Full Case Studies Database
Showing 12 of many case studies
How I Turned A Crappy Idea Into A $3M/Year Business

Starter Story grew to 1.4 million monthly visitors and millions in annual revenue by sharing the stories of entrepreneurs. Pat breaks down the early days and how he grew the business into something that changed his life.

$100K Monthly Revenue
$100 Startup Costs
Read by 101,378 founders
Growing To $4M/Year With A Men's Lifestyle Blog [Bootstrapped]

This case study article follows the journey of Man of Many, one of the world's largest men's lifestyle sites, which has grown from a part-time hobby to a leading media brand with over 2 million monthly readers and $4M in annual revenue through a dedicated content strategy and organic growth.

$400K Monthly Revenue
$20K Startup Costs
Read by 17,359 founders
How I Run Four Travel Blogs And A Consulting Blog Making An Average Of $55K/Month

Travel blogger turns four profitable blogs into a six-figure business, increasing income by 3,113% from 2021 to 2022, and now teaches others how to scale quickly using her techniques.

$55K Monthly Revenue
$1K Startup Costs
Read by 8,599 founders
This VC Taught Himself How To Code And Is Bootstrapping His Own Startup

VC-turned-entrepreneur Phil Strazzulla, who previously built a successful b2b SaaS business, shares how he bootstrapped an online review site for HR software into a viable business with over $1k monthly revenues in just 3 months through organic search traffic growth and selling high intent leads.

$3.38K Monthly Revenue
$50 Startup Costs
Read by 18,661 founders