45 Farming Business Ideas To Start In 2024

Updated: July 15th, 2024

The farming business is one of the oldest and most important industries in the world. It provides food for everyone and is a major contributor to the economy. The farming business has evolved over time, with new technologies and innovations changing how farms work.

Farming is one of the most profitable businesses in the world. It has been around for centuries, and it’s an industry that people are always going to need.

Starting a farming business is not an easy task, You need to be prepared for the challenges that you might face when you take this step. When you start a farming business, it is important to think about what kind of business ideas you want to pursue.

Below is a list of some of the most innovative ideas for starting a farming business:

1. Grow Microgreens

Microgreens are edible plants that are grown in small containers and harvested when they are still young, which makes them perfect for people who want to grow their own food indoors.

You can start this business by buying seeds and sprouting them at home or anywhere that's easy for you to access sunlight. You'll need a few different things, including a seed tray, soil, and water.

Growing microgreens is a great way to make money. You can grow them in small spaces, and they are very easy to sell. They can be sold at farmers' markets or through local restaurants. You can also grow them indoors, which is more convenient for you and your customers.

The average selling price for microgreens is $25 – 40 per pound. The yield from one ten-inch tray of microgreens is between 8 – 12 ounces per harvest (7-14 days), which means you can earn at least $12.5 – 18.8 dollars from each tray of microgreens.

2. Start an Agriculture Farming Business

Agricultural farms are the backbone of our economy. The agricultural farm business is also known as agribusiness. Agribusiness involves the entire process of sending an agricultural good to market, from production to distribution.

To start an agricultural farm, you need to decide what kind of crops you want to grow. Choose from different crops like vegetables, fruits, nuts, or flowers. Once you have decided on your crops, then all that's left is raising them and selling them at farmers' markets or online stores.

Agriculture farming can be profitable in many ways. One of the most important ways to make money with agriculture is through selling your crops at the market and by renting out your land for other uses, such as growing crops or raising animals.

The profit from an agricultural farm can be very high, especially if you have a lot of land and a lot of cattle. The Average net cash farm income (NCFI) for farm businesses is forecast at $98,200 in 2022.

How much does it cost to start: $1,000 (?)

How long does it take to build: 60 days (?)

3. Start a Sod Grass Farming Business

Sod farming is a business that grows grass on the ground. The grass is used for many purposes, including landscaping and making turf for sports fields.

Sod farms typically use high-quality seed blends or hybrid sprigs to grow sod. It takes anywhere from 10 months to two years to cultivate turf before it's ready for harvest.

In this business, you have to grow grasses on farm fields and then sell them to other farmers who want to use them as a form of fertilizer. You can start your own farm with no experience required at all. You will only need a plot of land, some seeds, and money.

It’s an ideal business for those who like to work outdoors, have a green thumb, or are looking for a new way to make money. Sod farmers' salaries range from $33,110 to $113,140, with a median salary of $64,170. The middle 60% of Sod Farmers make $64,170 each year; the top 80% make $113,140 each year.

4. Organic Farming Business

Organic farming is food production without using artificial chemical fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, antibiotics, or genetic engineering. Organic farming relies on crop rotation, green manure, and compost to maintain soil fertility and control pests.

To start an organic farm business, you must have access to land, equipment, and most importantly, time. If you have some basic knowledge about farming and some experience in managing things on your own, then you should be able to get started with little trouble.

Organic farming is a profitable business with lots of opportunities. Organic farming is a growing trend and the demand for organic products has increased significantly over the past decade.

An organic farmer's salary depends on the farm's size and what he produces. But the average income of the organic farmer ranges between $30,000 to $120,000.

5. Start a Lavender Farming

Lavender is an aromatic plant that has been used for centuries to soothe the mind, body, and spirit. The farm's mission is to provide sustainable, organic lavender products for people around the world.

Lavender Farming is a perfect business for anyone who's looking to start their own farm. It's safe, easy, and doesn't require any major upfront investment.

You can grow lavender on your property and sell the flowers at farmers' markets, in boutiques, and online as well. Lavender Farming is profitable because it is able to produce high-quality products that are sold at a premium price.

You can earn as much as $120,000 per acre by selling fresh or dried lavender. You can make money by making your own value-added lavender products like soaps, and lotions.

6. Start a Mushroom Farming Business

Mushrooms are one of the most popular food products sold in the world today. They have been used for centuries for their health benefits, but they have also been an important source of nutrition for many people all over the world.

Mushroom farming is a simple business idea that can be run by anyone. It's low-maintenance and requires little financial investment, plus it's an incredibly easy way to make money.

Mushroom farming is a great opportunity for people who want to start their own business but don't have enough capital or technical skills. It also makes sense for anyone who has some land or space to spare and would like to earn some extra cash on the side while they're away from work.

Mushrooms are usually sold wholesale at $6 per pound and retail at $10 per pound. This means you can make between $72,000 to $120,000 a year, depending on who gets your mushrooms.

How much does it cost to start: $4,000 (?)

How long does it take to build: 300 days (?)

7. Start a Hemp Farming

Hemp farming is a great way to start a business. It is a very lucrative, simple, and easy business to run. Hemp is one of the most versatile crops in the world and can be used for everything from textiles to food.

Hemp farming can be done for both industrial and personal use. The use of hemp for industrial purposes includes paper, clothing, rope, and even biofuels like biodiesel. Personal uses include lotions, soaps, and body care products.

You do not need any special equipment or tools to start this type of business because all you need is space for planting the seeds and water availability. It is a profitable business that can be started with a small investment.

In 2020, Hemp fiber farmers may see a slightly higher profit margin than farmers who grow Hemp for CBD. The fiber sells for about $260 per ton, and with the average tonnage yield per acre being around three, you would make about $450 per acre after production costs.

Your earnings could range from $2,500 per acre to beyond $50,000 per acre if you do everything perfectly, follow the best procedures, and harvest plants that contain 10% CBD.

How much you can make: $800,000/month

How long does it take to build: 120 days (?)

How I Started A $1M/Month Hemp Products Company That Is Publicly Traded In Australia

Founder builds multimillion-dollar hemp products company from scratch, merging Hemp Foods Australia and Elixinol to become Elixinol Global, trading via the ASX with approximately 50-70% gross margins.

Read by 10,349 founders

8. Start an Organic Fertilizer

There are many businesses that provide fertilizer, but starting an organic fertilizer business is a unique venture. With the demand for chemical-free goods increasing every day, profits are sure to increase if you manage your business properly.

By starting a small-scale business or farm that uses your own custom blend of organic nutrients—you'd be able to produce more than what's available in stores, and charge more for it. You could also sell your own brand of fertilizer or compost if you have that kind of expertise.

Organic farms are generally more profitable because organic farming practices can lower the cost of production. This is true for both conventional and organic farms, but organic farms tend to have a lower input cost than conventional farms.

9. Start a Fertilizer Distribution Business

Fertilizer distribution is the process of distributing fertilizer to farmers. The goal of fertilizer distribution is to increase the productivity of agricultural crops.

The fertilizer market was worth $155.8 billion in 2019, according to Mordor Intelligence. The fertilizer distribution industry is expected to grow by 3.5 percent per year between 2020 and 2025 – that's good news for those looking to start a fertilizer business.

To start this type of farming business, All you need is an acre or two of land, some equipment, and a truck. And once your business is up and running, there's no limit on how much fertilizer and seed you can sell.

You should also make sure that you are selling high-quality products with great customer service so that people will continue buying from you. It is a profitable business for farmers because it allows them to sell their products at a higher rate and earn more money.

10. Start a Tree Farming Business

Tree farming is not only helpful to the environment, but it is also an easy and profitable business to start.

First, trees are not a seasonal crop like maize or flowers, so they can be a versatile supplemental income when harvested.

You can grow trees in an urban backyard or small rural acreage with minimum space and no experience. to make your tree farm profitable, make sure you choose high-value trees such as fruit trees, nut trees, landscape trees, and bonsai trees.

11. Start a Backyard Plant Nursery

Do you have a gardening hobby and want to turn your passion into a profitable business with a minimum entry barrier?

Starting a backyard plant nursery is relatively easy, and the financial benefits can be rewarding. The secret to maximizing your profitability is specializing in plants that are in high demand, like vegetables and flowers.

To start, you can visit the nearby retail nurseries for seedlings and see what they stock and retail. To keep the startup cost low, consider using locally available materials.

How much you can make: $5,000/month

How We Expanded Our Local Plant Nursery To An Online Business

Camelliashop.com, a small US-based plant business specializing in Camellias and Tea Plants, increased its business 200% within one month of launching its ecommerce website in 2007.

Read by 14,616 founders

12. Start a Vermicompost Organic Fertilizer Production

The Vermicompost Organic Fertilizer Production Business is a great idea for those who want to start their own farm or garden business. The market for vermicompost is estimated to be worth $234370 million in 2022. That figure is expected to grow by 14.9% each year up until 2028.

Vermicompost organic fertilizer production is a business that uses organic waste to produce organic fertilizer. It has now become a household business. It is an excellent way to get rid of organic waste. It can also be used as a soil amendment, fertilizer, or biofertilizer.

The Vermicompost organic fertilizer Production business can be started by anyone who wants to start their own business. The main reason why you should consider starting this business is that it requires a small amount and is easy to get started with.

13. Start a Dried Flowers Business

The dried flower business is a new kind of business that has the ability to bring in a lot of money. The main purpose of this business is to sell dried flowers. You can sell them by themselves, or you can sell them as an accessory to other items like jewelry or clothes.

Flower-drying businesses can make hundreds of thousands of dollars with the right marketing and services. If you can charge $200 to preserve bouquets from important events, you'll make about $18,000 or more profit for every 100 orders you have.

Starting a dried flower business is a great opportunity for anyone who loves to be outdoors and wants to work in their community. You can start your own dried flower business by purchasing seeds or plants from local farms, and then drying them yourself. You can sell your flowers at craft fairs, farmers' markets, or online.

To start this business, you would need to find a location where you can set up shop and sell your dried flowers. Make sure that you have all the permits necessary to operate this type of business in your area before you go ahead and open up shop!

14. Become Landscape Expert

There are many different ways you can get into the farming industry, but one of the most lucrative is becoming a landscape expert. You can do this by either starting your own business or working for someone else in the landscape industry.

The average salary for a Landscape Architect in the United States is $96,100 as of October 27, 2022. But salaries can range from $80,000 to $110,600.

Landscape experts are people who are experts in the art of landscaping and they help in creating beautiful landscape designs that can be used in homes or offices.

If you're thinking about starting your own business, it's important that you consider all of the aspects of your potential business before making any decisions. You should also consider how much time and money will be involved in starting this business and what kind of equipment and supplies will be needed.

15. Start a Medicinal Herbs Farming

Medicinal herb farming is a new trend in the modern world. It has become a popular choice for many people because it helps them to control their health problems. Medicinal herbs are known for their medicinal properties, which can be used to treat various diseases and disorders.

Medicinal herb farming is a unique approach to farming. It is an alternative to traditional methods of farming and has a lot of benefits. Medicinal herbs have been used for centuries in traditional medicine to help with everything from inflammation and arthritis to insomnia and stress relief.

You can start this business by buying seeds from a local store or market, then planting them in your garden. You will need to water your plants regularly and make sure that they get enough sunlight so that they can grow well.

16. GreenHouse Flower Export

Greenhouse flower exporting is a business that will help you start your own flower business. With GreenHouse, you can export flowers from your greenhouse to the world.

Greenhouses can be profitable in their first few years, especially if they are located near a population of people who love gardening and nature. A greenhouse can generate $50,000-$100,000 in annual revenue. If the greenhouse owner expands operations and opens additional locations, annual profits of hundreds of thousands of dollars or more may result.

This is a great business to start and will allow you to grow, process, and market your own flowers without having to worry about the day-to-day details of running a flower shop. With just a few tools and supplies, you can set up your greenhouse in just a few days.

17. Start a Horticulture Crop Farming Business

Horticulture crop farming is a business that is booming in the world. It’s a sector that offers huge potential for entrepreneurs. It involves the growing of horticultural crops in the field, and selling them to wholesalers or directly to retail customers.

Horticulture crop farming is a good way to generate profits for you and your family. By starting horticulture crop farming, you can have a steady source of income.

This is a great idea for those who want to work with their hands but also enjoy working with plants. It's also great for those who are passionate about growing, or just want to try something new.

How much you can make: $700/month

How much does it cost to start: $200 (?)

How long does it take to build: 14 days (?)

I Turned My Love For Urban Gardens Into A Profitable Blog

Ann Remo turned her love for urban gardening into a profitable blog, Blooming Anomaly, which earns her around $700 a month through Mediavine ads, Amazon affiliates, and other affiliate programs. She recommends focusing on writing great posts with keywords, and investing in SEO and social media through courses.

Read by 4,336 founders

18. Start a Potato Chips Production Business

The production of potato chips is a new and emerging business that has been growing a lot in the last few years. Potato chips are one of the most popular snacks in the world.

The production of potato chips is very simple but profitable. The revenue generated by the potato chip production industry is $10.6 billion in 2022.

Based on these statistics, starting commercial potato chips manufacturing business can be profitable. However, it is important to note that various internal and external factors influence business profitability.

Identify the market potential and make an investment plan before starting a business. To start a potato chips business, you'll need machinery and space to process potatoes.

It is also important to pick a marketing strategy for your potato chips business. Combining digital marketing and traditional marketing can help you promote your business.

How much you can make: $99,999/month

How long does it take to build: 365 days (?)

I Turned A Recipe In My Kitchen Into A $10MM/Year CPG Snack Company

Ka-Pop! is an Ancient Grain snack company that has grown over 300% per year, reaching nearly $10 million in annual sales by 2021, through innovation, passion, demos, social media, TV appearances, and driving relationships with retailer partners.

Read by 7,026 founders

19. Start an Agriculture Consulting Business

The agriculture consulting business offers advice to farmers and businesses who want to grow their operations. Agriculture consulting firms can also provide training and support to farmers so that they know how to run their farming businesses effectively.

The average salary for an agriculture consultant in the US is $80,891. The average bonus is $2,255—3% of what they make on average—with 100% of people receiving a bonus each year.

There are many ways you can start this business. You can start by offering your service as a consultant to others or you can start by offering your services to one client at a time.

Agriculture consulting is a way to make money while helping others start and grow their farms. You can refer customers to help them get started on their own farms or get advice on where to find sustainable products for their crops.

20. Start a Certified Seed Production

A seed certification system is a way to verify that a sack, packet, or box of seed contains what it says on the label and that the seed was produced, inspected, and graded in accordance with a Certification Scheme.

Seed certification is a quality assurance process that ensures the highest standards of quality and is ready for sale. The global seed market reached US$ 43.4 billion in 2021.

It's a great way to make money while you grow your business—and it's not just about getting more customers. It's about giving back to your community and helping other farmers do what they love.

21. Start a Soil Testing Lab

Soil testing involves collecting samples of soil, preparing them for analysis, analyzing and interpreting the results, and then making fertilizer, and lime recommendations for crops. This can be used to help farmers determine what crops will grow best in their specific environment.

Soil testing is an important part of agriculture, but it's also an expensive endeavor. By starting a soil testing lab, you can start making money right away. As of October 27, 2022, the average Soil Lab Technician salary is $57,008. The salary ranges between $50,948 and $63,919.

Soil testing lab owners can either use their own equipment or rent out space at a lab facility. The owner needs to know the types of equipment needed so they can purchase the right machinery or equipment before starting up their business venture.

22. Start a Botanical Pesticide Production Business

Botanical pesticide production is a business that involves the growing and processing of plant-based pesticides. This business is ideal for people who enjoy working with plants and want to learn how to grow them and make their own pesticides.

Botanical pesticide production can be profitable, with great returns on investment. The estimated cost of pesticide use in the U.S. is approximately $12 billion annually. Meanwhile, the top pesticide manufacturers reap over $150 billion in profit each year from pesticides and other agricultural technologies.

Starting a botanical pesticide production business is not very difficult, as long as you have the right tools and ingredients at hand. Anyone can start a Botanical Pesticide Production business by learning about the products in this industry.

23. Soybeans Farming

The soybeans farming business will help you to enter the world of farming. Soybeans are a great source of protein and fiber, which makes them an excellent choice for your next crop.

The best thing about this business idea is that it doesn't require much investment, as long as you have an open field where you can grow soybeans.

The soybean farming business can be started with a small amount of investment and then gradually increase with time. You can also make money by selling soybeans to other businesses or individuals.

It's a highly profitable business that can help you build up your savings and make money on your investments while also providing you with a great return on investment (ROI). The net returns per acre to herbicide-tolerant soybean production are estimated to range from $42 to $78, depending on target yield and tillage practice.

24. Spice Processing

There are a lot of people who love spices. Spices are the dried leaves, seeds, and stems of plants. The process of making spices includes cleaning, drying, pulverizing, and packaging. They're used in cooking because they add flavor and aroma to foods.

Spice processing is a multi-billion dollar industry that produces spices such as chili peppers and turmeric. You can make enough money by selling your spices to individuals or businesses. The average income of Spice Processing is $54,000 yearly.

This business is super easy to get started with and requires no special equipment or training. You can start a business processing your own spices with the right equipment and knowledge.

25. Start a Jatropha Farming

Jatropha farming is the new way to make money. It's a business where you can get rich by growing Jatropha plants.

It is a small, fast-growing tree that produces seeds and pods. The seeds are used for making biodiesel fuel or animal feed. It grows well in hot, humid climates and can tolerate poor soil conditions.

Growing jatropha is hard work, but it's not as hard as you might think. You'll need a greenhouse to start with. Just make sure your soil is rich in organic matter, and you're good to go!

26. Start a Corn Farming

Corn farming is an agricultural business that involves growing and harvesting corn. There is high demand for corn farmers. You can earn money by growing corn and selling it to manufacturers or retailers.

Corn farming has been around for thousands of years to provide food for humans and livestock. It’s one of the oldest agricultural practices in human history.

The main advantage of starting a corn farming business is that it does not require much capital investment. To start this business, you'll need some basic farming equipment and supplies. Anyone can get started with this business with a low investment.

27. Start a Dairy Farming Business

Dairy farming is a business that involves the raising of dairy cattle to produce dairy products. The products made from dairy farming include milk, cheese, yogurt, ice cream, and other dairy products.

Dairy farming is one of the most profitable businesses in the world. It is one of the few industries where a small farmer can earn more than an industrialist.

The average salary for a dairy farmer in the United States is $48,733 as of October 27, 2022. However, the salary range typically falls between $45,405 and $54,912.

This business can be started on any scale, depending on your financial position, availability of land, and capital required for starting this business. You will need proper land for your cows and other animals that will be used in the process of producing dairy products.

28. Start a Hydroponic Retail Store

Hydroponics is a new technology for growing plants that uses water instead of soil. You can start a hydroponic retail store and sell hydroponic equipment to customers at home.

You will need to buy some equipment such as a greenhouse or indoor garden. You can also rent space from another business owner to start your business.

The Hydroponics stores are often profitable businesses that can bring in six- and seven-figure sums annually. The average salary for hydroponics jobs is $64,942.

How much you can make: $3,100,000/month

How long does it take to build: 180 days (?)

How We Built $35M Plant Growing Empire GrowersHouse

How Nate Lipton built a $35M plant-growing empire, with an e-commerce store generating $2.9M per month, a cannabis growers forum earning $100k per month, and a YouTube series gaining 100k views per month, all while navigating through regulatory obstacles in the cannabis industry.

Read by 13,357 founders

29. Organic Farm GreenHouse

An organic farm greenhouse is a farm that grows produce in a greenhouse, using organic methods and practices. This farm produces healthy, nutritious food in an environmentally-friendly way.

Greenhouse farming is an excellent way to produce fresh fruit and vegetables year-round using minimal space. The best part? You don't need a lot of money or land—just some creativity! You don't need any more complicated processes or fancy equipment. All you need is space for growing crops, soil, and water.

There are several benefits to starting an organic farm greenhouse. It allows you to grow to produce year-round and sell it at a higher price than traditional farmers. And you can sell your crops directly to consumers rather than having to sell them through middlemen like wholesalers or distributors.

30. Start a Fruits And Vegetables Export Business

Fruits and vegetables exporting is a branch of the agriculture industry. This business involves the export of fresh fruits, and vegetables from one location to another location.

The U.S. fruit and vegetable exports to other countries have increased by $7.2 billion since last year, a 4-percent increase. Due to its geographic proximity and climate, Canada remained the top U.S. market for exports valued at $3.7 billion.

To start this business, you need to buy or collect fresh fruits and vegetables from local farmers. Then you need to export these goods. You can export these goods through any shipping company or supplier. You can also use online platforms for exporting.

It is an easy business to run if you have a good understanding of it. You don't need a lot of capital to start this business and can make money from your own home.

31. Florist Business

A florist is someone who sells flowers to customers. He/She provides a variety of flowers for weddings, birthday parties, funerals, and other special events.

The Florist business is an exciting yet challenging business. It requires a lot of patience, diligence, and hard work to become successful in this industry.

When starting your own florist business you have to decide what you want to do with your business and how to make money from it. Are you going to focus on wedding flowers? Or maybe you're interested in selling fresh-cut flowers and bouquets.

This business can be started from home or even online. And the average income of a Florist is $15.79 per hour.

32. Strawberry Farming

Strawberry farming is the art of growing strawberries in a field. You can grow strawberries in your backyard or even in a container. The best part about strawberry farming is It can be started with little capital, and it's a great way to earn extra income.

The strawberry market is still growing by 5% per year, according to IndexBox. In 2016, the global strawberry market was around 9.2 million tonnes.

Strawberry farming can be done at home or in a greenhouse, but it requires a great deal of time and effort to create high-quality strawberries. You will need to plant seeds, water regularly, and watch over your crop carefully.

It's important that you choose an area where there is enough sunlight for your plants to thrive and where the soil is fertile enough to produce good crops without any trouble.

33. Start a Rose Farming Business

Roses symbolize romance and passion. Nearly every culture and religion link roses with love, passion, and longing.

As the global population increases, so makes the demand for roses.

Therefore, a rose farming business can be a lucrative business opportunity. Rose farming is an exciting growing business that is perfect for those who are looking to get into the farming business. Rose farming is the process of growing roses, especially for commercial purposes.

When you start this business, you will be able to grow roses for your own use or sell them to others. You can also sell them online in the marketplace.

If you cultivate roses on 1 acre of land, you can earn up to around $1000. However, you will achieve this by following good farm practices.

You can start this business by purchasing rose seeds from your local garden center or supermarket and planting them in your garden. As the roses grow, you will need to trim them regularly.

34. Start a Sunflower Farming Business

Sunflower farming is a simple, low-cost business with a high-profit margin.

Sunflower processers produce cooking oil, meal, and confectionery products. Certain sunflowers also provide energy in the form of nourishment and vibrancy.

As more people become aware of the health benefits of sunflower oil, the demand for sunflower has also increased.

The best part of this business is that it doesn't require any special skills or training. All you need to do is plant seeds and let the sun do its magic! You can easily make between $800 and $900 in a good year about $250 per acre.

Therefore, starting a sunflower business in 2024 can be the right decision. To start a sunflower farming business, select a location with adequate climate requirements for sunflower farming.

Then, choose the best variety of sunflowers and follow the recommended planting approach. To maximize yield, you must ensure proper fertilizing and watering. You must apply the correct pesticides to stop the spread of diseases.

35. Start a Rajanigandha Farming Business

Rajanigandha farming is an exciting business that can be started by anyone. Rajani-gandha’s plant is used for many purposes including medicines, cosmetics, pan masala, and more. It has many uses, including resisting viruses and bacteria, fighting cancer, and treating asthma.

To start Rajanigandha farming, You need to purchase Rajani seeds, water them, and wait for them to grow. Once they're ready, you harvest them and sell them

The main benefit of this business is that it is not only profitable but also gives you a chance to earn extra income in your spare time.

36. Start a fodder farming business

Fodder farming is a business that specializes in growing fodder plants. It is an agricultural activity that involves the cultivation of crops for feeding livestock, primarily cattle, sheep, and horses.

There are many different types of fodder crops you can plant on your farm. The most common are grasses such as wheat, barley, and oats; legumes such as beans and peas; clovers; timothy grass; ryegrass; and fescue grass.

Fodder farming is beneficial because it helps to improve the diet of livestock animals by providing them with food during the winter months when they cannot graze on pasture.

37. Agro Blogging

In the world of farming, there are many things you can do to increase your profits and expand your operation, One of these is blogging. By starting Agro blogging you can provide information for farmers and agricultural businesses who need more knowledge related to farming.

Agro-blogging is a sector that is fast growing. The demand for information about agriculture and food production is increasing day by day. With this increasing demand, there is a need for agro bloggers who can provide relevant and authentic information to the readers.

Agro blogging can be started with a small budget and does not require any technical knowledge. It can be started by doing research on topics related to agriculture and then writing articles that contain valuable information.

38. Start a Vegetable Farming

The vegetable farming business is related to growing and selling vegetables. The main purpose of the vegetable farming business is to provide fresh, healthy, and delicious food to customers. In addition, you also can earn money from this business.

The best way to start a vegetable farming business is to find out what type of crops you're interested in growing and whether you're already familiar with any of the necessary skills. Vegetables are low-maintenance crops and require little water or fertilizer.

It is easy to start up and run because you don't need any capital investment. You just need to buy some land and plants and get started. It is a profitable business because you will earn money from selling your produce at markets or online sales channels.

39. Start a Poultry Farming Business

Poultry farming is a business that involves raising chickens and other birds to sell eggs. It is a very simple and easy business to start. You can even do it in your backyard.

Poultry farming is one of the world’s most lucrative businesses, especially selling eggs and meat. Anyone can start this business. You only need to invest in a place to keep the poultry, which you can rent or buy.

A farmer who raises poultry will have a steady income from his business. About 60% of chicken farmers earned household incomes that exceeded the U.S.-wide median, with the top 20% making an average of $142,000 per year.

40. Start a Potato Powder Business

Potato powder is a natural food supplement that can be used for health purposes. It is made from potatoes and contains many minerals, proteins, and vitamins. Potato powder is used for many purposes, such as baking, cooking, and making salads.

According to a market report, the global potato powder market was valued at USD 5 billion in 2019 and is projected to reach over USD 8 billion by 2026, expanding at a CAGR of more than 6% during the forecast period, 2020 – 2026.

The demand for potato powder is attributed to its versatile nature and the increasing health awareness and growing preference for nourishing plant-based food. Therefore, running a potato powder business can be a highly lucrative venture. To start, you can source potatoes from a local farmer's market or use your own grown potatoes.

You can start a potato powder business from home or rent a sizeable space for your equipment and storage of raw potatoes.

41. Start a Cactus Arrangements Business

Cactus is an interesting and perfect plant for indoor or outdoor décor. If you are passionate about flowers, specifically cactus, you can start a cactus arrangement business.

Growing cactus arrangements is a profitable business globally. In this business, You have to arrange cactus plants into beautiful displays. They're great for creating a focal point for your yard or garden area, and they'll add a unique touch to any outdoor space.

Many cactus plants can coexist happily in the same container, so you can make beautiful arrangements without needing a lot of space. It is a very profitable business and one that will give you lots of satisfaction.

42. Start a Tea Plantation Business

The tea plantation business is a lucrative business that can be run by anyone. It involves growing tea plants, harvesting them, and selling them.

Experts project that the global tea market will register a CAGR of 6.6%, reaching a market size value of over $68 million in five years.

Therefore, starting a tea plantation in 2024 will be a good business idea. This business has a very high-profit margin, as most people like to drink tea. It also has low labor costs, and it is not as difficult as other businesses to start.

Before starting a tea plantation, ensure that the area's climatic conditions and soil structure support tea farming. Engage an agricultural extension officer in your area for advice on the best tea species to grow.

43. Start a Herb Farming

Herbs have been used as medicine for thousands of years. Herb farming is a business that specializes in growing and selling herbs, including the use of herb plants in cooking, medicine, and cosmetics.

Herb farming is easy and fun. You can grow amazing varieties of herbs like basil, thyme, coriander, oregano, mint, tarragon, and many more!

This type of farming offers a great return on investment (ROI). The herbs you grow are not only for consumption but can also be sold to other businesses that need the herbs for their products. Medicinal herbs can be sold wholesale or direct to consumers online.

As a herb farmer, it is possible to earn over $30,000 per acre of land each year by choosing high-priced and popular herbs.

How much you can make: $85,000/month

How long does it take to build: 180 days (?)

How We Started An $85K/Month Hot Sauce Brand

Small Axe Peppers is a thriving hot sauce manufacturing business that partners with over 200 community gardens in the United States, growing locally sourced produce and producing an impressive 70,000 bottles of hot sauce per year; the success is the result of a genuine mission, a great story, an online business, and active social media channels.

Read by 6,593 founders

44. Start a Christmas Tree Farming

Christmas tree farm is a great addition to any farm because it provides a source of income, as well as attracts visitors.

Christmas tree farming is a business that grows Christmas trees. The trees are sold to people who want them as Christmas gifts, or as decorations for their homes.

The Christmas tree market is seasonal and highly profitable. Due to the hardy nature of pine trees, there is less regular maintenance and operating cost.

Christmas tree farmers can make anywhere from $20 to more than $100 per tree, depending on their state of residence and the type of trees they sell. Additionally, farmers can make even more money during the holiday season by selling pre-cut trees and wreaths as well.

45. Micronutrient Manufacturing – Foliar and Soil Application

Foliar and soil application of micronutrients has the potential to improve crop health and yield by allowing farmers to deliver nutrients directly to their crop roots.

This industry has been growing rapidly as people realize how many micronutrients are essential for proper health. Micronutrient manufacturing is the process of making micronutrients, such as vitamins and minerals from natural sources.

The best way to get started in this industry, You will need to have a good understanding of the regulations that are involved in micronutrient manufacturing as well as a knowledge of how to run an efficient operation.

meet the author
Pat Walls

I'm Pat Walls and I created Starter Story - a website dedicated to helping people start businesses. We interview entrepreneurs from around the world about how they started and grew their businesses.