Open Source Project

Business Idea: Start An Open Source Project in 2024

Updated: September 3rd, 2024

Monthly Revenue

Open source projects offer a unique avenue to innovate and collaborate without the constraints of conventional business models. In simple terms, this involves developing software with a codebase that's freely available for anyone to use, modify, and distribute.

Imagine taking part in creating tools that range from operating systems to specialized software, with contributions from talented developers globally. Open source projects empower you to craft impactful tech solutions while building a community around shared goals and improvements.

Starting an open source project requires dedication to coding, managing contributions, and fostering an inclusive environment. You'll need to champion transparency and continuous iteration. If contributing to global tech development and rallying a community around a shared vision excite you, open source projects are an inspiring path to consider.

Examples Of Successful Open Source Projects

Successful open source project businesses and case studies

EspoCRM, an open-source CRM application for small and mid-size businesses, has seen an average of over 16,000 downloads per year and makes up to $30k per month, offering efficient tools to systematize customer data, improve sales cycles, and automate routine administrative tasks.

$30K Monthly Revenue
$10K Startup Costs
Read by 10,901 founders

See full list of successful open source projects.