods. Hated the whole insistence on “real-life experiences” and “survival” and “nature” in general. He took another step, wincing as the blister on his heel throbbed. THIS is why I prefer V.R.! The trees grew close together here, and the trail on which he and Vale hiked wove in and out of them like a ribbon. He squinted into the forest. If Vale wasn’t leading, he’d have no idea where to go. The trail was little more than a muddy path.” – Danika Stone
  • “To someone like Zurbaran, who paints still lifes, lemons and pears are the objects of art. But to the electronics engineer who works on the technologies of virtual reality, the whole reality has become the object of art, with a possibility to substitute the virtual with the real.” – Paul Virilio
  • “Language for me narrates the pictures in my mind. When I work on designing livestock equipment I can test run that equipment in my head like 3-D virtual reality. In fact, when I was in college I used to think that everybody was able to do that.” – Temple Grandin
  • “Emotions – Happiness, anger, jealousy… is the mind experiencing “presence” in our holographic existence.” – Clyde Dsouza
  • “The true problem with virtual reality is that orientation is no longer possible. We have lost our points of reference to orient ourselves. The de-realized man is a disoriented man.” – Paul Virilio
  • “There are decades of innovations ahead. We’re at the very beginning, where it’s just at the stage where we can bring in consumers [but] there’s so much further to go from there.” – Brendan Iribe
  • “Live your life in real-time — live and suffer directly on-screen. Think in real-time — your thought is immediately encoded by the computer. Make your revolution in real-time — not in the street, but in the recording studio. Live out your amorous passions in real time — the whole thing on video from start to finish. Penetrate your body in real-time — endovideoscopy: your own bloodstream, your own viscera as if you were inside them.”
  • “If you’re having a very high-adrenaline, high-movement experience in virtual reality and then all of a sudden you’re back in your office, that disconnect is pretty notable.” – Palmer Luckey
  • “Wisdom of the Ages: “Virtual Reality” A fairly plausible explanation for the abundance of Virtual People running around these days.” – Matthew Heines
  • “In AR, a falling tree makes no sound unless there is a witness to behold the event. Otherwise, it is only a changing pattern in a complex data-stream.” – Mark Cantrell
  • “The first million words are the hardest.” – Francis Hamit
  • “As I currently explore things like augmented and virtual reality, I constantly bring us back to actual bodies in space, real dancers that have physical manifestations not just phantoms that exist in digital space.” – Saya Woolfalk
  • “It could always all be unreal – how could you ever tell otherwise? You took it on trust, in part because what would be the point of doing anything else? When the fake behaved exactly like the real, why treat it as anything different? You gave it the benefit of the doubt until something proved otherwise.” – Iain M. Banks
  • “[Formula One racing] will be very different – as the technology will be very different and that will make fans consume it in a completely different way. I said before that I believe that Virtual Reality will hit it big time.” – Martin Sorrell
  • “I like live audiences, with real people – virtual reality is no substitute.” – Hillary Clinton
  • “Artificial Intelligence is not a Man versus Machine saga; it’s in fact, Man with Machine synergy.” – Sudipto Ghosh
  • “Our senses seem to deceive us into thinking that we live in the material world. Our world is not based on objectively existing particles of matter but it is based on waves of potentiality, that is pure information. Our world is informational. Think of it as an observer-centric virtual reality. Your consciousness is, rather, an optimized meta-algorithmic data stream, a sequence of conscious instants.” – Alex M. Vikoulov
  • “The incredible thing about the technology is that you feel like you’re actually present in another place with other people. People who try it say it’s different from anything they’ve ever experienced in their lives.” – Mark Zuckerberg
  • “It’s too late by the way, with virtual reality. You can’t put the genie back into the bottle.” – Howard Rheingold
  • “Cinema is a technologically mediated dream space, a way to access, a portal to the numinous that unfolded in the fourth dimension, so cinema became sort of a waking dream where we can travel in space and time, where we can travel in mind. This became more than virtual reality, this became a real virtuality.” – Jason Silva
  • “If you just look at the medium and what it’s doing, we are basically broadcasting human senses to your conciseness. We are duplicating perception.” – Chris Milk
  • “People have been willing to alter their perceptions of reality for as long as there have been people, and now, the newest and oldest tools to explore ways for self-transcendence are coming together: Biohacking is on the rise, and psychedelics are now oftentimes used to enhance the experience in virtual reality.” – Alex M. Vikoulov
  • “Was it Laurie Anderson who said that VR would never look real until they learned how to put some dirt in it?” – William Gibson
  • “When virtual reality gets cheaper than dating, society is doomed.” – Scott Adams
  • “Art is the principal way in which the human mind has tried to remake the world in a way that makes sense. The carefully edited, slow-motion, action replay of a rugby tackle, a car crash or a sex act has more significance than the original event. Thanks to virtual reality, we will soon be moving into a world where a heightened super-reality will consist entirely of action replays, and reality will therefore be all the more rich and meaningful.” – J. G. Ballard
  • “Humanity is living in a virtual reality universe, a video game created by a civilization 1,000 to 100,000 years older than the human race. And they themselves are also simulations (virtual reality). These levels of hierarchies can extend to a vast degree above us, creating levels of gods or spirits.” – Laurence Galian
  • “These new technologies try to make virtual reality more powerful than actual reality, which is the true accident. The day when virtual reality becomes more powerful than reality will be the day of the big accident. Mankind never experienced such an extraordinary accident.” – Paul Virilio
  • “Virtual Reality is going to be an important technology. I am pretty confident about this.” – Mark Zuckerberg
  • “Steven Spielberg making a Ready Player One movie is going to change the course of human history as pertains to how quickly virtual reality is adopted. He’s going to show the whole world the potential of VR, which is one of the reasons I think he’s doing it. Once you have to compose for 360 degrees, and a movie is different every time you watch it depending on where you choose to look, it’s like the dawn of a new era.” – Ernest Cline
  • “When I think of cyberpunk, I inevitably relive in my mind the awesomeness that was William Gibson’s pioneering cyberpunk masterpiece, Neuromancer. That book changed the way I looked at science fiction and revitalized the promise it held to the world. Lizard Girl & Ghost comes as close to that experience and that promise as anything I’ve read since.” – Readers’ Favorite
  • “We are now able to create virtual realities on computers. Are we all living in one created by someone in the future?” – Greg Fitzsimmons
  • “I am convinced that this is not going to be an extension of cinema or 3-D cinema or video games. It is something new, different, and not experienced yet. The strange thing here is that normally, in the history of culture, we have new stories and narrations and then we start to develop a tool. Or we have visions of wondrous new architecture—like, let’s say, the museum in Bilbao or the opera house in Sydney—and technology makes it possible to fulfill these dreams. So you have the content first, and then the technology follows suit. In this case, we do have a technology, but we don’t have any clear idea how to fill it with content.” – Werner Herzog
  • “A whole new series of technologies like biotechnology, virtual reality, and super-computerization are appearing now that are leading us away from our nature-based roots.” – Chellis Glendinning
  • “There was a very consistent creation of a virtual reality, and eventually it collided with our old-fashioned, ordinary reality.” – Hans Blix
  • Good to the last byte.
  • Open spaces that matter
  • Welcome to a new world
  • Metaverse, Get Lost in a Livestream
  • Welcome to the future. It's friendly!
  • The World is Your Playground
  • Metaverse: Travel between realms and worlds.
  • There's a place for you at Metaverse
  • Meet Me in the Metaverse.
  • The metaverse of the future will be built on Esperanto.
  • We're making virtual stuff real
  • Metaverse wants to take your digital self to the next level by enhancing and evolving your online experience.
  • There, you got augmented reality
  • Imagination is your only limit
  • Come See What You Can See
  • Meet me at the corner of imagination and reality.
  • We will see it through together.
  • Unlimited creativity in the digital world can be realized with Metaverse.
  • Together with Metaverse, we can change the way we interact with the digital world.
  • Metaverse will provide new experiences and opportunities for creators, gamers, and artists.
  • The virtual world of the metaverse can become a trillion-dollar industry of its own.
  • Metaverse is the successor of the advancement of the internet.
  • The Metaverse is the gateway to most digital experiences.
  • The metaverse can be a key component of all physical experiences.
  • If you've got the time, we've got the space.
  • Welcome to a world you’ve never seen before
  • Touch the past, control the future
  • See the world through your eyes!
  • Be there. Experience it all in 360
  • Introducing the future of adventure. Virtual Reality is here!
  • The possibilities for virtual reality are endless. Have you found your VR destiny?
  • Soar through space and discover new things in virtual reality
  • Virtual reality is a platform of endless possibilities
  • VR transports the viewer into a completely new realm of possibilities
  • Virtual reality: where the world’s greatest storytellers lead the most powerful minds into new frontiers of storytelling
  • Get transported to new worlds through VR
  • A sneak peek at the world within reach
  • Yes, you won’t believe your eyes. #VRrealism
  • How do you make watching the sunrise while floating in space an actual thing?
  • We’re buckling up for VR . . . . and it feels so good
  • Welcome to the .3D world. We’re waiting for you to join us
  • The Future is coming and it’s beautiful
  • The world your imagination invites you to create is almost limitless
  • Merged Reality — the way of the future
  • Virtual reality lets you hang out with people in a whole new way
  • Welcome to an unexpected journey
  • From your imagination to an entire universe, experience the magic of VR
  • Life is a picture, make it beautiful
  • Immerse yourself in limitless space and time
  • Before we were here, VR was there
  • I blinked and I was in another world
  • A gorgeous, new world of possibilities. #vrealities
  • The world is changing, and so are you
  • Explore possibilities, live in the imagination
  • Whatever you can do in real life, you can do it better (and more safely) in a virtual world
  • Life is your VR, play it now
  • Imagine the possibilities when virtual and actual reality meet
  • Be everywhere, see everything
  • Explore it, experience it, own it
  • We’re in the midst of a virtual reality explosion
  • Get ready for the next level
  • The imagination of today, the reality of tomorrow
  • Redefining personalized adventure, redefining the human experience, redefining what’s possible
  • Step inside your dreams
  • Experience what’s yet to come
  • Be there before it even happens
  • A magical and revolutionary device at an unbelievable price.
  • Software for the Open Enterprise
  • Empowered by Innovation
  • Innovator in Electronics
  • Your Partner In Antenna Technology
  • We Make IT Happen.
  • You’ve got questions, we’ve got answers.
  • Your potential. Our passion.
  • Powered by Intellect Driven by Values
  • “As the Internet of things advances, the very notion of a clear dividing line between reality and virtual reality becomes blurred, sometimes in creative ways.” – Geoff Mulgan
  • A Greater Measure of Confidence.
  • A magical and revolutionary device at an unbelievable price.
  • A Virtual World of Live Pictures.
  • Accelerating The Broadband Revolution.
  • Sound Innovation.
  • sound. vision. soul.
  • Sponsors of tomorrow.
  • Strength On Your Side.
  • People Making Technology Work.
  • Taking You Forward.
  • Technology at the Speed of Life.
  • Technology for Innovators.
  • Technology you can trust.
  • The best-run businesses run SAP.
  • Nothing like Anything.
  • Our Customers Connect With Us.
  • Ideas for life.
  • Imagine the Possibilities.
  • In a World of Technology, People Make the Difference.
  • In Touch with Tomorrow.
  • Information-Driven.
  • Innovation and Excellence.
  • Innovation for a Safer World.
  • Creating value through true convergence.
  • Make the most of it now.
  • Good Things. Good technology
  • Experience Full of Ideas
  • Technology made with Trust
  • The Heart of your Tech need
  • Simplified your business
  • Expanding Technology reach
  • Change your Life Today
  • Software full of Performance
  • Tech Freedom, inspire next
  • making Things better
  • Powering you for tomorrow
  • Connecting Better World
  • The Future of Network
  • Serving Information, Serving you
  • Delivering Innovation
  • Working on a digital dream
  • When Tech meets empowerment
  • Ensuring miracles with passion
  • A revolutionary business of people
  • Treat with technology
  • Going further for better
  • Sharing the virtual world
  • Tech for tomorrow
  • Innovation is our partner
  • Inventing Tech for tomorrow
  • Better vision for better connection
  • The perfect digital agent
  • Does Tech or Doesn’t Tech
  • Enhancing the simple
  • Inventing not for business, inventing for tomorrow
  • The Power to be your best
  • Security Made Simple
  • Inspire the Next
  • The Internet Superstore
  • Designed to protect your data.
  • Your challenge is our progress
  • How Big Can You Dream?
  • Powering What’s Next
  • In a World of Technology, People Make the Difference
  • The Power of Choice
  • The document company.
  • Sense and Simplicity
  • Taking You Forward
  • Powering DSP Development
  • The Possibilities are Infinite
  • How Communication Happens
  • Strength on Your Side
  • Imagination at Work
  • Better Sound Through Research
  • Innovation and Excellence in RF & Microwave
  • Focused on excellence.
  • Making great things possible
  • Setting the Standard in Device Programming
  • Building Networks for People
  • To Make Superior Data Management Available and Affordable for All
  • The Leader in Small Space and Rocket Systems
  • The soul of Tech
  • the source of revolution
  • More Tech more possibilities
  • Enhancing experience with enhanced technology
  • The software for the tech heartbeat
  • The future of connections
  • Because it’s done differently
  • Communication made simple
  • Think different to be the best
  • Assurance of standing out
  • The chief of the smallest world
  • Powering future
  • Dream to the power of infinity
  • The ultimate possibility of future
  • Future begins here
  • The goal of Tech
  • Making challenges possible
  • Let’s make IT done
  • The intellectual Tech
  • The essentials of modern Tech
  • The potentials of tomorrow
  • An intellectual imagination
  • Leading the power of a network
  • Creating value with Tech
  • Tech at work
  • “By the end of this decade, computers will disappear as distinct physical objects, with displays built in our eyeglasses, and electronics are woven in our clothing, providing full-immersion visual virtual reality.” – Ray Kurzweil
  • “Commentators frequently blame MMORPGs for an increasing sense of isolation in modern life. But virtual worlds are less a cause of that isolation than a response to it. Virtual worlds give back what has been scooped out of modern life. The virtual world is in important ways more authentically human than the real world. It gives us back community, a feeling of competence, and a sense of being an important person whom people depend on.” – Jonathan Gottschall
  • “The next major technological platform for creative expansion of the mind will be cyberspace, or more specifically the Metaverse, a functional successor to today’s 2D Internet, with virtual places instead of Webpages. The Internet and smartphones have enabled the rapid and cheap sharing of information, immersive computing will be able to provide the same for experiences. That means that just as we can read, listen to, and watch videos of anything we want today, soon we’ll be able to experience stunning lifelike simulations in virtual reality indistinguishable from our physical world. We’ll be walking and actively interacting in the Metaverse, not slavishly staring at the flat screens. We would be able to turn our minds inside out and show our dreams to each other in this ecstadelic matrix of our own making.” – Alex M. Vikoulov
  • “At the same time, one of the things I noticed was that the moment there was any kind of audio attached to virtual reality, it really improved the experience, even though the audio didn’t feel like a sound engineer or composer had been anywhere near it.” – Thomas Dolby
  • “Back in the 1980s, when the internet was only available to a small number of pioneers, I was often confronted by people who feared that the strange technologies I was working on, like virtual reality, might unleash the demons of human nature. For instance, would people become addicted to virtual reality as if it were a drug? Would they become trapped in it, unable to escape back to the physical world where the rest of us live? Some of the questions were silly, and others were prescient.” – Jaron Lanier
  • “If some unemployed punk in New Jersey, can get a cassette to make love to Elle McPherson for $19.95, this virtual reality stuff is going to make crack look like Sanka.” – Dennis Miller
  • “They wore full-coverage raid suits, thick-filtered helmets, their gloves embellished with a ridge of claw-like, upturned hooks along each knuckle, all emblazoned with the logo of Atlas—Greek Titan of Endurance—shouldering the world in a neon blue silhouette.” – Dixon Reuel
  • “As her heart jumped at the alarm and she instinctively snatched up her own backpack from beside her desk, Meliss regretted not having Lauren’s bag to hand. She thought of the clothes stashed away that would still smell of her, the little terrarium that Lauren had painstakingly built inside an old-fashioned light bulb.” – Dixon Reuel
  • “Having had some experience as a sci-fi writer myself, I found Suddenly Paris to be a very nicely written, YA Sci-Fi novel that turns the story of THE MATRIX on its head. It explores the following question. What if, instead of being people trapped in a synthesized dream world, we only think we are real? The ethical and existential questions that go along with computer-generated characters inside a simulation acquiring self-awareness without an awareness that they are living in a simulated world are dealt with in a very entertaining story. Enjoy.” – Richard Phillips
  • “This doesn’t replace television or cinema. Nothing goes away. People said radio was the end of literature and TV was the end of the radio. But we still read books and listen to the radio and watch TV.” – Chris Milk
  • “This is a new medium. It’s an unwritten canvas. People can figure out what a story looks like and an audience can see if they like it. It’s a really unique time.” – Chris Milk
  • “This virtual reality stuff is the technological equivalent, really, of psychedelics.” – Jerry Garcia
  • “I have been around military technology people a lot because of my role in virtual reality I’ve seen weapons from conception to implementation. And there is an extraordinary gadget lust that drives the military. So it’s possible that war is just the ultimate expression of creativity.” – Jaron Lanier
  • “The creation of artificial realities is not much different from how people enjoy today’s movies depicting life in Ancient Egypt, life during the Middle Ages, depiction of various wars, or life during the Renaissance.” – Laurence Galian
  • “It is possible to build a virtual-reality generator whose repertoire includes every possible environment.” – David Deutsch

Cool Metaverse Slogans & Taglines

  • Metaverse, open the universe of virtual reality
  • Come Explore the metaverse!
  • Metaverse is the next-generation 3D Web
  • It's just one big, virtual world out there.
  • Welcome to the metaverse. It's your world.
  • A new way to work, play, and exist.
  • We make the metaverse.
  • What is the metaverse? The future of virtual reality.
  • "There's a million worlds in the sky, but only one sky."
  • When we say we're metaverse, we mean it.
  • The best place to start your 3D life
  • Come for the game, Stay for the community
  • Enhancing playing and communication.
  • Live the moment, live Meta!
  • Welcome to the future.
  • Objects in the mirror are closer than they appear
  • You are now free to explore and enjoy
  • Metaverse, is a digital reality that combines social media, online gaming, augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and cryptocurrency.
  • With Metaverse, you can enter the space between the digital and physical worlds meeting each other.
  • With Metaverse, you can teleport instantly as a hologram.
  • Online interaction can become closer can be built with Metaverse.
  • Metaverse, the convergence of virtually enhanced physical reality, augmented reality, and the internet.
  • Metaverse with real and virtual 3d world coverage will be centered around a fully functioning economy.
  • Virtual amusement park with no size limit only in Metaverse.
  • Unlimited creativity is ready to happen in the world of Metaverse.
  • Together with Metaverse, make technological advancements beyond digital reality.
  • Investing in the Metaverse is like creating a great new world digitally.
  • Metaverse will provide a different experience in the digital world with all the unlimited creative space.
  • Immersive content so real, the truth literally hurts
  • The future is still being written, can you read it?
  • Virtual Reality: Where reality ends and imagination begins
  • The new frontier of gaming is going to make you shit your pants in public places
  • Virtual reality is about to become our new reality
  • The virtual reality revolution is coming
  • Experience the world like never before
  • Immerse yourself in movies and videos in a whole new way
  • VR is a way to experience things you could only dream about
  • Amazing, immersive, inevitable
  • Introducing the next chapter in virtual reality
  • Be a part of something bigger, incredible, and brilliant
  • Head out for some virtual reality fun!
  • We create, innovate and amplify
  • See what others can’t even imagine
  • We build VR experiences that blow your mind—in a good way
  • It’s time to rethink VR
  • Virtual reality will be as real as reality itself
  • Immersive experiences, endless inspiration
  • Put on your VR headset and step into another world
  • The future of interactive entertainment is here
  • Seeing is believing, so find out for yourself
  • Because the world is your playground✨–Get 360 with our virtual reality headsets
  • Shoot, travel, and share like never before. Redefine reality
  • We don’t just want to watch what you do, we want to put you in the story
  • VR immerses you in a new reality where you won’t believe what you feel
  • Get a little closer to the world you live in
  • Live out your wildest virtual reality fantasies here with cutting-edge technology
  • Insert yourself into this 360-degree bubble and escape from reality
  • Let your curiosity lead you into the virtual world
  • Discover a world that is beyond what we see
  • Stay in the moment—with an out-of-the-world VR experience
  • Make the world a better place
  • AR: How's the view from up there?
  • Put yourself in the middle of the action with [your brand]
  • Pushing boundaries is what we do best
  • Get ready to think beyond the screen
  • Experience the world from your couch
  • Step inside our world with just the click of a button
  • For the game-changing experience that grips you
  • Experience the rush of falling with [your brand]
  • Can You Hear Me Now? Good.
  • Simple Solutions for Complex Connections
  • The Programmable Logic Company
  • When Performance Matters
  • Technology for Innovators
  • The Network Is The Computer
  • Has it Changed Your Life Yet?
  • Ready for lifelike experiences that look and feel real?
  • Travel the world and climb the tallest mountains without leaving your living room
  • Great Tech Great Business
  • Your Partner For Innovations
  • Committed for Better Business
  • Tech which makes Sense
  • Invent Today, Do more Tomorrow
  • Empowering your Business Need
  • Connecting Better for Better Vision
  • Vision to Simplified You
  • Simple is more Creative
  • Enhance your Tech need
  • Possibilities meets Technology
  • You Think, We Did
  • Think tech, Choose us
  • Digital Agent for your Business
  • The Perfect Tech Experience
  • More View, Tech View
  • Experience what’s inside.
  • For the next generation of big businesses.
  • Get In the Game.
  • Get more out of now.
  • Great computing starts with Intel inside.
  • Guess whose Mum’s got a Whirlpool.
  • Has it Changed Your Life Yet?
  • One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind
  • It's like looking through a window into your imagination.
  • The power of imagination makes us infinite.
  • How Big Can You Dream?
  • How Communication Happens.
  • Just slightly ahead of our time.
  • Keep on Thinking.
  • Raising the Bar
  • The HP Way Now
  • Solutions for a small planet
  • We Make IT Happen
  • I think therefore IBM.
  • Computers help people help people
  • Making it all make sense
  • Where do you want to go today?
  • Your potential. Our passion
  • Don’t be evil
  • Do the right thing
  • Sponsors of tomorrow
  • Leap Ahead
  • Look Inside
  • Experience What’s Inside
  • The Computer Inside
  • Let’s Live Life Better
  • A Better Life, A Better World
  • Ideas for Life
  • The Essentials of Imaging
  • This is the Power of the Network Now.
  • We are making connectivity easier
  • Circuit Design for the RF Impaired
  • Wireless Made Simple
  • The source for computing and technology
  • We Never Forget Who We’re Working For
  • Leading New ICT, Building a Better-Connected World
  • Creating value through true convergence.
  • Inspiration Technology
  • Our Customers Connect With Us
  • Get In the Game
  • The Infinite Bandwidth Company
  • Driving the Communication Revolution
  • The Future of Memory
  • Keep on Thinking
  • Your potential. Our passion.
  • Innovation and Excellence
  • Changes for the Better
  • Innovation for a Safer World
  • Just slightly ahead of our time
  • Changing the way, we work, live, play, and learn.
  • The Network Works. No Excuses
  • Tomorrow Starts Here
  • Software Powers the Internet.
  • Enabling the Information Age
  • Runs faster. Costs less. And never breaks
  • Where information lives
  • The Sight & Sound of Information
  • We Help You Invent the Future
  • Empowered by Innovation
  • The Leader in Small Space and Rocket Systems
  • “The past isn’t real because it’s history, and the future isn’t because it hasn’t happened yet. I like it, it hints at virtual reality, which I think is how we sort of feel about life sometimes.” – Shura
  • “The creation of artificial realities is not much different from how we enjoy today’s movies depicting life in Ancient Egypt, life during the Middle Ages, a reenactment of wars, or life during the Renaissance. We are living in a virtual reality universe, a video game created by a civilization 1,000 to 100,000 years older than us. And they themselves are also simulations (virtual reality). These levels of hierarchies can extend to a vast degree above us, creating levels of gods or spirits.” – Laurence Galian
  • “Being virtually killed by a virtual laser in a virtual space is just as effective as the real thing, because you are as dead as you think you are.” – Douglas Adams
  • “Commentators frequently blame MMORPGs for an increasing sense of isolation in modern life. But virtual worlds are less a cause of that isolation than a response to it. Virtual worlds give back what has been scooped out of modern life. The virtual world is in important ways more authentically human than the real world. It gives us back community, a feeling of competence, and a sense of being an important person whom people depend on.” – Jonathan Gottschall
  • “She could be anybody and she could pretend to be whoever she wants to be. With social media and internet communications, everything is virtual. Social media is full of fake and sick people deceiving each other and fantasizing to be something they are not.” – Stevan V. Nikolic
  • “Once you have perfect virtual reality, what else are you supposed to perfect?” – Palmer Luckey
  • “In fact, one reason I am interested in developing things in virtual reality is that they’re so fascinating. I can come up with problems that are harder than warfare to take up people’s time.” – Jaron Lanier
  • “I am making an Enlightenment Capsule for the audience to meditate inside – virtual reality in which people can experience ancient ideas from the East… But I’m not interested in using ancient things; rather I want to connect them with contemporary life through the technology we have now.” – Mariko Mori
  • “Virtual Reality is really a new communication platform. By feeling truly present, you can share unbounded spaces and experiences with the people in your life. Imagine sharing not just moments with your friends online, but entire experiences and adventures.” – Mark Zuckerberg
  • “Buzzing at the Sill is from a Theodore Roethke poem called “In a Dark Time.” I’d heard a small part of it in a play, a sort of sci-fi play about morality in a virtual reality universe. Nothing to do with the book precisely, but it was a great play.” – Peter van Agtmael
  • “The believability of virtuality is oft superior to the unrealness of reality” – Vineet Raj Kapoor
  • “Virtual Reality for Formula One could be fantastic – driving the car!” – Martin Sorrell
  • “The simulator is the stage in-between television and virtual reality, a moment, a phase. The simulator is a moment that leads to cyberspace, that is to say, to the process because of which we now have two bottles instead of one. I might not see this virtual bottle, but I can feel it. It is settled within reality. This explains why the word virtual reality is more important than the word cyberspace, which is more poetic.” – Paul Virilio
  • “We find ourselves in a historical moment of pervasive mediocrity. Fuelled by basic human drives – flights from death and boredom – the new technologies, bright and all-consuming, increasingly blur the lines between direct experience and representation. A photograph of an apple is not food and the Internet has neither scent nor texture.” – Jonathan S. Simons
  • “Mind instantiates oneself into the matter. In a mathematical sense, the matter is an “in-formed” pattern of mind. Time is emergent, and so is space. If space-time is emergent, so is mass-energy. All interactions in our physical world are computed by the larger consciousness system. In short, the mind is more fundamental than matter. All realities are observer-centric virtualities.” – Alex M. Vikoulov
  • “There is some art that says the same thing to everybody. WE need something like that. What that is, I don’t know. But the virtual reality may be the key to it.” – Jerry Garcia
  • “I believe that Virtual Reality will hit it big time. I know that some of my colleagues disagree, but I believe in it.” – Martin Sorrell
  • “Disengage,” she whispered, pulling the red tab on her wristband. Immediately Avery’s weapons were rendered inactive and she became invisible to everyone in the augmented reality game, able to do nothing except walking back to the staging room until she reactivated. It was like she wasn’t even there like she’d suddenly erased herself. Which was exactly how she felt.” – Katharine McGee
  • “Photography is a kind of virtual reality, and it helps if you can create the illusion of being in an interesting world.” – Steven Pinker
  • “When some dream only of transforming the world, others, regarding it as having disappeared, dream only of obliterating its traces.”
  • “Virtual reality is a truly immersive medium and the level of graphics, already quite strong, will only continue to get better and better. You really feel like you are someplace else…and what you see, what you experience, impacts your brain. So there are major implications here, to societal structure, to democracy to the way in which we interact with each other. To the nature of love, to the nature of sexuality.” – Brett Leonard
  • “I started looking at small companies that were running a sort of virtual reality cottage industry: I had imagined that I would just put on a helmet and be somewhere else – that’s your dream of what it’s going to be.” – Thomas Dolby
  • “If you ask me, our planet and our entire lives are a [virtual] construct of our own minds and the mind at large. If we were to decode the COVID-19 message coming from the transcendent realm, I would approximate it as: ‘The next phase of human evolution is clearly in the cards now: Consuming synthetic meat and being open to the connectivity explosion with immersive virtual worlds not for escapism but for expansion of the human creative imagination should become a conscientious choice for billions. The ‘Cradle Age’ is almost over.” – Alex M. Vikoulov
  • “In an increasingly Virtual world, audience interaction, not content, is King!” – Clyde c Desouza
  • “Virtual reality is a self-created form of chosen reality. Therefore it exists.” – Joan Lowery Nixon
  • “Virtual reality might be able to give you a way of doing hands-on to construct ideas in a computer.” – Owsley Stanley
  • “How did you . . . pass the time?’ Sunday asked. ‘You couldn’t just ching out of it, could you?’ ‘We had a different form of chinging,’ Eunice said. ‘An earlier type of virtual-reality technology, much more robust and completely unaffected by the time lag. You may have heard of it. We called it “reading”.” – Alastair Reynolds
  • “Traveling While Black’ is about empathy, what African Americans experience in traveling throughout America, and how it hasn’t changed that much from the past. If it can be experienced in virtual reality, then perhaps some empathy can be gained.” – Roger Ross Williams
  • “Virtual reality is the representation of possible worlds and possible selves, with the aim of making them appear as real as possible – ideally, by creating a subjective sense of “presence” and full immersion in the user.” – Thomas Metzinger
  • “Objects and their functions no longer had any significance. All I perceived was perception itself, the hell of forms and figures devoid of human emotion and detached from the reality of my unreal environment. I was an instrument in a virtual world that constantly renewed its own meaningless image in a living world that was itself perceived outside of nature. And since the appearance of things was no longer definitive but limitless, this paradisiacal awareness freed me from the reality external to myself. The fire and the rose, as it were, became one.” – Federico Fellini
  • “There may be a jump on electronic LSD with virtual reality, and the problem just with saying LSD, enough time has gone by that there is no distinction between psychedelics and other drugs.” – Howard Rheingold
  • “We experience virtual reality on most nights while we are asleep, through our dreams.” – Rajesh
  • “It was like the old question that film The Matrix was based upon: how can you tell whether you’re just a brain in a jar, experiencing a sophisticated virtual-reality program that is flawless in its execution?”
  • “Today, the best way to communicate with someone is still face-to-face. Virtual reality has the potential to change that, to make it where VR communication is as good or better than face-to-face communications, because not only do you get all the same human cues as real-world communication, you basically suspend the laws of physics, you can do whatever you want, you can be wherever you want.” – Palmer Luckey
  • “Virtual reality has nothing on Calvin.” – Bill Watterson
  • “Leading scientists and philosophers such as Nick Bostrom, contend that if an advanced civilization created us, most probably this ‘advanced civilization’ is also a creation of an, even more, advance civilization.” – Laurence Galian
  • “Cyberspace is an accident of the real. Virtual reality is the accident of reality itself.” – Paul Virilio
  • “Feeding our senses a stimulus that is so similar to what we see in reality, that we interpret it as reality. In all other mediums, your consciousness is interpreting a medium to go to my site. But in VR there is no gap. You aren’t internalizing it. You are internal in it. It’s a quantum leap in mediums because the medium is disappearing.” – Chris Milk
  • “VR is a way to escape the real world into something more fantastic. It has the potential to be the most social technology of all time.” – Palmer Luckey

Funny Metaverse Slogans & Taglines

  • The world is your oyster.
  • Your phone knows where you are. But where's your phone?
  • Detecting Us. Augmenting You.
  • Lose yourself in the moment
  • Get ready, all you have to do is strap it on
  • AR! What's that?
  • Reality Check
  • Wear the future on your face
  • Soon there will be 2 kinds of people. Those who use computers, and those who use Apples.
  • Better by Adobe.
  • Can You Hear Me Now? Good.
  • “Did you enjoy killing me, your honour?” – A.J. Reid
  • “Virtual reality is just air guitar writ large.” – Robert J. Sawyer
  • “I don’t want to fool people. If I wanted to do that, I would be working with virtual reality. I want to operate on the other level, the other end of the illusion spectrum. I want to create the worst possible illusions so it doesn’t really fool people, but instead, give people a measure of their own belief. It makes them aware of how much they need to be fooled in order to understand the world around them.” – Vik Muniz
  • “It had been bound to happen. If anything, technology created a space for the strange and the afraid. Some would argue that the environment had created those people, but I doubted that. Those who flocked to technology as a place to hide and to fit in would have found something else, but instead, they found another life.” – J.P. Carver
  • “It would be nice if we could design a virtual reality in Hyperbolic Space, and meet each other there.” – Donald Knuth
  • “The thing that excites me about these informational technologies is I think we are going to be able to use virtual reality to show each other the insides of our own heads.” – Terence McKenna
  • Oh, you have an iPhone. Me too. I have an iPhone too.
  • Detects that you are an actual human, for a change
  • Made by Zombies, and now also made for Zombies
  • I am good with a switch
  • Regular face, irregular wearer
  • It's what's inside that matters.
  • It's basically a cardboard box that uses your smartphone to make stuff show up inside the box
  • You see that mountain over there?
  • Be my doppelganger
  • You are now looking at a spoon
  • Where's the beef?
  • It's a trap
  • Now you see me, now you don't
  • Images may take time to load.
  • Your body and soul are covered in augmented reality.
  • I want my Augmented Reality!
  • Filters let you see the world with different eyes, like
  • Say "Hello" to the little friend
  • You can look at me. But you can't have me.
  • We're the ones who float your Titanic
  • The face you make when you drink Diet Coke.
  • Daily for the past two years
  • Virtual reality? For the real world
  • Daydream believer
  • For a better tomorrow...today!
  • Virtual reality is here ... and you're looking at me
  • You Don't Have to be VR to love VR
  • You are the controller
  • The only good VR is no VR at all.
  • Compare Reality to Virtual Reality
  • It's All Geek to Me
  • This isn't virtual reality. It's better. It's real life.
  • Throw your hands in the air
  • Pinch to zoom... Tap to fly.
  • Laugh, Learn & Live in your Virtual World
  • No Zombies in Zone.
  • Go Digital or Go Home
  • Pinch me I think I'm dreaming
  • Just another VR company
  • The Funnest Game Ever
  • Look around. You're in a different world!
  • Get Your Own Reality
  • There's no place like Aloha.
  • I am about to have an out of body experience.
  • Yes. We have no bananas. But we do have the Internet.
  • VR. Beat bored.
  • Virtual vaction... just add goggles!
  • Virtual reality. In other words, make believe.
  • What Reality leave behind!
  • How real can you get?
  • Feed your head
  • Out of sight, but not out of mind.
  • In a World of Its Own
  • Double your fun
  • Virtual reality is better with goggles! So wear them.
  • VR in one hand, high-end on the other
  • Visualize whirled peas
  • Connected. Immersed. Transported.
  • Why talk to a stranger when you can chat with someone you know.
  • It's "REAL"!
  • VR... no pain no gain
  • The world is 2D, but it can't offer a 3D experience
  • Don't get bent out of shape
  • Throw away real reality
  • 300-pound Gorillas may be called Alpha.
  • Have your cake and eat it too
  • Be careful what you wish for
  • Explore strange new worlds
  • A VR chest pain will still hurt
  • Don't stop believing
  • The world is your oyster.
  • Forget reality. Just do it
  • One step closer to reality… Ha ha ha!
  • Squeeze real life in and it's gone.
  • The future is already here. It's just not widely available
  • When reality is not enough
  • This is how the world looks from a chair
  • If you build it, they will come.
  • Epic just got easier
  • Wear the mouse in business, or become the doughnut
  • imagine what you can do with the support
  • Virtual reality? Yes, it exists.
  • Game On!
  • Virtual Reality, We Try Harder
  • Enjoy a new world of reality.
  • It's like real, but it's not
  • The power of imagination makes us infinite.
  • Virtual. Simulated. Artificial. Purely fictitious.
  • You think it, we'll VR it
  • For men who'd rather go fishing.
  • When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro
  • Step down the rabbit hole
  • Game Over. Insert Quarter to Play Again
  • Right now, virtual reality is a little bit like drugs...you know, everybody's talking about it
  • There are no ads in virtual reality.
  • Virtual reality glasses are the new black
  • Step into the matrix...
  • Now with more pixels!
  • We don't make video games. We make magic
  • Your visual space is your physical space
  • When you see the world through rose-colored glasses
  • Just keeping my head in the clouds
  • Think we're kidding?
  • The only thing we haven't augmented is our prices
  • Wear your tech!
  • Smile! You're in a Dual Camera.
  • Capture the Moment
  • AR Announces New CEO
  • Kisses for your eyes, kisses for your cheeks!
  • Under the sea? Behind you.
  • If you can't see it, you're wearing it.
  • Hold it up to the light
  • Can't see the beer?
  • It's not TV. It's Augmented Reality
  • Augmented Reality. It's less intrusive than reality.
  • AR. Just like in real life
  • You eat the picture, we supply the burger
  • We see what you're doing ___
  • Siri has been upgraded.
  • Snap, Pinch, Close.
  • The future is already here. It's just not very evenly distributed.
  • You look so real, I could kiss you.
  • you got 2 see it to believe it
  • All the things you thought were just your imagination
  • Out of sight, out of mind.
  • Let your phone replace the monitor.
  • I see what you are saying
  • Keeping your kids safe in the augmented reality jungle.
  • A phone that's not afraid of salt
  • Look people! It's mobile!"
  • Why settle for a few images when you can have many?
  • Merge realities. Enhance the real world with virtual data
  • Just another app.
  • Chill out...shake hands with a Tiger
  • Help Me Obi Wan Karpenter
  • Our augmented reality technology is cool enough to freeze your yogurt!
  • It's the augmented reality game that goes beyond Pokémon GO.
  • Don't get caught in the dark, find the light.
  • I am looking through you.
  • Holding the future of real in your hands
  • The Ultimate Reality Enhancer
  • Augmented Reality. In your face.
  • AR Apps Are Us
  • AR, you had me at selfie.
  • You use the cube, We'll use you!
  • Sending people to different places.
  • We weren't born better, we were born smarter.
  • Everyone is unique, like a fingerprint
  • Snap, Crackle and Pop.
  • Hold your phone up to the sky and the app gives you a selfie on the moon
  • Reality escapes you whenever necessary
  • I am your eyes!
  • Augmented reality just got realer.
  • There's an app for that.
  • Step This Way
  • Get it. If you can't find it, create it
  • After hours, steer clear.
  • It's not glass, it's liquid photo booth
  • It's the only virtual you can eat.
  • Augmented Reality... Helping you see the world in a whole new way
  • We Augment Reality
  • The real world is yours
  • See beyond to believe.
  • If a cow offered you a muffin, would you take it?
  • Holographic content. Holographic brands. And a mirror
  • Imagine navigating your world with Sam.
  • Can you guess what's hidden here?
  • You can touch me now.
  • It's what's not there that makes us
  • Find us - we're behind you.
  • You look so good, it's creepy.
  • Look at this and you will see something odd
  • Augmented reality does not exist.
  • Picture on the Internet
  • You will see it when you believe it
  • See the world without leaving your seat.
  • Feel like your working in the matrix
  • Avatar Reality
  • Squeeze it twice, it eats twice.
  • The future is coming at you fast
  • see the world, through baby eyes
  • Imagine what your world would be like if you had Eyesight.
  • Let's play, but let's not fight
  • Going a little nutty?
  • Moving people - Moving ideas
  • Rolling eyes!!!

Short Slogans & Taglines

  • Hacked Reality
  • Welcome Aboard
  • Imagine a world....
  • Anything, Anywhere, Anytime
  • Metaverse. Enhance. Evolve.
  • Get REAL
  • You're in the right place
  • How are you doing?
  • That's Incredible!
  • We try harder.
  • You are aware, aren't you?
  • Be your own hero.
  • We see things differently
  • Let's get started
  • That's magical!
  • Augment your perception
  • Life in 360 degrees!
  • Open up your world
  • The Future is Here
  • Get immersed in 3D with VR
  • 3-D is just the beginning
  • Have fun and watch it grow
  • Let’s go virtual
  • Be there in a blink
  • Ready, set, experience
  • Gear Up, space is a place
  • We are the future!
  • Pushing limits with brilliance
  • Taking Tech to the new level
  • Serving and connecting with IT
  • Innovation for a business treat
  • Empowering change empowering Tech
  • Tech without excuses
  • Enabling the age of Tech
  • Make belief in building business
  • Increasing the velocity of Tech
  • Mechanism of making history
  • The source of modern future
  • The farmhouse of IT
  • It’s what we do.
  • We make it real
  • The future of #VR is here
  • Connecting people
  • One-stop solutions
  • Infinite possibilities
  • Values and intellect
  • Technology made simple
  • The power of potential
  • Make a new Better way
  • A day full of Excellence
  • Do More. Be More
  • Tech need Simplified
  • Empowering Tomorrow
  • Digitally Sure
  • Ensuring Futures
  • Change is Miracles
  • Experience the impossible
  • So powerful, it’s scary
  • Your ticket to a new world
  • Turn your world inside out
  • Let VR take you there
  • Digitally Yours.
  • A better way.
  • Choose Freedom.
  • Committed to People, Committed to the Future.
  • Hello Moto.
  • Connecting People.
  • Be Direct.
  • Wireless Made Simple
  • Network Assurance
  • Get more out of now.
  • Get In the Game
  • Serving Information. Simply.
  • People Making Technology Work
  • Experience IT.
  • Changes for the Better
  • The Future of Memory
  • Pushing Limits
  • Information Driven
  • We make sure.
  • Who’s There Moto.
  • Your Vision, Our Future.
  • Our Passion, Your Business
  • Revolutionary Step for Revolutionary Business
  • Make your Day Today
  • Tech for Business Treat
  • Go Further for more
  • Innovation in Every Step
  • be BEtter Today
  • Serving IT to Served you
  • Connecting Business Need with IT
  • Sharing Innovation for life
  • Feel the Tech
  • Virtual World for a Virtual need
  • The technology works for Tomorrow
  • Helping Business With Tech
  • Your Vision, Our Tech
  • Take the World at new Level
  • Tech Soul for your Business
  • Power of Next Generation
  • Inspiring Tech Needs for Business
  • Digitally Yours.
  • Do the right thing.
  • Don’t do evil.
  • Virtual Reality: where reality isn't
  • Empowered by Innovation.
  • Empowering People.
  • Empowering the Internet generation.
  • Enabling the information age.
  • Engineered for Life.
  • Evolve Wisely.
  • Expanding Possibilities.
  • Experience IT.
  • Be Direct.
  • Power to you.
  • Power, beauty and soul.
  • Powered by Intellect, Driven by Values.
  • Powering What’s Next.
  • Purely You.
  • Pushing Limits.
  • Quietly Brilliant.
  • Raising the Bar.
  • Know How.
  • Leap Ahead.
  • Let’s Make Things Better.
  • Life is Good.
  • Like.no.other.
  • Listening, Answering.
  • Look inside.
  • Think.
  • Make. Believe.
  • Innovator in Electronics.
  • Inspiration technology.
  • Inspire the Next.
  • Intelligence Everywhere.
  • Invent.
  • Think Different
  • The computer for the rest of us
  • What’s on your PowerBook?
  • Think outside the box.
  • Get a Mac
  • Invent
  • Make it matter
  • Connecting People
  • Consider It Solved
  • Evolve Wisely
  • Listening, Answering
  • Timing is everything
  • Technology for innovators.
  • Extending your reach.
  • Extending your reach with innovation.
  • Forward Thinking
  • Future Outlook
  • Building Businesses
  • Micron Technology Slogan
  • Performance. Power. Reliability
  • Make believe
  • The One and Only
  • Be direct
  • Get more out of now
  • Innovation
  • Serving Information. Simply
  • Technology at the Speed of Life
  • Network Assurance
  • Tech is True
  • “Books are the original virtual reality.” – Marushia Dark

Guide: How To Come Up With A Slogan For Your Business

Why Is Your Slogan Important?

Slogans are critical when doing any sort of marketing or advertising for your business.

Your slogan's role is to help the customer understand the benefits of your product/service - so it's important to find a catchy and effective slogan name.

Often times, your slogan can even be more important than the name of your brand.


Because your slogan has the ability to show your customer the type of commitment you have to them and also tells them exactly what your brand stands for.

So, let's dive into all of the critical pieces to coming up with a great slogan for your brand.

6 Tips For Creating A Catchy Slogan

1. Keep it short, simple and avoid difficult words

Similar to naming your business, your slogan should be short and simple.

A great rule of thumb is that your slogan should be under 10 words. This will make it easy for your customer to understand and remember.

2. Tell what you do and focus on what makes you different

This is a very important piece - and a lot of brands miss the ball and explaining what it is that makes them unique and different from the next competitor.

There are a few different ways you can incorporate what makes your business special in your slogan:

  • Explain the target customer you are catering your services towards
  • What problem do you solve?
  • How do you make other people, clients or your employer look good?
  • Do you make people more successful? How?

3. Be consistent

Chances are, if you're coming up with a slogan, you may already have your business name, logo, mission, branding etc.

It's important to create a slogan that is consistent with all of the above.

This will help when advertising your business and creating a powerful website.

4. Ensure the longevity of your slogan

Times are changing quickly, and so are businesses.

When coming up with your slogan, you may want to consider creating something that is timeless, and won't just fade with new trends.

Try to avoid using terms like "we are the only" and anything with the word "technology," because your statement could be contradicted at any moment.

5. Consider your audience

When finding a catchy slogan name, you'll want to make sure that this resonates across your entire audience.

It's possible that your slogan could make complete sense to your audience in Europe, but may not resonate with your US audience.

The confusion could be due to language barriers or cultural differences - so you will want to determine who your audience is, and how this could be perceived.

6. Get feedback!

This is one of the easiest ways to know if your slogan will be perceived well, and a step that a lot of brands drop the ball on.

Ask friends, family, strangers and most importantly, those that are considered to be in your target market.

Here's a few ways you can ask for feedback:

  • Ask for feedback on a Facebook group
  • Subreddits
  • Niche forums
  • Twitter communities
  • Meetups
  • Product Hunt
  • Test a few different slogan(s) on Facebook Ads and see what performs best
  • Ask a stranger at your coffee shop!

Examples of Great Slogans And Taglines

Needing a little inspo? We put together a list of some of the best slogans and taglines of all times.

Each phrase offers all the key aspects we discussed above - short, simple, unique, consistent, timeless and targeted to their specific niche.

Here they are:

  1. Adidas – Impossible is nothing
  2. Ajax – Stronger than dirt
  3. Airbnb – Belong anywhere
  4. Alka Seltzer – I can't believe I ate the whole thing
  5. Allstate – You're in good hands
  6. American Express – Don't leave home without it
  7. Apple – Think different
  8. Avis – We try harder
  9. BMW – The ultimate driving machine
  10. Bounty – The quicker picker-upper
  11. Burger King – Have it your way
  12. Campbell's Soup – Mmm, mmm good!
  13. Capital One – What's in your wallet?
  14. Chevrolet – The heartbeat of America
  15. Clairol – Does she or doesn't she?
  16. Coca-Cola – Open happiness
  17. De Beers – A diamond is forever
  18. Disneyland – The happiest place on earth
  19. Dunkin' Donuts – America runs on Dunkin'
  20. Energizer – It keeps going… and going… and going
  21. Facebook – Move fast and break things
  22. Fed-Ex - When it absolutely, positively has to be there overnight
  23. Frosted Flakes – They're grrrrrrreat!
  24. Gatorade – Is it in you?
  25. Geico – So easy a caveman can do it
  26. General Electric – We bring good things to life
  27. Google – Don't be evil
  28. John Deere – Nothing runs like a deer
  29. Kay Jewelers – Every kiss begins with Kay


Creating a memorable slogan does not have to be difficult, as long as you follow these steps and stay true to your brand and mission.

We hope this list of slogans + guide helped. Good luck!

Visit Starter Story for more insight on how to start your business!

meet the author
Pat Walls

I'm Pat Walls and I created Starter Story - a website dedicated to helping people start businesses. We interview entrepreneurs from around the world about how they started and grew their businesses.