1,000+ Trendy Lipstick Business Instagram Name Ideas [2024]
Like other social platforms, Instagram now plays a pivotal role in business strategy and growth.
Did you know that 71% of US businesses use Instagram and the platform helps 80% of Instagram users decide to buy a product or service?
Finding a good Instagram handle and account name for your lipstick business is a critical step in establishing your brand and growing your audience.
Because your Instagram name defines how your customers will discover and search for you, so it’s important you choose a unique Instagram page name that you'll stick with forever.
In this article, we provide you with:
- 1,000+ trendy lipstick business instagram name ideas [2024]
- Free Instagram name availability check (+ Twitter, Tik-Tok, Youtube, Website & Pinterest Name Availability Check)
- Step-by-step guide on how to choose a cool Instagram name
Here's a list of creative lipstick business Instagram names you can choose from:
Lipstick Business Instant Instagram Availability Checker
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Instagram Username Generator
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Our free tool allows you to get username inspiration + check availability for your username.
Lipstick Business Instagram Username Ideas:
Catchy lipstick business Instagram usernames
- Fit For Queen (@fitforqueen)
- Saturation (@saturation)
- Red Pancake (@redpancake)
- Beauty Hub (@beautyhub)
- The War Paint (@thewarpaint)
- Lip Tint Co. (@liptintco)
- Plumper (@plumper)
- Lip Blusher (@lipblusher)
- Undertones (@undertones)
- The Nude Balm (@thenudebalm)
- Pinkish Red (@pinkishred)
- The Orange Cosmetic (@theorangecosmetic)
- Applied Pro (@appliedpro)
- Fresh Application (@freshapplication)
- Pure Pink (@purepink)
- Pearly (@pearly)
- The Vogue (@thevogue)
- Whisper (@whisper)
- Infused Lips (@infusedlips)
- The Jonah (@thejonah)
- Enough Red (@enoughred)
- Glitch (@glitch)
- Sever (@sever)
- High Alert (@highalert)
- Naughty Nude (@naughtynude)
- Red Level (@redlevel)
- The Smudged Proof (@thesmudgedproof)
- Muah (@muah)
- Smooth Smooch (@smoothsmooch)
- Naughty Lite (@naughtylite)
- The Neon (@theneon)
- The Rosy Lips (@therosylips)
- Real Red (@realred)
- Code (@code)
- Under Cover (@undercover)
- Frown (@frown)
- Coincide (@coincide)
- Harmonize (@harmonize)
- Tally Toe (@tallytoe)
- Corrective (@corrective)
- The Attractive Look (@theattractivelook)
- Harmonized (@harmonized)
- Approach (@approach)
- Perfect Pout (@perfectpout)
- Peachy Lips (@peachylips)
- Lip Touch (@liptouch)
- Squared (@squared)
- Sweet (@sweet)
- Fixity Tones (@fixitytones)
- Look A Like (@lookalike)
- Soft Touch (@softtouch)
- The Glare (@theglare)
- Rose (@rose)
- Miss Patricia (@misspatricia)
- Color Code (@colorcode)
- Cloud (@cloud)
- Light (@light)
- Bright and Bold (@brightandbold)
- Fresh Lip Bar (@freshlipbar)
Cool lipstick business Instagram usernames
- Lip Stain (@lipstain)
- Cherry Wine (@cherrywine)
- Blood Red (@bloodred)
- Maroon Mama (@maroonmama)
- Rusty (@rusty)
- Foxy Pink (@foxypink)
- Deep Tones (@deeptones)
- Loud Color (@loudcolor)
- Bold Beauty (@boldbeauty)
- Soft Bar (@softbar)
- Fabricated (@fabricated)
- Hush (@hush)
- Soft Glam (@softglam)
- Catchy (@catchy)
- Pup Lip (@puplip)
- Peachy Pout (@peachypout)
- Boss Group (@bossgroup)
- Orange Mascara Pro (@orangemascarapro)
- Purplish Mascara Group (@purplishmascaragroup)
- GreenLipstick (@greenlipstick)
- Purplish Rouge (@purplishrouge)
- The Enough Lip Rouge (@theenoughliprouge)
- CrimsonLipstick (@crimsonlipstick)
- Soft Boss (@softboss)
- The Mauve Blusher (@themauveblusher)
- The Pink Eyeliner (@thepinkeyeliner)
- Loud Lippie (@loudlippie)
- BrighterLipstick (@brighterlipstick)
- The Crimson Eyeshadow (@thecrimsoneyeshadow)
- Light Lip (@lightlip)
- The Fresh (@thefresh)
- The Shiny Red (@theshinyred)
- Hear it Lipstick (@hearitlipstick)
- Heavy (@heavy)
- Moist Lip Rouge Group (@moistliprougegroup)
- The Iridescent Eyeshadow (@theiridescenteyeshadow)
- Lasting Nail Varnish Group (@lastingnailvarnishgroup)
- Eyeshadow Place (@eyeshadowplace)
- The Favorite (@thefavorite)
- FlavoredLipstick (@flavoredlipstick)
- Gaudy (@gaudy)
- Moist Blusher Place (@moistblusherplace)
- MagentaLipstick (@magentalipstick)
- Crimson (@crimson)
- Little Lippy (@littlelippy)
- Little Lacquer (@littlelacquer)
- Blue Mascara (@bluemascara)
- Applied Blusher Spot (@appliedblusherspot)
- BronzeLipstick (@bronzelipstick)
- The Shiny (@theshiny)
- The Lasting (@thelasting)
- ColorlessLipstick (@colorlesslipstick)
- Blusher Pro (@blusherpro)
- Fresh Lip Rouge (@freshliprouge)
- The Vivid (@thevivid)
- Smudged Eyeshadow Group (@smudgedeyeshadowgroup)
- Ticked it Lipstick (@tickeditlipstick)
- The Gaudy Red (@thegaudyred)
- Red Spot (@redspot)
Cute lipstick business Instagram usernames
- Sheer Nail Varnish Spot (@sheernailvarnishspot)
- The Gaudy Eyeshadow (@thegaudyeyeshadow)
- Pale Boss Trading Co (@palebosstradingco)
- Gaudy Mascara Place (@gaudymascaraplace)
- Frosted (@frosted)
- Landfill Lipstick (@landfilllipstick)
- More (@more)
- Blue (@blue)
- The Excess Eyeliner (@theexcesseyeliner)
- The Garish (@thegarish)
- Green (@green)
- Blusher Collective (@blushercollective)
- Boss Place (@bossplace)
- Missed it Lipstick (@misseditlipstick)
- The Much (@themuch)
- Frosty Rouge Group (@frostyrougegroup)
- Beige Lip Gloss Group (@beigelipglossgroup)
- Glossy Mascara Place (@glossymascaraplace)
- GlossyLipstick (@glossylipstick)
- Blusher Place (@blusherplace)
- Kinship Lipstick (@kinshiplipstick)
- The Coral (@thecoral)
- Blusher Co (@blusherco)
- AppliedLipstick (@appliedlipstick)
- DeepLipstick (@deeplipstick)
- NiceLipstick (@nicelipstick)
- The Scarlet Blusher (@thescarletblusher)
- The Indelible Rouge (@theindeliblerouge)
- The Blue Nail Varnish (@thebluenailvarnish)
- MuchLipstick (@muchlipstick)
- The Colorless Blusher (@thecolorlessblusher)
- Lasting Lippy (@lastinglippy)
- Flavored (@flavored)
- SheerLipstick (@sheerlipstick)
- Dip shit Lipstick (@dipshitlipstick)
- Glossy Red Pro (@glossyredpro)
- Expensive (@expensive)
- Red Group (@redgroup)
- The Red (@thered)
- Fresh Rouge Pro (@freshrougepro)
- Red Place (@redplace)
- Beige Eyeshadow Spot (@beigeeyeshadowspot)
- Green Blusher Place (@greenblusherplace)
- ScarletLipstick (@scarletlipstick)
- Proof (@proof)
- The Pink (@thepink)
- The Moist (@themoist)
- Eyeliner Pro (@eyelinerpro)
- VividLipstick (@vividlipstick)
- Lasting Labret (@lastinglabret)
- Lipstick pink Lipstick (@lipstickpinklipstick)
- The Indelible Red (@theindeliblered)
- The Little (@thelittle)
- Waxy Blusher Co (@waxyblusherco)
- EngineLipstick (@enginelipstick)
- Loud Eyeshadow (@loudeyeshadow)
- MauveLipstick (@mauvelipstick)
- White Red Trading Co (@whiteredtradingco)
- The Heavy Lip Gloss (@theheavylipgloss)
Best lipstick business Instagram usernames
- Eyeliner Collective (@eyelinercollective)
- More Boss (@moreboss)
- The Soft (@thesoft)
- Nice Lip Rouge (@niceliprouge)
- Ruby Lip Gloss Group (@rubylipglossgroup)
- Mauve (@mauve)
- Purplish (@purplish)
- ExpensiveLipstick (@expensivelipstick)
- Excess Boss Group (@excessbossgroup)
- The Brightest (@thebrightest)
- Mulga bill Lipstick (@mulgabilllipstick)
- Frosty Lip Rouge (@frostyliprouge)
- The Coral Lip Gloss (@thecorallipgloss)
- The Pale Lip Gloss (@thepalelipgloss)
- Shiny Lip Rouge Collective (@shinyliprougecollective)
- Soft Mascara Co (@softmascaraco)
- Moist Blusher (@moistblusher)
- Lasting Lip Gloss (@lastinglipgloss)
- Eyeliner Co (@eyelinerco)
- Vivid Blusher Trading Co (@vividblushertradingco)
- The Applied (@theapplied)
- Mascara Group (@mascaragroup)
- Lasting Lightener (@lastinglightener)
- Bright (@bright)
- Bronze Red Pro (@bronzeredpro)
- Eyeshadow Pro (@eyeshadowpro)
- The Maroon Rouge (@themaroonrouge)
- Blue Rouge Pro (@bluerougepro)
- Coral (@coral)
- PinkLipstick (@pinklipstick)
- Lip Gloss Group (@lipglossgroup)
- Lasting Lip (@lastinglip)
- Lasting Lip Rouge (@lastingliprouge)
- Lip Rouge Collective (@liprougecollective)
- Red Pro (@redpro)
- The Brightest Boss (@thebrightestboss)
- Excess Eyeliner (@excesseyeliner)
- The Light (@thelight)
- Vivid (@vivid)
- Loud Labial Artery (@loudlabialartery)
- Darker Rouge Pro (@darkerrougepro)
- Expensive Nail Polish Trading Co (@expensivenailpolishtradingco)
- Boss Trading Co (@bosstradingco)
- Magenta Eyeliner (@magentaeyeliner)
- Rouge Pro (@rougepro)
- The Excess (@theexcess)
- Expensive Eyeliner (@expensiveeyeliner)
- Rouge Red Trading Co (@rougeredtradingco)
- Submit Lipstick (@submitlipstick)
- Light Lippie (@lightlippie)
- Frosty (@frosty)
- MaroonLipstick (@maroonlipstick)
- Pink Lip Rouge Co (@pinkliprougeco)
- MoistLipstick (@moistlipstick)
- Dark Blusher Pro (@darkblusherpro)
- Fun dip Lipstick (@fundiplipstick)
- The Iridescent (@theiridescent)
- Light Lip Balm (@lightlipbalm)
- The Rosy (@therosy)
Unique lipstick business Instagram usernames
- Lip Gloss Trading Co (@lipglosstradingco)
- Wear Lip Gloss Pro (@wearlipglosspro)
- ThickLipstick (@thicklipstick)
- Brightest (@brightest)
- Nail Polish Group (@nailpolishgroup)
- The Purple Red (@thepurplered)
- Lasting Rouge (@lastingrouge)
- Admit Lipstick (@admitlipstick)
- Blusher Group (@blushergroup)
- Enough Red Collective (@enoughredcollective)
- Pink (@pink)
- Eyeshadow Co (@eyeshadowco)
- The Purplish (@thepurplish)
- Wear Nail Varnish (@wearnailvarnish)
- Applied Boss (@appliedboss)
- Nail Polish Co (@nailpolishco)
- The Bronze Red (@thebronzered)
- Colorless (@colorless)
- Misfit Lipstick (@misfitlipstick)
- Lasting Labial Artery (@lastinglabialartery)
- The Wear Nail Varnish (@thewearnailvarnish)
- Scarlet (@scarlet)
- FuchsiaLipstick (@fuchsialipstick)
- Sheer Eyeshadow Co (@sheereyeshadowco)
- FrostedLipstick (@frostedlipstick)
- The Deep (@thedeep)
- Miss this Lipstick (@missthislipstick)
- The Orange (@theorange)
- The Lasting (@thelasting)
- Blue Blusher (@blueblusher)
- Loud Lippy (@loudlippy)
- The Loud (@theloud)
- Sheer Boss Group (@sheerbossgroup)
- Bright Boss Place (@brightbossplace)
- Dark Red Collective (@darkredcollective)
- Crimson Eyeliner (@crimsoneyeliner)
- Little Labial Artery (@littlelabialartery)
- PaleLipstick (@palelipstick)
- Brilliant (@brilliant)
- Pink Red (@pinkred)
- SmudgedLipstick (@smudgedlipstick)
- Eyeshadow Group (@eyeshadowgroup)
- Loud Lip Rouge (@loudliprouge)
- Rosy (@rosy)
- Lip Rouge Spot (@liprougespot)
- The Orange Boss (@theorangeboss)
- Light Lacquer (@lightlacquer)
- Lip Gloss Collective (@lipglosscollective)
- Engine Nail Polish Spot (@enginenailpolishspot)
- The Brilliant (@thebrilliant)
- Lasting Lacquer (@lastinglacquer)
- The Loud Mascara (@theloudmascara)
- Gaudy Lip Rouge Trading Co (@gaudyliprougetradingco)
- Coral Nail Varnish (@coralnailvarnish)
- The Soft Nail Polish (@thesoftnailpolish)
- Little Eyeliner (@littleeyeliner)
- Loud Labret (@loudlabret)
- Little Lip (@littlelip)
- Mauve Nail Polish Pro (@mauvenailpolishpro)
Creative lipstick business Instagram usernames
- Proof Lip Rouge (@proofliprouge)
- The Ruby Blusher (@therubyblusher)
- Pale Eyeliner Pro (@paleeyelinerpro)
- Smudged (@smudged)
- Pale (@pale)
- Soft (@soft)
- Light Labial Artery (@lightlabialartery)
- Lasting Lippie (@lastinglippie)
- Purplish Boss (@purplishboss)
- Heavy Lip Gloss (@heavylipgloss)
- The Bold (@thebold)
- Lip Rouge Place (@liprougeplace)
- Lipsticks Lipstick (@lipstickslipstick)
- MoreLipstick (@morelipstick)
- The Indelible (@theindelible)
- The Darker (@thedarker)
- Nice Nail Varnish Place (@nicenailvarnishplace)
- Little Lip Gloss (@littlelipgloss)
- Proof Red Collective (@proofredcollective)
- The Fresh Eyeshadow (@thefresheyeshadow)
- Blusher Trading Co (@blushertradingco)
- Fuchsia Eyeliner (@fuchsiaeyeliner)
- Brilliant Mascara Place (@brilliantmascaraplace)
- The Mauve (@themauve)
- DarkLipstick (@darklipstick)
- Loud Lip Balm (@loudlipbalm)
- Thick Boss Co (@thickbossco)
- WhiteLipstick (@whitelipstick)
- Little Lip Rouge (@littleliprouge)
- Big stick Lipstick (@bigsticklipstick)
- IridescentLipstick (@iridescentlipstick)
- FavoriteLipstick (@favoritelipstick)
- Bright Red (@brightred)
- IndelibleLipstick (@indeliblelipstick)
- Dismiss Lipstick (@dismisslipstick)
- Nice Red (@nicered)
- The Fresh Nail Varnish (@thefreshnailvarnish)
- Rouge (@rouge)
- Light Lip Rouge (@lightliprouge)
- Nail Polish Place (@nailpolishplace)
- Blusher Spot (@blusherspot)
- Mascara Place (@mascaraplace)
- The Light Nail Polish (@thelightnailpolish)
- Rouge Trading Co (@rougetradingco)
- Rouge Nail Varnish Collective (@rougenailvarnishcollective)
- The Green (@thegreen)
- The White (@thewhite)
- White Mascara Trading Co (@whitemascaratradingco)
- Nail Polish Trading Co (@nailpolishtradingco)
- Expensive Blusher Group (@expensiveblushergroup)
- Ruby (@ruby)
- Expensive Nail Polish Co (@expensivenailpolishco)
- Pink Eyeshadow Pro (@pinkeyeshadowpro)
- Lip Gloss Spot (@lipglossspot)
- Brown Nail Varnish Pro (@brownnailvarnishpro)
- The More (@themore)
- Boss Pro (@bosspro)
- ProofLipstick (@prooflipstick)
- Nice Red Co (@niceredco)
Funny lipstick business Instagram usernames
- The Expensive (@theexpensive)
- The Wear (@thewear)
- Mascara Trading Co (@mascaratradingco)
- The Magenta (@themagenta)
- Frosted Boss Collective (@frostedbosscollective)
- BlueLipstick (@bluelipstick)
- Brighter (@brighter)
- Smudged Rouge Collective (@smudgedrougecollective)
- CoralLipstick (@corallipstick)
- Garish (@garish)
- Red (@red)
- The Frosted Nail Polish (@thefrostednailpolish)
- Green Blusher Spot (@greenblusherspot)
- RosyLipstick (@rosylipstick)
- ExcessLipstick (@excesslipstick)
- Little Lip Balm (@littlelipbalm)
- The Blue (@theblue)
- PurplishLipstick (@purplishlipstick)
- BeigeLipstick (@beigelipstick)
- Brighter Lip Gloss Trading Co (@brighterlipglosstradingco)
- Engine (@engine)
- OrangeLipstick (@orangelipstick)
- Loud Rouge Place (@loudrougeplace)
- Red Trading Co (@redtradingco)
- Shiny Boss (@shinyboss)
- The Rouge (@therouge)
- The Bright (@thebright)
- Red Collective (@redcollective)
- The Engine (@theengine)
- Smeared (@smeared)
- Deep Lip Rouge (@deepliprouge)
- Vivid Lip Gloss (@vividlipgloss)
- Rouge Co (@rougeco)
- The Waxy (@thewaxy)
- Deep Boss Collective (@deepbosscollective)
- Outfit Lipstick (@outfitlipstick)
- FrostyLipstick (@frostylipstick)
- Dark Boss (@darkboss)
- LittleLipstick (@littlelipstick)
- Greasy Rouge Pro (@greasyrougepro)
- Orange Red (@orangered)
- Lasting (@lasting)
- The Colorless (@thecolorless)
- The Favorite Nail Polish (@thefavoritenailpolish)
- Coral Eyeshadow Pro (@coraleyeshadowpro)
- Eyeshadow Trading Co (@eyeshadowtradingco)
- Crimson Boss Co (@crimsonbossco)
- Waxy Mascara Group (@waxymascaragroup)
- Lip Rouge Group (@liprougegroup)
- Rouge Place (@rougeplace)
- Transmit Lipstick (@transmitlipstick)
- The Dark (@thedark)
- Much (@much)
- The Pale (@thepale)
- Make ip Lipstick (@makeiplipstick)
- Eyeliner Spot (@eyelinerspot)
- HeavyLipstick (@heavylipstick)
- Picnics Lipstick (@picnicslipstick)
- BrightLipstick (@brightlipstick)
How to Choose A Cool Lipstick Business Instagram Name: 3 Steps
Choosing a creative Instagram page name can be a big decision, so it’s important to consider a few things before coming to that conclusion.
Step 1: Choose a name that is easy to remember
Your Instagram handle should be easy to remember, easy to spell and look clean.
- Avoid using any symbols or characters in your Instagram username.
- Try not to pick something too limiting. If you diversify your product or brand down the road, you don’t want to be in the position where you have to change your lipstick business Instagram handle.
- Your username should be catchy, unique, and most importantly simple.
- Keep your Instagram username short and sweet!
Step 2: Keep your Instagram account name relevant to your business or brand
When creating your Instagram name, try building it around your content strategy and your target audience.
If your exact business name is available for your Instagram username, you should immediately secure that handle. This makes it easier than ever for your customers to find you.
If your business name is not available, try to pick something around the product you are selling or the image you are looking to portray.
Step 3: Make sure your Instagram username is memorable
There are over one billion Instagram users, which also makes it harder to find a good and available username.
There are a few different ways to find a good username that is both available, memorable, and easily recognizable:
- If your exact business name is taken, be sure to put your business name in the first and last name when setting up your profile. This will ensure that customers can still easily search and find you.
- Try using a play on words to create an iconic instagram username.
- Start your username with well known phrases such as “the”, “thisis”, “weare”
Final Thoughts
Hopefully, you’ve come across some catchy Insta username ideas for your lipstick business + a few helpful tips to choosing the best name for your IG account.
To learn more about starting and growing your business, visit our website here!
Learn more about starting a lipstick business:
Where to start?
-> How much does it cost to start a lipstick business?
-> Pros and cons of a lipstick business
Need inspiration?
-> Marketing ideas for a lipstick business
-> Lipstick business slogans
-> Lipstick business names
Other resources
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Download the report and join our email newsletter packed with business ideas and money-making opportunities, backed by real-life case studies.
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