Open Source Email Client

Business Idea: Start An Open Source Email Client in 2024

Updated: September 3rd, 2024

Avg Monthly Revenue
Avg Revenue
Avg Days To Build
700 days

Tired of being locked into proprietary email clients? An open source email client is your gateway to a customizable, user-focused communication platform.

In simple terms, this business idea revolves around creating and maintaining an email client whose code is open to all. Users can tailor their email experience according to their needs, which fosters a strong, collaborative community.

The beauty lies in its flexibility and transparency. Users and developers alike can alter functionalities, ensuring the email client evolves to meet real-world needs, not just corporate agendas.

Starting this venture means diving into software development, collaborating with developers, and engaging with a passionate community. It's not a small feat, but the reward is a dedicated user base and the potential to reshape how emails work.

If you have a knack for coding and a desire to innovate email experiences, this could be your perfect project.

Revenue & Profitability

How much do open source email clients make?

Examples Of Successful Open Source Email Clients

Successful open source email client businesses and case studies

Thexyz is a self-funded email hosting service generating over $100k of recurring revenue each month, offering uncomplicated privacy and fantastic customer service, and expanding through international sales.

$150K Monthly Revenue
$50K Startup Costs
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This case study follows a Bulgarian artist and designer who sells custom products featuring her hand-painted designs, with an average monthly profit of $100, relying heavily on advertising via social media and offline to grow her business.

$100 Monthly Revenue
Read by 5,231 founders

See full list of successful open source email clients.