1,000+ Trendy Coffee Subscription Box Names
So, you've come up with the perfect Coffee Subscription Box idea, but in order to launch, you need a good business name.
And not just a name, but a creative and descriptive name that will make your Coffee Subscription Box stand out.
The name of your business will forever play a role in:
- Your customers first impression
- Your businesses identity
- The power behind the type of customer your brand attracts
- If you're memorable or not
We've put together a list of the best Coffee Subscription Box ideas, provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to name your business and give real-world examples of how other founders came up with the name of their business.
Additionally, we provide you with a free business name generator with an instant domain availability check to help you find a custom name for your Coffee Subscription Box.
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Coffee Subscription Box Name Generator
Want to come up with your own unique company or brand name?
You can generate thousands of Coffee Subscription Box name ideas for free using our business name generator and instantly check domain availability.
Catchy Coffee Subscription Box name ideas
- Lingering Aroma
- Crystalline Caffeine
- Dark Dark Brown Group
- Medium Caffeine
- Columbia Caffeine
- Aspirin Caffeine
- Accompanying Caffeine Group
- Aqueous Caffeine
- Drink Coffee Maker Place
- Stimulating Caffeine
- Crude Caffeine
- Brazil Coffee
- More Caffeine
- Cold Café
- Real Coffee Tree Place
- Daily Caffeine
- Delicious aroma
- Strong coffee
- Raw coffee
- Caffeine Spot
- Pharmaceutical Caffeine
- Muddy Espresso
- Caffeine Coffee Machine
- High Quality Espresso
- High Quality Coffee Beans
- Raw Caffeine
- Rich Aroma
- Aromatic Café Pro
- Latina Aroma
- Cuban Coffee Maker
- Caffeine Chronicle
- Commercial coffee
- Caffeinated Caffeine
- Enough Caffeine
- Cold Coffee
- Coffee maker Co
- Café Place
- Cuban Café
- Fine Aroma
- Reduced caffeine
- Coffee machine review
- Strange scent
- Caffeine Tea
- Alluring aroma
- Pure Caffeine
- Clean Café
- Bitter Aroma
- Caffeine Pro
- Green Coffee
- Caffeine Iced Tea
- Weak Bean Coffee
- Anti Café Co
- Sweet Coffee
- Coffee powder
- Liquid Caffeine
- Bitter Coffee
- Coffee Maker Place
- Enough Café Spot
- Free Caffeine
- Dark Coffee
- Light Coffee
- Simultaneous Caffe
- Dietary caffeine
- Delicious Aroma
- Hidden Caffeine
- Awesome Coffee
- Ingestible Nicotine
- Concentrated Caffeine
- Salted Coffee
- Dietary Caffeine
- Colombian Coffee
- Clean Coffee
- Just enough Espresso
- Lovely Aroma
- Collective Caffeine
- Coffee group
- The Unchanged
- Cup of tea Caffeine
- The Mixed Fragrance
- Avoid Citrated Group
- Acrid Scent Trading Co
- NicotineCaffeine
- The Salivary Coffee
- The Citrated
- Daily Coffeemaker Group
- Alkaloid Nicotine Place
- Freshly Coffee Tree Pro
- RoastedCoffee
- Arabian Latte Collective
- Agree Caffeine
- Burnt Umber Collective
- Musky Fragrance Collective
- PharmaceuticalCaffeine
- Unchanged Caffiene Pro
- Heavenly Flavor
- Excess Nicotine Group
- GroundCoffee
- Nova Aroma
- Sour Fragrance Group
- Corona Aroma
- The Excess
- Cona Aroma
- Boca Aroma
- LukewarmCoffee
- Robusta Java Trading Co
- Unique
- Quota Aroma
- Hidden
- RicanCoffee
- Harmful Fructose
- Enticing Fragrance Group
- Coffee Trading Co
- BoiledCoffee
- Arizona Aroma
- Mild
- DivineAroma
- Body Coffee
- Earthy
- Ramona Aroma
- Bitter Aromatic
- BitterAroma
- Fragrance Spot
- The Pleasing Fragrance
- Espresso Spot
- Agreeable Anisette
- The Pure
- Clean Coffee Tree
- Scent Collective
- The Italian
- Tepid Chocolate
- The Coronary
- Robusta
- CrudeCaffeine
- Coffee Berry Place
- IntravenousCaffeine
Creative Coffee Subscription Box name ideas
- Little
- Rosa Aroma
- UnchangedCaffeine
- Spiritual Perfume Place
- Cerebral Cafe Co
- Familiar Fragrance Collective
- Jonah Aroma
- Subcutaneously
- Rich Coffee Bean Spot
- The Wonderful
- Deep Brown Spot
- Groggy Coffee
- Cafe Place
- Agreeable Ambience
- FloralAroma
- Café Spot
- Smoky Perfume Trading Co
- Bitter Aromatic
- The Distinct Scent
- Regular Umber
- Lukewarm Latte
- The Characteristic Aromatic
- Agreeable Anisette
- Musky Fragrance Collective
- The Bitter
- Nicotine Group
- Genuine Deep Brown
- Cuban Cafe
- Caffeina Cola
- Irish Coffee Bean Group
- Commercial Caffein
- The Characteristic
- The Soothing
- The Nicotine
- Genuine Burnt Umber Group
- Daily Coffeemaker Group
- The Pure
- ComplimentaryCoffee
- Tempting Smell
- The Pharmaceutical
- Powdered Java Place
- Subcutaneously Guarana Pro
- Cold Coffee Berry
- Irish Tea Trading Co
- The Mixed
- Dark
- Muddy Coffee Berry Collective
- Instant Deep Brown
- Nicotine Collective
- Fragrant Spot
- Concentrated
- PrenatalCaffeine
- Cafe Co
- Soluble Tea Pro
- Gentle Olfactory Property
- The Faint Smell
- Extra Umber Pro
- LiquidCaffeine
- Bad Coffee Bean Co
- Acrid Aftertaste
- LightAroma
- Drink Benzoate
- Posse Coffee
- Pure Guarana Trading Co
- The Green
- ExquisiteAroma
- Extra
- Commercial Guarana
- Complimentary Chocolate
- Spicy Smell
- The Spicy
- Nicotine
- Verona Aroma
- Discrete Caffeine
- Much Deep Brown
- More Coffee Bean Trading Co
- Dietary Cafe
- Aqueous Nicotine
- Intravenous
- Deep Brown Trading Co
- Like Odor Place
- Smell Trading Co
- The Delightful Fragrant
- Varietal
- RawCoffee
- Crude Citrated
- WonderfulCoffee
- Acrid Astringency
- Stench Spot
- Fruity
- Coffee Tree Spot
- Kimono Aroma
- Cuban Cup
- The More
- Concentrated Coffeemaker
- The Robusta Chocolate
- Green Coffee Berry
- Little Fructose Pro
- Odour Trading Co
- The Moderate Coffeemaker
- Tea Trading Co
- FloweryAroma
- Benzoate Trading Co
- Java Group
- The Decaffeinated
- The Ingested Nicotine
- Shona Aroma
- Appetizing
- Café Group
- UnpleasantAroma
- Machines Caffeine
- Decent
- Clean Cup
- The Added Fructose
- The Strychnine Coffeemaker
- Chronic
- Crystalline Benzoate
- Salty Coffee
- Concentrated Creatine
- Citrated Caffein Pro
- Typical Aromatic Co
- PleasantAroma
- Nicotine Spot
- The Best Coffee Berry
- ArabianCoffee
- Tepid Espresso
- The Exotic
- Added Caffiene Place
- Prenatal Caffiene Trading Co
- Ground
- RoastedCoffee
- Clean Coffeemaker
- Paparazzi Coffee
- Delicate
- The Spiritual
Learn more about starting a Coffee Subscription Box:
Where to start?
-> How much does it cost to start a Coffee Subscription Box?
-> Pros and cons of a Coffee Subscription Box
Need inspiration?
-> Other Coffee Subscription Box success stories
-> Marketing ideas for a Coffee Subscription Box
-> Coffee subscription box slogans
Other resources
-> Coffee subscription box tips
Funny Coffee Subscription Box Names
- Salivary Café Place
- Exotic Olfactory Property
- The Slight
- Moderate Fructose
- StimulatingCaffeine
- Roman Aroma
- Latte Spot
- Morning
- Free
- FineAroma
- The Intramuscular Guarana
- The Iced Chocolate
- Coronary Coffeemaker
- Tea Pro
- Pipe dream Caffeine
- Holly Coffee
- Flavored Coffee Bean Spot
- Olfactory Property Trading Co
- Crystalline Caffein
- Cordoba Aroma
- ExtraCoffee
- Olfactory Property Pro
- Appetizing Anisette
- The Mild Caffiene
- Flavor Spot
- Causey Coffee
- The Arabian
- Residual Guarana Trading Co
- The Salivary Citrated
- Good
- Crude Cola
- Agreeable Anise
- Java Co
- Colombian Cafe
- The Pleasing Fragrance
- Delicate
- The Habitual
- Excellent Coffee Tree Co
- Asleep Caffeine
- Cuban Coffeemaker
- Grand prix Caffeine
- Complimentary Coffeemaker
- Commercial Caffein
- Ethoxy Benzoate
- Molly Coffee
- The Sweet
- Coronary Caffein
- Quality Umber
- Appetizing Astringency
- Chocolate Group
- Acrid Astringency
- Agree Caffeine
- The Clean
- CleanAroma
- Coffee Berry Group
- Acrid Ambrosial
- Excessive Cafe Place
- Appetizing Ambrein
- Tantalizing Perfume Co
- Complimentary Chocolate
- Caffein Collective
- The Exotic
- Scent Pro
- The Decaffeinated
- Offer Coffee
- Excessive Guarana Group
- Strange
- Hot
- The Intravenous
- Fragrant
- The Methylxanthine Caffiene
- Rosa Aroma
- Coffee Tree Place
- The Methylxanthine
- Tantalizing Aromatic Spot
- The Excellent
- Acrid Ambiance
- HerbalCaffeine
- DecreaseCaffeine
- Regular Umber
- Minnesota Aroma
- Subtle Perfume Group
- Nicotine Group
- Robusta Espresso Place
- Faint
- Concomitant Caffeinism
- Softy Coffee
- Appetizing Aromatic
- The Pharmaceutical Café
- Olfactory Property Group
- Citrated Pro
- Drink Fructose
- Coffee Berry Place
- Citrated Caffiene
- The Stale
- Fructose Group
- The Characteristic Aromatic
- Alkaloid Coffeemaker Spot
- Floral
- Café Collective
- Colombian Cup
- Commercial
- Warm
- IrresistibleAroma
- Forsee Caffeine
- Coronary Caffiene
- Coffee Co
- The Intense
- Subcutaneously Guarana Pro
- Nicotine Co
- The Stimulating Coffeemaker
- Citrated Carbohydrates
- Caffein Pro
- Colombian Coffee Bean
- Yeasty Flavor
- The Ersatz
- The Rich
- The Robusta Chocolate
- Clean Coffeemaker
- Corona Aroma
- The Intramuscular
- Genuine Burnt Umber Group
- Chocolate Co
- Drink Coffeemaker Place
- Crystalline Benzoate
- Harmful
- CommercialCaffeine
- Coffee Bean Collective
- The Daily
- Cuban Coffee Tree
- Smell Group
- Stampede Caffeine
- Heady
- Odour Collective
- Coffee Tree Spot
Cool Coffee Subscription Box name ideas
- Raw Burnt Umber Pro
- The Avoid Cafe
- Commercial Guarana
- Genuine Deep Brown
- CerebralCaffeine
- Kimono Aroma
- The Methylxanthine
- The Quality Coffee Bean
- Crude
- Fragrance Spot
- Java Trading Co
- TemptingAroma
- Coffeemaker Place
- FloweryAroma
- Molly Coffee
- Karate Coffee
- Coffer Coffee
- Caffeina Cola
- AddedCaffeine
- Agreeable Allspice
- Chocolate Group
- Caffeina Caffiene
- Ersatz Espresso Collective
- Cuban
- Green Coffee Berry
- RefreshingAroma
- Acrid Anisette
- The Pleasant
- Iced tea Caffeine
- Cafe Group
- Jonah Aroma
- IntravenousCaffeine
- Intense
- Anhydrous
- Chronic Carbohydrates
- Bitter Aromatic
- The Concomitant
- Fragrant
- The Delightful
- Kamikaze Coffee
- Coffee Bean Spot
- Olfactory Property Group
- Earthy
- The Lukewarm
- Cuban Umber Group
- Agreeable Astringency
- The Musky
- The Acrid
- FreeCaffeine
- Soda Aroma
- HarmfulCaffeine
- The Excessive
- Dona Aroma
- Typical Aromatic Co
- Good Coffee Berry Collective
- Clean Cafes
- Cuban Chocolate
- Perfume Place
- Discrete Caffeine
- Coffeemaker Co
- The Best Coffee Tree
- Methylxanthine
- Odour Trading Co
- Espresso Collective
- Mojave Coffee
- Alkaloid Nicotine Place
- Scent Place
- Decrease
- Musky Odour Trading Co
- Forsee Caffeine
- Cuban Coffeemaker
- Salivary Café Place
- The Thick Stench
- Concomitant Coffee
- Nova Aroma
- DailyCaffeine
- The Tantalizing Scent
- Clean Caffeine
- Smoky Flavor
- Deep Brown Spot
- Cerebral Caffein
- Smoky Odour Place
- Swazi Coffee
- The Thick Coffee Berry
- The Enticing
- The Liberian Burnt Umber
- Comforting
- Burnt Umber Collective
- Tea Pro
- Pronounced Odour Collective
- Lukewarm Latte
- IrishCoffee
- The Pharmaceutical
- Commercial
- Hidden Nicotine Place
- Smelling
- Freshly
- Agreeable Anise
- The Methylxanthine Benzoate
- Dark Tea
- Flavored Coffee Bean Spot
- LightAroma
- Decent
- Chronic Cafe
- Nice
- Coffee Berry Collective
- Citrated Pro
- Pharmaceutical Cafe
- Stench Spot
- Hakim Caffeine
- Genuine Burnt Umber Group
- The Rich Chocolate
- Nice Olfactory Property
- Enough Cafe Spot
- Espresso Pro
- Spicy Odor Collective
- The Italian
- Delightful Odour Place
- HeavenlyAroma
- The Residual Fructose
- Delicate Smell
- Fructose Collective
- Enticing Fragrance Group
- Thick Flavor
- Occult Coffee Group
- Café Spot
- The Stimulating Coffeemaker
- Liberian Burnt Umber Co
- Delicious Flavor Place
- Scent Collective
- Stale Fragrance Collective
- Daily Coffeemaker
- Clean Coffeemaker
- Chronic Caffein
- Boca Aroma
Unique Coffee Subscription Box name ideas
- Morning Burnt Umber
- Coffee Berry Place
- Bitter
- Tea Spot
- Crude Coffeemaker
- Intravenous Café
- CrudeCaffeine
- Nutty Aromatic Co
- The Crude
- Much Java Place
- Fresh Coffee Berry Pro
- Caffein Pro
- Agreeable Ambiance
- Tantalizing Aromatic Spot
- Coffee Bean Trading Co
- Aussie Coffee
- YeastyAroma
- RichAroma
- Coronary Café
- Citrated Cafe
- Spiritual Perfume Place
- Ethoxy Caffein
- Crystalline Caffein
- AspirinCaffeine
- Poppy Coffee
- The Real
- Familiar Fragrance Collective
- Citrated Caffein Pro
- Coronary Caffiene
- Anti Cafe Pro
- Residual
- StimulatingCaffeine
- Nicotine Place
- The Smelling
- Citrated Creatine
- Chocolate Collective
- Soluble
- AgreeableAroma
- UnchangedCaffeine
- Agreeable
- Kona Aroma
- Dried Espresso Place
- Cold Caf
- Chronic Coffeemaker
- HerbalCaffeine
- Tepid Espresso
- The Thick
- FreeCoffee
- Roasted
- The Enough Espresso
- Iona Aroma
- Spicy Aromatic Co
- Ingest Benzoate
- Tangy
- The Delicate
- The Arabic Coffee Berry
- Cold Cafes
- Cold Chocolate
- Somas Aroma
- Offer Coffee
- The Exquisite Aromatic
- Acetaminophen Caffein
- Robusta Java Trading Co
- Irish Coffee Bean Group
- Appetizing Allspice
- PureCaffeine
- The Yeasty
- ItalianCoffee
- Maternal Citrated
- Daily Coffeemaker Group
- Fructose Spot
- The Green Espresso
- Coffeemaker Pro
- The Unique
- Paparazzi Coffee
- Light Flavor Spot
- The Warm
- Brewed Tea
- ExcessCaffeine
- The Salivary Citrated
- Dried
- Brazilian
- Commercial Caffein
- The Fresh Fragrant
- Umber Collective
- Quick
- Softie Coffee
- OrganicCoffee
- Soluble Tea Pro
- Cuban Coffee Berry Trading Co
- Dietary Cafe
- The Heavy
- FineAroma
- Anti Cafe Co
- The Residual
- Sharp
- Daytona Aroma
- Free
- RawCoffee
- The Ground Umber
- Prepared Deep Brown Trading Co
- Nicotine Collective
- Foggy Coffee
- Concentrated Cafe
- Exotic Olfactory Property
- Caffeina Coffee
- The Free
- Heavy Fragrant Collective
- Complimentary Coffee Bean
- Musky Aromatic
- BitterCoffee
- Quota Aroma
- Bossy Coffee
- Citrated Cola
- GreenCoffee
- Moderate Fructose
- Ergotamine Caffein Collective
- The Butalbital
- Smoky Perfume Trading Co
- Clean Perfume
- Espresso Place
- Coffee Tree Spot
- Yeasty Flavor
- MoreCaffeine
- Fruity Olfactory Property Trading Co
- RoastedCoffee
- The Harmful
- Ingested
- The Stale
- Stench Group
- Cerebral Caffiene
- Subcutaneously
- Flowery Stench
- Citrated Caffiene
- The Raw Burnt Umber
Cute Coffee Subscription Box name ideas
- Clean Coffee Bean
- The Thick Smell
- Smell Trading Co
- Cafe Co
- WonderfulCoffee
- The Excess
- Complimentary Coffeemaker
- Coffee Co
- Pleasing
- Regime Caffeine
- Decent Java Place
- Excessive Cafe Place
- Stench Co
- Latte Place
- The Strong
- Colombian Coffeehouse
- Crystalline Benzoate
- The Ersatz
- The Ergotamine
- The Ingested Nicotine
- FragrantAroma
- The Refreshing
- The Musty
- Habitual
- The Quality
- GroundCoffee
- Café Group
- Heavenly
- MuskyAroma
- Extra Umber Pro
- Arizona Aroma
- Residual Guarana Trading Co
- DesirableAroma
- The Powerful Odour
- Fresh
- Prenatal Guarana
- Hidden
- Powdered Java Place
- Delicious
- Latte Spot
- Nicotine Co
- Lofty Coffee
- RegularCoffee
- Stale
- The Best Coffee Berry
- Complimentary Coffee Berry
- Java Spot
- Aromatic Place
- Burnt Umber Pro
- MildCaffeine
- The Characteristic
- Tepid Chocolate
- Fragrant Spot
- The Nicotine
- Appetizing Ambrein
- The Decaffeinated
- The Nice Olfactory Property
- The Decent
- Caffeina Citrated
- Subtle Perfume Group
- The Lukewarm Chocolate
- Excellent Coffee Tree Co
- Instant Chocolate
- The Less
- ConcomitantCaffeine
- Mild
- Cold Caffeine
- Daily
- Appetizing Aftertaste
- The Muddy Espresso
- The Salivary Coffee
- The Unchanged
- Fruity Scent
- Alkaloid Cafe Pro
- Holly Coffee
- The Subtle
- CubanCoffee
- Brewed Deep Brown Spot
- Citrated
- Floral
- Earthy Olfactory Property
- Phenacetin Fructose
- Instant Java Spot
- Crystalline Citrated
- Aromatic Co
- ColdCoffee
- The Unpleasant
- Delicious Umber
- The Iced Chocolate
- Excess Nicotine Group
- Subcutaneously Guarana Pro
- Crystalline Coffeemaker
- BoiledCoffee
- Delicate
- DeliciousAroma
- The Added Fructose
- The Much Java
- LovelyAroma
- SpicyAroma
- Acrid Olfactory Property
- The Arabian
- Stronger
- The Cold
- Bad Coffee Bean Co
- Cafe Trading Co
- Coffee Tree Place
- The Familiar
- The Phenacetin Guarana
- Appetizing Ambrosial
- Green Latte
- The Best
- Liquid Cafe Co
- Cafe Collective
- Nicotine Group
- The Citrated
- Soothing
- Genuine
- Earthy Fragrant Trading Co
- Clean Caf
- The Ergotamine Guarana
- Colombian
- Aspirin Cafe
- Fine Scent Group
- The Intramuscular Guarana
- The Subtle Smell
- PronouncedAroma
- IsolatedCaffeine
- Fragrance Trading Co
- Acetaminophen Citrated
- Ethoxy
- The Subcutaneously
- The Desirable
- Rich Odor Group
- Awfully Coffee
- Cafe Pro
Clever Coffee Subscription Box name ideas
- Arabian Chocolate Collective
- Enough Chocolate Collective
- The Spiritual
- Espresso Spot
- Acetaminophen
- BeautifulAroma
- The Good Tea
- Concentrated
- Chronic Creatine
- Crude Caffeinism
- Anti
- Chocolate Trading Co
- Arabic
- The Occult Nicotine
- Fine Odour Place
- Wonderful Tea
- Boiled Coffee Bean Collective
- Ergotamine Caffein
- Added Caffiene Place
- The Lingering
- CommercialCaffeine
- Grand prix Caffeine
- Earthy Smell
- Heavy
- AntiCaffeine
- The Tepid
- The Weak Coffee Bean
- Rich
- Heady Perfume
- Cold Cup
- AcetaminophenCaffeine
- Avoid Citrated Group
- Clean
- The Residual Benzoate
- Tepid Latte Co
- Colombian Cafe
- Cuban Coffee Tree
- Instant Deep Brown
- Caffeina
- Little Fructose Pro
- The Pharmaceutical Benzoate
- Espresso Trading Co
- Good
- Fragrant Odor Place
- Like Odor Place
- Crude Cola
- Roman Aroma
- Colombian Caf
- Softy Coffee
- The Strange
- Persona Aroma
- Coffee Group
- Empty
- The Subcutaneously Caffiene
- ColombianCoffee
- Organic
- Olfactory Property Pro
- Crude Creatine
- Salty Coffee
- The Stale Odour
- Overheat Caffeine
- AqueousCaffeine
- The Methylxanthine Coffeemaker
- Soggy Coffee
- Benzoate Spot
- ModerateCaffeine
- The Tangy
- Like Stench Spot
- Cuban Coffeehouse
- Heady
- Colombian Coffee Berry
- Concentrated Creatine
- The Savory
- Krona Aroma
- Nicotine
- The Moderate Coffeemaker
- The Habitual
- Burnt Umber Place
- Haughty Coffee
- Nicotine Trading Co
- Cuban Coffee Bean
- The Flavored Espresso
- Sloppy Coffee
- The Faint Smell
- Cold Cafe
- Appetizing Acidity
- More Coffee Bean Trading Co
- SweetCoffee
- Gentle Olfactory Property
- Agreeable Acidity
- The Complimentary
- Appetizing Ambience
- Little
- RicanCoffee
- Soothing Olfactory Property Trading Co
- Hot Chocolate Place
- Odour Place
- Caffiene Place
- Robusta Espresso Place
- Raw
- QualityCoffee
- Nicotine Spot
- Caffein Trading Co
- SalivaryCaffeine
- Posse Coffee
- Strong Java Place
- Clean Coffee Tree Group
- Salivary Citrated Pro
- Tantalizing Olfactory Property
- Colombian Coffeemaker
- Track team Caffeine
- Caffeina Creatine
- The Exotic
- Robusta
- Dark
- Exotic Perfume
- Java Pro
- The Good
- The Brazilian Coffee Tree
- Believe Caffeine
- Pure
- Irish Tea Trading Co
- MildAroma
- NicotineCaffeine
- Samoa Aroma
- The Little
- The Empty Tea
- The Intravenous
- The Bitter
- Colombian Coffee Bean
- Fructose Group
- Stimulating Cafe Group
- The Crystalline
- Watering
- Appetizing
Best Coffee Subscription Box name ideas
- Coronary Creatine
- The Robusta Chocolate
- Clean Cup
- Smell Pro
- Tea Trading Co
- The Pleasing
- Commercial Caffeinism
- Peculiar Perfume Collective
- Iced Chocolate Trading Co
- BitterAroma
- The Empty
- Coffee Bean Pro
- DecreaseCaffeine
- The Pure
- Strychnine Cafe Place
- More Chocolate Trading Co
- The Strychnine Coffeemaker
- Caffeina Café
- The Excellent Deep Brown
- The Soothing
- Decease Caffeine
- Acrid Anise
- Scent Pro
- Café Collective
- Acrid Allspice
- The Cerebral
- Benzoate Trading Co
- Acrid Acidity
- The Regular
- Sour Fragrance Group
- Coronary
- Chocolate Co
- Pharmaceutical
- Excessive Guarana Group
- Stimulating Benzoate Place
- The Robusta
- Strychnine Caffiene
- AvoidCaffeine
- Drink Fructose
- UnpleasantAroma
- The Gentle
- Ethoxy Benzoate
- The Green
- Colombian Coffee Tree
- Stronger Odor
- Deep Brown Trading Co
- CrystallineCaffeine
- Concentrated Cola
- IrresistibleAroma
- Pure Coffee Berry Place
- The Nutty Flavor
- At me Caffeine
- The Pharmaceutical Café
- Characteristic
- The Fresh
- The Savory Fragrant
- Chronic
- Enticing Perfume
- Concentrated Coffeemaker
- The Pleasing Fragrance
- Spicy Smell
- Lobby Coffee
- Prenatal Caffiene Trading Co
- Intravenous Guarana
- Fructose Trading Co
- AlkaloidCaffeine
- The Comforting Smell
- Concomitant Caffein Group
- Alkaloid Coffeemaker Spot
- Stampede Caffeine
- Fine Perfume Group
- The Anhydrous
- Pungent
- Crude Café Co
- The Drink
- Bitter Tea Group
- DarkCoffee
- Caffiene Collective
- Coffee Trading Co
- The Soft
- Citrated Nicotine Collective
- Thick Scent Place
- Acrid Ambience
- Italian
- LiquidCaffeine
- Acrid Stench Group
- Appetizing Anisette
- Varietal Scent Co
- The Clean
- Clean Coffeehouse
- The Chronic
- Complimentary Cafe
- The Cuban
- Stench Trading Co
- The Mixed Fragrance
- Agreeable Ambience
- CoronaryCaffeine
- Liquid
- Acetaminophen Benzoate Pro
- Minnesota Aroma
- Trapeze Caffeine
- WonderfulAroma
- Bonnie Coffee
- Burnt Umber Co
- The Methylxanthine Caffiene
- IngestedCaffeine
- Distinctive
- Hockey Coffee
- Coffield Coffee
- Distinct Stench Co
- Java Group
- Morning
- Cerebral Coffee
- The Unmistakable
- The Mild
- Fragrance Place
- Guarana Pro
- Ramona Aroma
- Free Nicotine Place
- Pharmaceutical Cafe Group
- ErgotamineCaffeine
- PrenatalCaffeine
- Commercial Coffee
- Subtle
- Frosty Coffee
- The Flowery
- Delicious Coffee Tree
- Taffy Coffee
- The Morning
- Ingest
- Intense Olfactory Property Collective
- Tantalizing Perfume Co
- PowderedCoffee
- Maternal Fructose Place
- Rich Odour Group
Guide: How To Name Your Business
Why Is Your Business Name Important?
Your business name is one of the single most important pieces to starting a business.
Because your business name has power.
It reflects your reputation, your mission, values, and represents what people (and customers) are searching for.
It impacts the way in which people remember, refer you, and perceive your business
When choosing your business name, there's a lot to think about in order to get it right - so it's important not to rush this process.
Let's take a look at everything you need to consider before deciding on a business name:
Tips To Consider When Naming Your Coffee Subscription Box:
Simple is always better
This means a few different things. Your Coffee Subscription Box name should always be:
- Easy to spell
- Easy to pronounce
- Easy to remember
Consider avoiding long names as much as possible, as this will only lead your customers forgetting your name and feeling frustrated.
To test this point, try to think of any well-known reputable brand off the top of your head.
The first that come to mind for me are Alexa, Google, Nike, Apple - each unique in their own way (hence, easy to remember) , less than six characters and easy to spell.
Your Business Name Should Define What You Do
The name of your business should reflect a defining characteristic of what you do.
Before your customer goes to your website or speaks to you, the name of your business should spark some initial thoughts in their brain as to what you're all about.
For example, marketingexamples.com describes exactly what their company is about: providing great examples of marketing tactics.
Consider SEO When Naming Your Business
Bottom line: If you don't show up in google, you're going to make it that much more challenging for customers to find you.
There are several different aspects to think about when it comes to SEO & naming your Coffee Subscription Box:
- Try not to pick a business name that's crowded with other businesses
- Consider naming your business based on highly searched keywords
- Make sure the name of your business matches search intent and what people are looking for
Think about the emotions you want to evoke
Your business name has the power to evoke certain emotions and thoughts from your customer.
It has the ability to evoke a positive or a negative feeling. An inclusive or an exclusive feeling. A fearful or a loving feeling.
It's not to say that any of these feelings are wrong, but it's important to ensure that they are in line with your values and mission.
For example, the brand Death's Door makes me feel a bit risky and uncertain - but that's the point. They're selling Gin.
Try Not To Pick Something Too Limiting
Your business name should be fitting for the future and growth of your business, that way you don't have to confront a re-brand down the road.
If you choose something too narrow, it may be challenging to diversify your product and revenue streams down the road.
Here are some tips to avoid making this mistake:
- Try not to name the business after a particular geographical area (this makes it hard to grow in other areas)
- Try not to name the business after only one product you sell
- Try not to name something based on a current trend
Brainstorming Names For Your Business
If you're in the brainstorming phase and trying to come up with a business name, there are a few key things to think about in order to get the juices flowing:
- Write out a list of words that reflect your brand, personality, team etc. These should be the first things that come to your mind and you shouldn't have to think too hard about it.
- Look at competition in the space and see if there's a common theme. Write down some key words or phrases that resonate with you and add them to the list.
- Think about the emotion you want to evoke with your business name
- Ask yourself: If I had to describe my business in one word, what would it be?
From there, you can create a shortlist based on the words that resonate best with you and follow the naming guidelines above.
Tips on naming your business
In addition to the requirements from the State, there are some general naming guidelines that may help you down the road as well.
We've put together a full guide here for naming your business here but will also cover the most critical pieces below:
Is your URL available? Social media handles?
You can check for domain availability here:
Find a domain starting at $0.88
powered by Namecheap
As soon as you resonate with a name (or names), secure the domain and social media handles as soon as possible to ensure they don't get taken.
Other general naming tips
- Consider SEO when naming your business
- Consider naming your business something that reflects what you do and/or who you are
- Keep it simple! Easy to spell, easy to pronounce and easy to remember
- Try not to pick something too limiting that could impact your businesses growth in the future!
Check out our full naming guide here.
Here is a video covering all factors to consider when naming your LLC:
Examples of Great Business Names
When choosing a business name, it's critical that you look at other examples of businesses not only in your space, but business names in other industries that have done particularly well.
Here are a few examples of great business names (+ how some of these businesses came up with their name):
Competitor Analysis Example
One great way to name your business is by looking at the competition and getting inspiration.
Gia Paddock, founder of Boutique Rye analyzed other businesses in the space and added her own personal spin to her business name:
A popular national brick & mortar women’s boutique that many may have heard of is called Francesca’s… How original, right? So we came up with Boutique Rye named after our son, Riley. We put "boutique" in front to be a little different.
The name "Boutique Rye" checks the boxes for naming a business:
- Short and simple
- Easy to spell and easy to remember
- Clearly defines what the company does
- Optimized for SEO (people searching for boutiques)
- Unique and personal touch - tells a story.
Ask Other People
Sometimes, coming up with a name is as easy as asking other people, whether that be friends, family, people at a coffee shop, or in Spyq Sklar case, his own customer!
How we came up with the name Cat Sushi:
So, we put together a quick business plan and set aside some money that we were willing to risk. One of our loyal customers actually came up with the name. We still give them free cat food.
Read the full story ➡️ here
The name "Cat Sushi" checks all the boxes for naming a business:
- Memorable and funny
- Short and simple
- Obvious that they sell treats for cats
- Fun & unique story - their customer literally came up with the name of their business!
The Amazon Example
Formerly called "Cadabra", Jeff Bezos decided that the name was too obscure, hard to spell, and easy to misinterpret.
The name Amazon came from a simple dictionary search .
Jeff Bezos wanted something that started with an A, looked through a dictionary and came up with the word Amazon.
When he told his team, he didn't care for anyone else's input. He was set on it.
Here's how the word "Amazon" checks all the boxes (aside from being worth a trillion dollars):
- Represents the largest river in the world, making it very memorable
- The story and meaning of the word matches the vision of the company: To be the larger and better than any other business!
- The name allows for future growth opportunity - they didn't name something specific to just "books," even though at the time, that's what it was.
- Easy to spell, pronounce and recommend!
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