1,000+ Trendy Candle Business Instagram Name Ideas [2024]
Like other social platforms, Instagram now plays a pivotal role in business strategy and growth.
Did you know that 71% of US businesses use Instagram and the platform helps 80% of Instagram users decide to buy a product or service?
Finding a good Instagram handle and account name for your candle business is a critical step in establishing your brand and growing your audience.
Because your Instagram name defines how your customers will discover and search for you, so it’s important you choose a unique Instagram page name that you'll stick with forever.
In this article, we provide you with:
- 1,000+ trendy candle business instagram name ideas [2024]
- Free Instagram name availability check (+ Twitter, Tik-Tok, Youtube, Website & Pinterest Name Availability Check)
- Step-by-step guide on how to choose a cool Instagram name
Here's a list of creative candle business Instagram names you can choose from:
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Candle Business Instagram Username Ideas:
Catchy Candle Business Instagram usernames
- Waxjack candle (@waxjackcandle)
- Illume Candles (@illumecandles)
- Lighter candle (@lightercandle)
- Candelvana Candles (@candelvanacandles)
- Serenity Scents (@serenityscents)
- Smells Good (@smellsgood)
- Candelaria (@candelaria)
- Dadany & Sons (@dadanysons)
- Purple Broom (@purplebroom)
- Candle Light (@candlelight)
- Wishful Blaze (@wishfulblaze)
- Wonderful Wicks (@wonderfulwicks)
- Golden flame candle (@goldenflamecandle)
- Voluspa (@voluspa)
- Holiday Candles (@holidaycandles)
- Eco Glo (@ecoglo)
- Swan Creek (@swancreek)
- Herbs & Arts (@herbsarts)
- Good night candle (@goodnightcandle)
- Fabulous candle (@fabulouscandle)
- Sweet Breath Candles (@sweetbreathcandles)
- Moutain Lux Candles (@moutainluxcandles)
- A Little Candle & Bath Shop (@alittlecandlebathshop)
- Brite Shine (@briteshine)
- Glowquest candle (@glowquestcandle)
- The Crafty Candle (@thecraftycandle)
- Rainbow candle (@rainbowcandle)
- Face Body Soul (@facebodysoul)
- Potterwyx (@potterwyx)
- Soy Works Candle Company (@soyworkscandlecompany)
- Wicky Flame Candle Co. (@wickyflamecandleco)
- Bright light candle (@brightlightcandle)
- Home Glow (@homeglow)
- Village Candle (@villagecandle)
- Serenity Candles (@serenitycandles)
- Soy Serene (@soyserene)
- Incredible Candles (@incrediblecandles)
- High flair candle (@highflaircandle)
- Flourishing Flames (@flourishingflames)
- Foggy Notion (@foggynotion)
- Multi-brand candle (@multibrandcandle)
- Kandlestix (@kandlestix)
- Vivente Candles (@viventecandles)
- The Lucky (@thelucky)
- Urban Burn (@urbanburn)
- Candle Attraction (@candleattraction)
- The Unique Candle (@theuniquecandle)
- Soft Serenity (@softserenity)
- Trusted Twinkle (@trustedtwinkle)
- Lights on candle (@lightsoncandle)
- Two Guys (@twoguys)
- Kandle Queens (@kandlequeens)
- Joy Candles (@joycandles)
- Glass Wax (@glasswax)
- Citrus Blossom Soy Candles (@citrusblossomsoycandles)
- Living Flame (@livingflame)
- Bullfrog Candles (@bullfrogcandles)
- Starlight (@starlight)
- Candle Cabinets (@candlecabinets)
- Classy Twist (@classytwist)
- Kai & Co. (@kaico)
- Candle Caddy (@candlecaddy)
- Flicker (@flicker)
- Candle Enchantment (@candleenchantment)
- Wicks & More (@wicksmore)
- Shinning candle (@shinningcandle)
- Decorlight candle (@decorlightcandle)
- Flickers (@flickers)
- Rejuvenation (@rejuvenation)
- Stinky (@stinky)
- Making Scents (@makingscents)
- P.F. Candle Co. (@pfcandleco)
- Star Brite Illuminations (@starbriteilluminations)
- Make Scents (@makescents)
- Glow Home (@glowhome)
- Decocandles (@decocandles)
- Shorties Candles Co. (@shortiescandlesco)
- Good Smells (@goodsmells)
- Flamecast Candles (@flamecastcandles)
- Just Candles (@justcandles)
- Illuminax Candles (@illuminaxcandles)
- Lowlight (@lowlight)
- Candle Joy (@candlejoy)
- Athenian Candle Co. (@atheniancandleco)
- Grace Direct (@gracedirect)
- Heziglow candle (@heziglowcandle)
- F. Candle Co. (@fcandleco)
- Light Your Fire (@lightyourfire)
- Creative Candle Co. (@creativecandleco)
- The Candied Candle (@thecandiedcandle)
- Lovely Lights (@lovelylights)
- Scentsy (@scentsy)
- Mystic Harbor (@mysticharbor)
- Wax n’ Wix (@waxnwix)
- The Melted Candle (@themeltedcandle)
- Perfect Match (@perfectmatch)
- City Candles (@citycandles)
- Cup of Ceremony (@cupofceremony)
- Elite wiks candle (@elitewikscandle)
- Wild Bee Candle Company (@wildbeecandlecompany)
- Quick Wick (@quickwick)
- Melted Candles (@meltedcandles)
- Fireflair candle (@fireflaircandle)
- Coco Bella (@cocobella)
- Earth Gifts (@earthgifts)
- Glisten and Glow (@glistenandglow)
- Kai & Co. Candles (@kaicocandles)
- Brookstone Candle (@brookstonecandle)
- Elegant Radiance (@elegantradiance)
- The Candle Company (@thecandlecompany)
- Candle Love (@candlelove)
- Circle Shadow (@circleshadow)
- Pure Light Candle Studios (@purelightcandlestudios)
- Candle Cave (@candlecave)
- Royal Candles (@royalcandles)
- Wick Pick (@wickpick)
- Bag O’ Wicks (@bagowicks)
- We Know Wax (@weknowwax)
- Cupcake Candle Co. (@cupcakecandleco)
- All About Candles (@allaboutcandles)
- Sweet light candle (@sweetlightcandle)
- EarthGlo (@earthglo)
- Gel Candles (@gelcandles)
- Hudson Grace (@hudsongrace)
- Can Delites Candles (@candelitescandles)
- Botanica Renacer (@botanicarenacer)
- Waxmax candle (@waxmaxcandle)
- ScentJoy (@scentjoy)
- Classy Candles (@classycandles)
- Flame wax candle (@flamewaxcandle)
- PartyLite (@partylite)
- Candle Queens (@candlequeens)
- Wax & Wicks (@waxwicks)
- Bright Glow Candle (@brightglowcandle)
- Kandle Kids (@kandlekids)
- Well-Wicked (@wellwicked)
- Sweet dream candle (@sweetdreamcandle)
- DreamScents (@dreamscents)
- Candle Code (@candlecode)
- Candle Desire (@candledesire)
- Incredible candle (@incrediblecandle)
- Colorful Candles (@colorfulcandles)
- Candles R Us (@candlesrus)
Cool Candle Business Instagram usernames
- YLC Candle (@ylccandle)
- Lit Life (@litlife)
- Clever Candles (@clevercandles)
- Enlightenment candle (@enlightenmentcandle)
- Beartooth (@beartooth)
- Thymes (@thymes)
- Cali Custom Candles (@calicustomcandles)
- Grass Roots Candles (@grassrootscandles)
- Magicglow candle (@magicglowcandle)
- Divine wax candle (@divinewaxcandle)
- Baby-star candle (@babystarcandle)
- Four R Candles (@fourrcandles)
- Get Up and Glow (@getupandglow)
- Empire Candle Co. (@empirecandleco)
- Set The Mood (@setthemood)
- LAFCO Candles (@lafcocandles)
- Inner Flick Candles (@innerflickcandles)
- Candles Luminaire (@candlesluminaire)
- Skye Candle (@skyecandle)
- Crave Candle Company (@cravecandlecompany)
- Aroma Candles (@aromacandles)
- ScentLove (@scentlove)
- Hello Spring (@hellospring)
- Star candle (@starcandle)
- Shadowlight Candles (@shadowlightcandles)
- Fierce Flames (@fierceflames)
- The Candle Carvers (@thecandlecarvers)
- Pink Cupcake (@pinkcupcake)
- Lil’ Flickers (@lilflickers)
- Waxxy & Co. (@waxxyco)
- Kris Kandle (@kriskandle)
- Perfect light candle (@perfectlightcandle)
- Big Ole Wicks (@bigolewicks)
- The Frosted Candle Company (@thefrostedcandlecompany)
- Archipelago Botanicals (@archipelagobotanicals)
- Misty (@misty)
- Waxwenky candle (@waxwenkycandle)
- Star light candle (@starlightcandle)
- Flicker of Light (@flickeroflight)
- Candle Kings (@candlekings)
- Korona Candles (@koronacandles)
- Stinky Candle Company (@stinkycandlecompany)
- Melted Wax (@meltedwax)
- Moonlight candle (@moonlightcandle)
- Brighter candle (@brightercandle)
- Honeymoon candle (@honeymooncandle)
- Candle Creators (@candlecreators)
- Lighted Luxury (@lightedluxury)
- Wax n’ Wicks (@waxnwicks)
- Pine Meadows (@pinemeadows)
- Bag O’ Wax (@bagowax)
- Slow Burn (@slowburn)
- Waxy Wonders (@waxywonders)
- Sunshine candle (@sunshinecandle)
- Things that Make Scents (@thingsthatmakescents)
- Joy Scents (@joyscents)
- Royal wax candle (@royalwaxcandle)
- Great Bear Wax Co. (@greatbearwaxco)
- Soy Delicious (@soydelicious)
- Continental (@continental)
- Bright Glow (@brightglow)
- Stone Candles (@stonecandles)
- Hope’s Mystic Scents (@hopesmysticscents)
- Life-light candle (@lifelightcandle)
- Ink & Peat (@inkpeat)
- Candle Cradle (@candlecradle)
- Topanga (@topanga)
- Candle Secrets (@candlesecrets)
- Friendly Candles (@friendlycandles)
- Sweet Cakes (@sweetcakes)
- Pioneer Candles (@pioneercandles)
- Dark Room Candles (@darkroomcandles)
- Candle Collection (@candlecollection)
- Witty Wick (@wittywick)
- Zip Pop Candle Co. (@zippopcandleco)
- Candelvana (@candelvana)
- Flickers Candle Co. (@flickerscandleco)
- Northstar Country Candle (@northstarcountrycandle)
- Thumbwick Candles (@thumbwickcandles)
- Yo Soy Candle (@yosoycandle)
- Cool Candles (@coolcandles)
- Beautiful candle (@beautifulcandle)
- Candlewic (@candlewic)
- Candles Plus (@candlesplus)
- The Candlestick (@thecandlestick)
- Pure light candle (@purelightcandle)
- Lovely look candle (@lovelylookcandle)
- Scents n More (@scentsnmore)
- Fabulous Flame (@fabulousflame)
- Olde City Candle Co. (@oldecitycandleco)
- New Flame Candles (@newflamecandles)
- Fragrance De-Lite (@fragrancedelite)
- Called Out Candles (@calledoutcandles)
- Romance Candles (@romancecandles)
- Rooted wax candle (@rootedwaxcandle)
- The Perfect Candle (@theperfectcandle)
- Candle Cove (@candlecove)
- Welcomed Wicks (@welcomedwicks)
- Sensuous Smells (@sensuoussmells)
- Time to Twinkle (@timetotwinkle)
- Nature’s Breeze Candles (@naturesbreezecandles)
- Fruity Festives (@fruityfestives)
- Creative Candles (@creativecandles)
- Diptyque Candles (@diptyquecandles)
- My Fragrant Home (@myfragranthome)
- Flame Game (@flamegame)
- Candle Kids (@candlekids)
- The Flaming Candle (@theflamingcandle)
- Home Sick (@homesick)
- Unique candle (@uniquecandle)
- Fragrant Jewels (@fragrantjewels)
- Heaven Scent It (@heavenscentit)
- Flame Fame (@flamefame)
- Wicks n’ More (@wicksnmore)
- Ample Bow Candle Co. (@amplebowcandleco)
- Hibiscus candle (@hibiscuscandle)
- Candle Royalty (@candleroyalty)
- Bee Lucia Wellness (@beeluciawellness)
- Candle Couture (@candlecouture)
- Mia Bella (@miabella)
- Kandle Kingz (@kandlekingz)
- The Captivating Candle (@thecaptivatingcandle)
- Citizen Supply (@citizensupply)
- Candle Connection (@candleconnection)
- Diamond Creek (@diamondcreek)
- Diamond Creek Candles (@diamondcreekcandles)
- Virginia Aromatics (@virginiaaromatics)
- Gurley Candle Company (@gurleycandlecompany)
- Candle Corner (@candlecorner)
- Gentle Glow (@gentleglow)
- Flame Candy (@flamecandy)
- Candle Warmers (@candlewarmers)
- Magic Moon (@magicmoon)
- Rustic Candle Co. (@rusticcandleco)
- Knight glow candle (@knightglowcandle)
- Capri Blue (@capriblue)
- Wax Wonders (@waxwonders)
- Bedtime candle (@bedtimecandle)
- Aroma Naturals (@aromanaturals)
- Relaxing Radiance (@relaxingradiance)
- Wishful blaze candle (@wishfulblazecandle)
- Mia Bella Candles (@miabellacandles)
- Wax Bling (@waxbling)
Cute Candle Business Instagram usernames
- Homestead Candles (@homesteadcandles)
- Dreams & Rainbows (@dreamsrainbows)
- Pacifica (@pacifica)
- Bedwax candle (@bedwaxcandle)
- Frostbeard Studio (@frostbeardstudio)
- Soy Selection (@soyselection)
- Beeswax (@beeswax)
- Time & Again (@timeagain)
- Flicker to Flame (@flickertoflame)
- Wildflower Candles (@wildflowercandles)
- Pink Cupcake Candle Co. (@pinkcupcakecandleco)
- Topanga Candle Company (@topangacandlecompany)
- White Barn (@whitebarn)
- Go for Glow (@goforglow)
- Path light candle (@pathlightcandle)
- Blue Mercury (@bluemercury)
- Kandle Kings (@kandlekings)
- Wax & Wix (@waxwix)
- Earth Scents (@earthscents)
- Kindred lite candle (@kindredlitecandle)
- Sierra Dawn Products (@sierradawnproducts)
- Feather and Wax (@featherandwax)
- Twinkle Time (@twinkletime)
- Candle Creations (@candlecreations)
- Superlyn Candle Co. (@superlyncandleco)
- Fantasy Candles (@fantasycandles)
- Wax Works (@waxworks)
- Light Up Life (@lightuplife)
- Lux candle (@luxcandle)
- Family Candle (@familycandle)
- Wooly Wax (@woolywax)
- Candle Place (@candleplace)
- Candles 4 Less (@candles4less)
- Classic Candles (@classiccandles)
- The Scented Candle (@thescentedcandle)
- Vision Candles (@visioncandles)
- Lightsource Candles (@lightsourcecandles)
- Glorious lite candle (@gloriouslitecandle)
- DreamCandles (@dreamcandles)
- Modern Candle (@moderncandle)
- Candle Collective (@candlecollective)
- Match to Flame (@matchtoflame)
- Shorties (@shorties)
- Candle City (@candlecity)
- Love & Aesthetics (@loveaesthetics)
- Urban Burn Candles (@urbanburncandles)
- Bow and Arrow Candles (@bowandarrowcandles)
- Elevated Elegance (@elevatedelegance)
- Beeswax Candle Co. (@beeswaxcandleco)
- Glamorous Glow (@glamorousglow)
- Aromatic Fillers (@aromaticfillers)
- Candle Co. (@candleco)
- Bridgewater Candles (@bridgewatercandles)
- Everlasting candle (@everlastingcandle)
- Flame & Wax (@flamewax)
- Wicked Wicks (@wickedwicks)
- Budd + Finn (@buddfinn)
- Nice Smells (@nicesmells)
- Appetizing Anise (@appetizinganise)
- Lost Prints (@lostprints)
- The Shaded Light (@theshadedlight)
- Arizona Aroma (@arizonaaroma)
- Cool Olfaction Spot (@coololfactionspot)
- Offensive (@offensive)
- Sharp Sense (@sharpsense)
- The Powdery (@thepowdery)
- Holy (@holy)
- Perfume Collective (@perfumecollective)
- Warm Aromatic (@warmaromatic)
- DarkWax (@darkwax)
- Polish Trading Co (@polishtradingco)
- Heavy Odour Group (@heavyodourgroup)
- The Hot Flavor (@thehotflavor)
- The Bed (@thebed)
- The Irresistible (@theirresistible)
- The Unmistakable (@theunmistakable)
- Worth Cd Collective (@worthcdcollective)
- The Wonderful (@thewonderful)
- Wax Co (@waxco)
- Pungent (@pungent)
- Excessive Polish (@excessivepolish)
- Enticing (@enticing)
- Light (@light)
- The Strong Scent (@thestrongscent)
- Warm Waxworker (@warmwaxworker)
- Heady Smell Pro (@headysmellpro)
- Appetizing Astringency (@appetizingastringency)
- Watering Aromatic Collective (@wateringaromaticcollective)
- Vigil Co (@vigilco)
- Soluble Rise (@solublerise)
- Aromatic Aroma Collective (@aromaticaromacollective)
- Torch Place (@torchplace)
- Consecrated Cd (@consecratedcd)
- The Agreeable Feeling (@theagreeablefeeling)
- Taper Trading Co (@tapertradingco)
- Saps Wax (@sapswax)
- The Foul Odor (@thefoulodor)
- Aroma Pro (@aromapro)
- Irresistible Flavor Spot (@irresistibleflavorspot)
- PleasantAroma (@pleasantaroma)
- Warm White (@warmwhite)
- Full Co (@fullco)
- Strange Sense Of Smell (@strangesenseofsmell)
- SourAroma (@souraroma)
- Yellow (@yellow)
- The Sickly (@thesickly)
- Carnauba Trading Co (@carnaubatradingco)
- Scent Trading Co (@scenttradingco)
- Agreeable Aftertaste (@agreeableaftertaste)
- The Cold (@thecold)
- Flavor Trading Co (@flavortradingco)
- The Sickening (@thesickening)
- Look Pro (@lookpro)
- Sour Stink (@sourstink)
- Interior angle Candle (@interioranglecandle)
- Cd Trading Co (@cdtradingco)
- UnmistakableAroma (@unmistakablearoma)
- FlamingCandle (@flamingcandle)
- Lone Flame Place (@loneflameplace)
- The Pure Full (@thepurefull)
- Red Prints Pro (@redprintspro)
- Unique Scent Collective (@uniquescentcollective)
- MuskyAroma (@muskyaroma)
- Hardened (@hardened)
- The Appetizing (@theappetizing)
- The Strong Smell (@thestrongsmell)
- Excess Climb (@excessclimb)
- The Dusty (@thedusty)
- Ramona Aroma (@ramonaaroma)
- Odd Scent Place (@oddscentplace)
- Dangle Candle (@danglecandle)
- The Wretched (@thewretched)
- Last (@last)
- The Rich (@therich)
- The Sweet Scent (@thesweetscent)
- Consecrated Candle Flame (@consecratedcandleflame)
- Torch Group (@torchgroup)
- Zona Aroma (@zonaaroma)
- Bed Wax (@bedwax)
- The Delicate (@thedelicate)
- Softer (@softer)
- Peculiar Odour (@peculiarodour)
- Shaded Torch Trading Co (@shadedtorchtradingco)
Best Candle Business Instagram usernames
- Prints Collective (@printscollective)
- Brown (@brown)
- Sweetish Senses (@sweetishsenses)
- Salty Stink (@saltystink)
- The Crystalline (@thecrystalline)
- Ova Aroma (@ovaaroma)
- The Unlighted (@theunlighted)
- LittleWax (@littlewax)
- Feel Pro (@feelpro)
- Fresh Scent (@freshscent)
- ExcessiveWax (@excessivewax)
- Plastic (@plastic)
- Strange Sniff (@strangesniff)
- StrangeSmell (@strangesmell)
- Smell Spot (@smellspot)
- The Delicious Feeling (@thedeliciousfeeling)
- Small Standard Candle Group (@smallstandardcandlegroup)
- Heated Waxy Spot (@heatedwaxyspot)
- The Flickering Vigil (@theflickeringvigil)
- The Watering Odour (@thewateringodour)
- SofterWax (@softerwax)
- Delicious (@delicious)
- The Heavy (@theheavy)
- BriefCandle (@briefcandle)
- Olfaction Collective (@olfactioncollective)
- Feeble (@feeble)
- The Agreeable Flavor (@theagreeableflavor)
- The Slight Flavor (@theslightflavor)
- Lingering Scent (@lingeringscent)
- Comas Aroma (@comasaroma)
- Suffocating Sense (@suffocatingsense)
- Odour Trading Co (@odourtradingco)
- Smoky (@smoky)
- Carnauba Spot (@carnaubaspot)
- Bed (@bed)
- Sulphurous Sniffles (@sulphuroussniffles)
- Shona Aroma (@shonaaroma)
- The Like (@thelike)
- The Huge (@thehuge)
- The Spicy Fragrant (@thespicyfragrant)
- Smoky Sniffer (@smokysniffer)
- Aromatic Spot (@aromaticspot)
- White Waxworker (@whitewaxworker)
- Stale Look (@stalelook)
- LightAroma (@lightaroma)
- PowerfulSmell (@powerfulsmell)
- StaleAroma (@stalearoma)
- Distant Taper (@distanttaper)
- Sulphurous Stink (@sulphurousstink)
- Spirit Group (@spiritgroup)
- Strong Sniffer (@strongsniffer)
- Tangle Candle (@tanglecandle)
- Taps Wax (@tapswax)
- Fiona Aroma (@fionaaroma)
- The Suffocating (@thesuffocating)
- Smell Co (@smellco)
- Stronger Smell (@strongersmell)
- Distinctive Fragrance (@distinctivefragrance)
- Agreeable Aromatic (@agreeablearomatic)
- The Strong (@thestrong)
- Tempting (@tempting)
- Warm Waxwork (@warmwaxwork)
- Large (@large)
- The Fragrant Feeling (@thefragrantfeeling)
- The Vegetable (@thevegetable)
- Floral Odour Place (@floralodourplace)
- Warm Climb Collective (@warmclimbcollective)
- Sulphurous Senses (@sulphuroussenses)
- The Faint Odor (@thefaintodor)
- Baseplate Full Pro (@baseplatefullpro)
- SolitaryCandle (@solitarycandle)
- Fine Aromatic Group (@finearomaticgroup)
- Savory Aromatic (@savoryaromatic)
- Soft (@soft)
- The Ear Mount (@theearmount)
- The Distinctive (@thedistinctive)
- Clear (@clear)
- StrongerAroma (@strongeraroma)
- HeadyAroma (@headyaroma)
- Cd Place (@cdplace)
- Liquid (@liquid)
- Unlit Cd (@unlitcd)
- Thick Olfactory Perception Co (@thickolfactoryperceptionco)
- Flavor Collective (@flavorcollective)
- The Finest (@thefinest)
- Thin Taper Pro (@thintaperpro)
- The Consecrated Candlelight (@theconsecratedcandlelight)
- Torch Spot (@torchspot)
- OffensiveSmell (@offensivesmell)
- Suffocating Sniffer (@suffocatingsniffer)
- The Thick Olfaction (@thethickolfaction)
- Candela Pro (@candelapro)
- The Ordinary (@theordinary)
- LoneCandle (@lonecandle)
- The Excess (@theexcess)
- CoolSmell (@coolsmell)
- Rich Olfaction (@richolfaction)
- The Dark (@thedark)
- Boca Aroma (@bocaaroma)
- Spangle Candle (@spanglecandle)
- Stench Group (@stenchgroup)
- Ordinary Beeswax (@ordinarybeeswax)
- Savoury Feeling Trading Co (@savouryfeelingtradingco)
- Thin Wax Light (@thinwaxlight)
- Clean Carnauba (@cleancarnauba)
- HorribleSmell (@horriblesmell)
- WarmSmell (@warmsmell)
- The Varietal (@thevarietal)
- Warm Wire Brush (@warmwirebrush)
- The Montan Carnauba (@themontancarnauba)
- Dry (@dry)
- BurningCandle (@burningcandle)
- MuchWax (@muchwax)
- Warm Wefts (@warmwefts)
- Consecrated Cierge (@consecratedcierge)
- Candela Spot (@candelaspot)
- ExcessWax (@excesswax)
- Varietal Fragrant (@varietalfragrant)
- Excited Prints Place (@excitedprintsplace)
- SourSmell (@soursmell)
- Musty Odour Pro (@mustyodourpro)
- Polishing (@polishing)
- Synthetic (@synthetic)
- MildAroma (@mildaroma)
- Dry Beeswax (@drybeeswax)
- Microcrystalline Full Collective (@microcrystallinefullcollective)
- Olfactory Perception Pro (@olfactoryperceptionpro)
- Consecrated Candlelight (@consecratedcandlelight)
- TripleCandle (@triplecandle)
- The Delectable Odour (@thedelectableodour)
- Fragrance Collective (@fragrancecollective)
- Contracts Wax (@contractswax)
- Olfactory Property Co (@olfactorypropertyco)
- Green Look (@greenlook)
- The Softer Paraffin (@thesofterparaffin)
- Red (@red)
- Latona Aroma (@latonaaroma)
- The Smelling Fragrance (@thesmellingfragrance)
- Savory Spirit (@savoryspirit)
- Melt (@melt)
- Flame Pro (@flamepro)
- Like Fragrant (@likefragrant)
- ParaffinWax (@paraffinwax)
Unique Candle Business Instagram usernames
- FreshWax (@freshwax)
- Handles Candle (@handlescandle)
- Heavenly Fragrant Trading Co (@heavenlyfragranttradingco)
- TallowCandle (@tallowcandle)
- The Brazilian (@thebrazilian)
- The Burning (@theburning)
- Acrid Astringency (@acridastringency)
- Strong (@strong)
- Exquisite (@exquisite)
- The Savory (@thesavory)
- The Sweet (@thesweet)
- The Nauseating Feeling (@thenauseatingfeeling)
- Paste Paraffin (@pasteparaffin)
- The Yeasty Fragrant (@theyeastyfragrant)
- Lovely Odor Co (@lovelyodorco)
- Horrible Spirit Group (@horriblespiritgroup)
- Tall Flame Group (@tallflamegroup)
- Sticky Full (@stickyfull)
- Pink Vigil Trading Co (@pinkvigiltradingco)
- FamiliarAroma (@familiararoma)
- The Thick (@thethick)
- Fragrance Co (@fragranceco)
- Spent Light (@spentlight)
- The Purple (@thepurple)
- Candlelight Trading Co (@candlelighttradingco)
- Consecrated Candlewaster (@consecratedcandlewaster)
- Nice Feeling Place (@nicefeelingplace)
- The Brittle Candle (@thebrittlecandle)
- Much Paraffin Spot (@muchparaffinspot)
- Strong Scent Co (@strongscentco)
- The Refined (@therefined)
- The Odd (@theodd)
- FetidSmell (@fetidsmell)
- BlueWax (@bluewax)
- The Sufficient Climb (@thesufficientclimb)
- BraidedCandle (@braidedcandle)
- Acrid Ambrein (@acridambrein)
- The Heavenly (@theheavenly)
- SpicySmell (@spicysmell)
- The Musky Spirit (@themuskyspirit)
- Unlighted (@unlighted)
- Dismantle Candle (@dismantlecandle)
- Distinctive Odor Co (@distinctiveodorco)
- Nice (@nice)
- FeebleCandle (@feeblecandle)
- Peculiar (@peculiar)
- Sour (@sour)
- Sweet Sniffer (@sweetsniffer)
- Warm White Spirit (@warmwhitespirit)
- Synthetic Candle Place (@syntheticcandleplace)
- The Soft (@thesoft)
- UnmistakableSmell (@unmistakablesmell)
- Familiar Stench Spot (@familiarstenchspot)
- The Pleasing (@thepleasing)
- The Epicuticular Prints (@theepicuticularprints)
- Stale Odor Co (@staleodorco)
- The Holy Taper (@theholytaper)
- Green (@green)
- Appetizing Anisette (@appetizinganisette)
- Soluble Rise Group (@solublerisegroup)
- Wax Trading Co (@waxtradingco)
- The Blessed (@theblessed)
- The Sweetish (@thesweetish)
- The Pure Paraffin (@thepureparaffin)
- Corona Aroma (@coronaaroma)
- Fishy (@fishy)
- Wonderful Odour (@wonderfulodour)
- Pink Flame Trading Co (@pinkflametradingco)
- Sour Aroma Co (@souraromaco)
- Distinctive (@distinctive)
- PungentAroma (@pungentaroma)
- The Unique (@theunique)
- Sickly Odor Co (@sicklyodorco)
- Carnauba Place (@carnaubaplace)
- Stale Stink (@stalestink)
- The Fresh (@thefresh)
- Wangle Candle (@wanglecandle)
- The Familiar (@thefamiliar)
- Thick Smell Spot (@thicksmellspot)
- Standard (@standard)
- The Stale (@thestale)
- Big Flame (@bigflame)
- Cold Flavor Group (@coldflavorgroup)
- The Warm (@thewarm)
- PureWax (@purewax)
- Appetizing Ambiance (@appetizingambiance)
- Heady (@heady)
- Taper Collective (@tapercollective)
- Stale Odor Pro (@staleodorpro)
- Agreeable (@agreeable)
- LovelySmell (@lovelysmell)
- BedCandle (@bedcandle)
- Wax Light Place (@waxlightplace)
- The Dental (@thedental)
- Strong Odour Collective (@strongodourcollective)
- TypicalAroma (@typicalaroma)
- Scent Group (@scentgroup)
- The Tempting Flavor (@thetemptingflavor)
- GreenCandle (@greencandle)
- RomanCandle (@romancandle)
- Suffocating Stench (@suffocatingstench)
- Rush (@rush)
- SmellingAroma (@smellingaroma)
- Scent Co (@scentco)
- Feel Collective (@feelcollective)
- The Fetid (@thefetid)
- The Feeble (@thefeeble)
- Musty Fragrant (@mustyfragrant)
- Olfaction Trading Co (@olfactiontradingco)
- Pervasive (@pervasive)
- Strange Aroma (@strangearoma)
- Dry Flavor Collective (@dryflavorcollective)
- The Solitary (@thesolitary)
- Fresh Odour Collective (@freshodourcollective)
- Sickly Flavor (@sicklyflavor)
- The Heated Polish (@theheatedpolish)
- Tiny Standard Candle (@tinystandardcandle)
- SnuffedCandle (@snuffedcandle)
- Unpleasant Flavor Co (@unpleasantflavorco)
- ColdWax (@coldwax)
- Flaps Wax (@flapswax)
- Prints Pro (@printspro)
- Bright (@bright)
- Salty Snort (@saltysnort)
- Light Vigil (@lightvigil)
- Microcrystalline Beeswax (@microcrystallinebeeswax)
- Olfactory Property Trading Co (@olfactorypropertytradingco)
- Thick (@thick)
- Excited Candle (@excitedcandle)
- StickyWax (@stickywax)
- White Waxplant (@whitewaxplant)
- Lovely (@lovely)
- Wonderful (@wonderful)
- Adhesive (@adhesive)
- Gamboa Aroma (@gamboaaroma)
- Agreeable Ambrosial (@agreeableambrosial)
- Varietal Stench Co (@varietalstenchco)
- Acrid Ambrosial (@acridambrosial)
- Huge Candela (@hugecandela)
- Untangle Candle (@untanglecandle)
- Mount Trading Co (@mounttradingco)
- Heavy Perfume Place (@heavyperfumeplace)
- Warm Wipe Up (@warmwipeup)
Creative Candle Business Instagram usernames
- Face angle Candle (@faceanglecandle)
- Scent Spot (@scentspot)
- Scraps Wax (@scrapswax)
- Unpleasant Aromatic Group (@unpleasantaromaticgroup)
- Disgusting Odour Collective (@disgustingodourcollective)
- The Strange Look (@thestrangelook)
- Blue Climb Co (@blueclimbco)
- Olfaction Group (@olfactiongroup)
- Look Spot (@lookspot)
- Oblique angle Candle (@obliqueanglecandle)
- Vertical angle Candle (@verticalanglecandle)
- Strange Senses (@strangesenses)
- Prepared Prints Spot (@preparedprintsspot)
- Flaming Light Pro (@flaminglightpro)
- Agreeable Anisette (@agreeableanisette)
- Unmistakable Scent Collective (@unmistakablescentcollective)
- Slight Sniffer (@slightsniffer)
- Scandals Candle (@scandalscandle)
- Odor Trading Co (@odortradingco)
- Krona Aroma (@kronaaroma)
- Sharp Stench (@sharpstench)
- Sour Sense Of Smell (@soursenseofsmell)
- Jehovah Aroma (@jehovaharoma)
- Heavenly Odor (@heavenlyodor)
- The Extinguished (@theextinguished)
- Soothing Olfactory Property (@soothingolfactoryproperty)
- Look Place (@lookplace)
- The Consecrated (@theconsecrated)
- Appetizing Aromatic (@appetizingaromatic)
- Taper Spot (@taperspot)
- The Thick Candle (@thethickcandle)
- Rich Stench Place (@richstenchplace)
- LiquidWax (@liquidwax)
- Excited Full Pro (@excitedfullpro)
- Reflex angle Candle (@reflexanglecandle)
- Maps Wax (@mapswax)
- Rush Candlelight Place (@rushcandlelightplace)
- LightedCandle (@lightedcandle)
- EarWax (@earwax)
- Delectable Fragrance (@delectablefragrance)
- PowderyWax (@powderywax)
- The Floral (@thefloral)
- Musky (@musky)
- WarmWax (@warmwax)
- ExquisiteAroma (@exquisitearoma)
- The Brittle (@thebrittle)
- The Bad Aroma (@thebadaroma)
- The Subtle Odour (@thesubtleodour)
- Gaps Wax (@gapswax)
- Delectable Perfume Spot (@delectableperfumespot)
- Prints Spot (@printsspot)
- Vegetable (@vegetable)
- The Sufficient (@thesufficient)
- The Cold Climb (@thecoldclimb)
- The Triple (@thetriple)
- SharpAroma (@sharparoma)
- Melted (@melted)
- SoothingAroma (@soothingaroma)
- Apps Wax (@appswax)
- Chaps Wax (@chapswax)
- Consecrated Chandelier (@consecratedchandelier)
- Fragrant (@fragrant)
- The Melted (@themelted)
- The Appetizing Aromatic (@theappetizingaromatic)
- PervasiveSmell (@pervasivesmell)
- Light Scent (@lightscent)
- SuffocatingSmell (@suffocatingsmell)
- Polish Spot (@polishspot)
- Spent Cd (@spentcd)
- Brittle (@brittle)
- CharacteristicAroma (@characteristicaroma)
- Brief Standard Candle Pro (@briefstandardcandlepro)
- LingeringSmell (@lingeringsmell)
- Stench Place (@stenchplace)
- Mona Aroma (@monaaroma)
- Miserable Candela (@miserablecandela)
- The Delightful Odor (@thedelightfulodor)
- The Funny Spirit (@thefunnyspirit)
- Verona Aroma (@veronaaroma)
- The Occlusal Rise (@theocclusalrise)
- Odor Pro (@odorpro)
- Pannel Candle (@pannelcandle)
- Wraps Wax (@wrapswax)
- Agreeable Acidity (@agreeableacidity)
- The Electric Standard Candle (@theelectricstandardcandle)
- Olfactory Property Place (@olfactorypropertyplace)
- Wax Collective (@waxcollective)
- Rona Aroma (@ronaaroma)
- Comforting Olfactory Property (@comfortingolfactoryproperty)
- Fragrant Feel Collective (@fragrantfeelcollective)
- Polishing Climb Spot (@polishingclimbspot)
- Unpleasant Perfume Pro (@unpleasantperfumepro)
- Caps Wax (@capswax)
- Lone (@lone)
- The Brief (@thebrief)
- SmokySmell (@smokysmell)
- The Hot (@thehot)
- Funny Feel (@funnyfeel)
- Consecrated Candelabrum (@consecratedcandelabrum)
- Nauseating Spirit Group (@nauseatingspiritgroup)
- SharpSmell (@sharpsmell)
- The Finest Candle (@thefinestcandle)
- Appetizing Ambience (@appetizingambience)
- Handled Candle (@handledcandle)
- Fresh Olfactory Property Trading Co (@fresholfactorypropertytradingco)
- SavorySmell (@savorysmell)
- Exquisite Stench Place (@exquisitestenchplace)
- Worth (@worth)
- The Bleached Candle (@thebleachedcandle)
- Sickening Senses (@sickeningsenses)
- Cold Paraffin (@coldparaffin)
- The Delectable Fragrant (@thedelectablefragrant)
- The Smoky (@thesmoky)
- White White Spirit (@whitewhitespirit)
- The Beautiful (@thebeautiful)
- The Dry (@thedry)
- Thin (@thin)
- The Dusty Feel (@thedustyfeel)
- The Fine (@thefine)
- Candle Pro (@candlepro)
- Kona Aroma (@konaaroma)
- The Sulphurous (@thesulphurous)
- Earthy Feeling Collective (@earthyfeelingcollective)
- Nutty (@nutty)
- Full Place (@fullplace)
- TemptingAroma (@temptingaroma)
- Prints Trading Co (@printstradingco)
- EpicuticularWax (@epicuticularwax)
- Terrible (@terrible)
- Perfume Co (@perfumeco)
- Casanova Aroma (@casanovaaroma)
- Fresh Flavor Spot (@freshflavorspot)
- Consecrated (@consecrated)
- Solid Beeswax Collective (@solidbeeswaxcollective)
- The Lost (@thelost)
- Olfactory Perception Co (@olfactoryperceptionco)
- Appetizing Ambrein (@appetizingambrein)
- Sealing Waxy Group (@sealingwaxygroup)
- ElectricCandle (@electriccandle)
- The Like Olfactory Perception (@thelikeolfactoryperception)
- Warm (@warm)
- The Disgusting (@thedisgusting)
- BrightCandle (@brightcandle)
Funny Candle Business Instagram usernames
- Flaming Torch Spot (@flamingtorchspot)
- Ear Candle Place (@earcandleplace)
- Grafting Climb Pro (@graftingclimbpro)
- LikeAroma (@likearoma)
- The Paschal Cd (@thepaschalcd)
- Acrid Olfactory Property Co (@acridolfactorypropertyco)
- Heavy (@heavy)
- Bed Cd Spot (@bedcdspot)
- SubtleAroma (@subtlearoma)
- The Sharp (@thesharp)
- The Agreeable (@theagreeable)
- Spiritual (@spiritual)
- UnpleasantAroma (@unpleasantaroma)
- Melt Rise Pro (@meltrisepro)
- Disagreeable (@disagreeable)
- ThickCandle (@thickcandle)
- Green Mount (@greenmount)
- The Lingering Flavor (@thelingeringflavor)
- Olfactory Property Collective (@olfactorypropertycollective)
- UnlitCandle (@unlitcandle)
- AppetizingAroma (@appetizingaroma)
- The Microcrystalline (@themicrocrystalline)
- Persona Aroma (@personaaroma)
- Aromatic Place (@aromaticplace)
- Pink (@pink)
- Agreeable Anise (@agreeableanise)
- Occlusal Paraffin Collective (@occlusalparaffincollective)
- Warm Waxberry (@warmwaxberry)
- HardWax (@hardwax)
- Fragrant Co (@fragrantco)
- The Blue (@theblue)
- Foot (@foot)
- NauseousSmell (@nauseoussmell)
- Warm Waxbird (@warmwaxbird)
- MixedAroma (@mixedaroma)
- TinyCandle (@tinycandle)
- The Sticky (@thesticky)
- Spicy Look Group (@spicylookgroup)
- Spicy Sense (@spicysense)
- Pink Flame (@pinkflame)
- Antle Candle (@antlecandle)
- Wonderful Spirit Trading Co (@wonderfulspirittradingco)
- Rich (@rich)
- Much Rise Trading Co (@muchrisetradingco)
- InchCandle (@inchcandle)
- Consecrated Candela (@consecratedcandela)
- Curious Look Spot (@curiouslookspot)
- Comforting Odor Group (@comfortingodorgroup)
- Acrid Flavor Place (@acridflavorplace)
- Beeswax Pro (@beeswaxpro)
- The Tempting (@thetempting)
- Musky Spirit (@muskyspirit)
- Flaming (@flaming)
- Schnapps Wax (@schnappswax)
- The Horrible (@thehorrible)
- Mild Odour Group (@mildodourgroup)
- The Light (@thelight)
- BrittleWax (@brittlewax)
- Consecrated Chanukah (@consecratedchanukah)
- Evil Feel Trading Co (@evilfeeltradingco)
- Pure Rise Pro (@purerisepro)
- Dark Polish Co (@darkpolishco)
- The Melt (@themelt)
- Faint (@faint)
- Lingering (@lingering)
- Unscramble Candle (@unscramblecandle)
- Consecrated Candleholder (@consecratedcandleholder)
- Oily (@oily)
- Supernova Aroma (@supernovaaroma)
- The Distant (@thedistant)
- Consecrated Candlestick (@consecratedcandlestick)
- Prepared Carnauba (@preparedcarnauba)
- The Mild (@themild)
- Mount Collective (@mountcollective)
- Votive Standard Candle Collective (@votivestandardcandlecollective)
- OverpoweringSmell (@overpoweringsmell)
- Dim (@dim)
- Yoga Aroma (@yogaaroma)
- Feel Spot (@feelspot)
- Polish Group (@polishgroup)
- SpentCandle (@spentcandle)
- Wretched Candela Group (@wretchedcandelagroup)
- White Candle Co (@whitecandleco)
- Brandon Candle (@brandoncandle)
- Fragrance Pro (@fragrancepro)
- Flickering Flame (@flickeringflame)
- Savory Sense Of Smell (@savorysenseofsmell)
- Smoky Spirit (@smokyspirit)
- Gamble Candle (@gamblecandle)
- Familiar (@familiar)
- Odor Group (@odorgroup)
- DistinctAroma (@distinctaroma)
- Slight Sense Of Smell (@slightsenseofsmell)
- Candled Candle (@candledcandle)
- Crystalline (@crystalline)
- The Excessive (@theexcessive)
- Enough Candle (@enoughcandle)
- The Plastic (@theplastic)
- Salty Sniffles (@saltysniffles)
- The Musky (@themusky)
- DeliciousSmell (@delicioussmell)
- Stratified sample Candle (@stratifiedsamplecandle)
- Sickly Senses (@sicklysenses)
- Bitter (@bitter)
- Noah Aroma (@noaharoma)
- Heady Perfume (@headyperfume)
- Jangle Candle (@janglecandle)
- The Mild Scent (@themildscent)
- The Mixed (@themixed)
- LastCandle (@lastcandle)
- Agreeable Ambiance (@agreeableambiance)
- The Melted Beeswax (@themeltedbeeswax)
- Musty (@musty)
- Acrid Anisette (@acridanisette)
- Sofa Aroma (@sofaaroma)
- DelectableAroma (@delectablearoma)
- Lapse Wax (@lapsewax)
- Stale Olfactory Perception Collective (@staleolfactoryperceptioncollective)
- Tiny Light Trading Co (@tinylighttradingco)
- Subtle Scent (@subtlescent)
- The Odd Olfaction (@theoddolfaction)
- Appetizing Allspice (@appetizingallspice)
- Beeswax Co (@beeswaxco)
- Paraffin Trading Co (@paraffintradingco)
- The Tangy (@thetangy)
- The Overpowering (@theoverpowering)
- The Acrid (@theacrid)
- Raps Wax (@rapswax)
- Blue (@blue)
- Torch Pro (@torchpro)
- Laps Wax (@lapswax)
- Snaps Wax (@snapswax)
- Braided Wax Light Trading Co (@braidedwaxlighttradingco)
- Divine (@divine)
- Strange Smell (@strangesmell)
- LargeCandle (@largecandle)
- Earthy Odor (@earthyodor)
- Light Place (@lightplace)
- Critical angle Candle (@criticalanglecandle)
- The Tallow Candlelight (@thetallowcandlelight)
- Sharp (@sharp)
- The Lovely Look (@thelovelylook)
- Fragrant Odor (@fragrantodor)
How to Choose A Cool Candle Business Instagram Name: 3 Steps
Choosing a creative Instagram page name can be a big decision, so it’s important to consider a few things before coming to that conclusion.
Step 1: Choose a name that is easy to remember
Your Instagram handle should be easy to remember, easy to spell and look clean.
- Avoid using any symbols or characters in your Instagram username.
- Try not to pick something too limiting. If you diversify your product or brand down the road, you don’t want to be in the position where you have to change your candle business Instagram handle.
- Your username should be catchy, unique, and most importantly simple.
- Keep your Instagram username short and sweet!
Step 2: Keep your Instagram account name relevant to your business or brand
When creating your Instagram name, try building it around your content strategy and your target audience.
If your exact business name is available for your Instagram username, you should immediately secure that handle. This makes it easier than ever for your customers to find you.
If your business name is not available, try to pick something around the product you are selling or the image you are looking to portray.
Step 3: Make sure your Instagram username is memorable
There are over one billion Instagram users, which also makes it harder to find a good and available username.
There are a few different ways to find a good username that is both available, memorable, and easily recognizable:
- If your exact business name is taken, be sure to put your business name in the first and last name when setting up your profile. This will ensure that customers can still easily search and find you.
- Try using a play on words to create an iconic instagram username.
- Start your username with well known phrases such as “the”, “thisis”, “weare”
Final Thoughts
Hopefully, you’ve come across some catchy Insta username ideas for your candle business + a few helpful tips to choosing the best name for your IG account.
To learn more about starting and growing your business, visit our website here!
Learn more about starting a candle business:
Where to start?
-> How much does it cost to start a candle business?
-> Pros and cons of a candle business
Need inspiration?
-> Other candle business success stories
-> Marketing ideas for a candle business
-> Candle business slogans
-> Candle business names
-> Candle business Instagram captions
Other resources
-> Candle business tips
-> Blog post ideas for a candle business
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