160 Sweet Instagram Bios For BeeKeepers
If you're looking to up your Instagram game, it's imperative that you have a great Instagram bio.
Your Instagram bio is the first thing your followers will see - it should be unique and tell users exactly what you do and who you are.
We understand how difficult it can be to craft a compelling Instagram bio, which is why we curated a list of the best beekeeping business Instagram bios.
Additionally, we provide you with examples of the best beekeeping business bios on Instagram and a step-by-step guide to get you started.
Looking to generate your own bio? Check out our free Instagram bio generator here.
Creative Instagram Bios For BeeKeepers

- After the bee scored the winning basketball shot, the entire team wanted to give him a hive-five.
- When a bee is in your hand, what’s in your eye? Beauty. Because beauty is in the eye of the bee-holder.
- I know that I have never seen a humming bird but I certainly did see a spelling bee.
- The only thing more dangerous that being with a fool is fooling with a bee.
- The bee who loved to fly backwards would often be heard going zzub zzub zzub.
- What’s black and yellow and flies at 30,000 feet? A bee on an airplane.
- I’m so dedicated to keeping the bees happy and keeping humans healthy › #beehappy.
- Bees that are born in the month of May are considered to be May-Bees.
- I love my bee 🐝 so much that I give her the perfect amount of food, water, and beauty routine for her every day.
- The bee’s life is like a magic well: the more you draw from it, the more it fills with water
- Roses are red, violets are blue, killer bees are all over you.
- What, like dressing up like a bee is hard?
- Bee children take the school buzz to get to school.
- Why did the bee want to use the phone? To say hi to their honey.
- The bee is domesticated but not tamed – William Longgood
- If you want to gather honey, don’t kick over the beehive.
- Show me the honey.
- Our treasure lies in the beehive of our knowledge. We are perpetually on the way thither, being by nature winged insects and honey gatherers of the mind.
- Making beekeeping easy and rewarding. No lies!
- The bees went on strike because they wanted more honey and less working flowers.
- As soon as the bees were finished making their hive they threw a big house swarming party for the rest of the group.
- The teacher kept telling the naughty bee to bee-hive himself or she would call in his parents.
- That pretentious wasp is just plain snob-bee!
- Halloween is only one night of the whole year? Comb on!
- Wasp are you talking about?
- A bee that will not stop eating will eventually become a little chub-bee.
- When you want honey, think Beehive and keep bee-ing you. 🐝
- Say, these bee puns aren’t too shab-bee.
- Only bees who are on their best bee-havior get to go to the hive and make honey.
- Who’s a bee’s favorite painter? Pablo Bee-casso!
- Keeping bees is both a challenging and rewarding experience and I love it anyway.
Cute Instagram Bios For BeeKeepers

- To bee or not to bee, that is the question!
- What a buzz! What a rush! Follow me on an adventure to Beekeeping. Every step of the way and you’ll be glad you did.
- The only one who can protect the Queen Bee is her hub-bee.
- Feed a bee for every jar of honey you buy, helping to protect bee populations around the world. Just saying though. #BeeTheChange.
- Now entering the bee hive.
- They asked the beekeeper to move his business out of town because he was creating quite a buzz around town.
- That bee certainly deserved the promotion at work, he was always so buzzy on the job.
- A bee styles their hair with a honeycomb.
- That bee is talking too quietly, it must be a mumble-bee!
- You better bee-live it’s Halloween!
- When the bee went to the blood bank, he asked if they were in need of any bee positive blood.
- What happens when a bee burps near the queen? It gets a royal pardon.
- A bee’s favorite novel is the Great Gats-bee.
- Just bee yourself. You’ll think of something to come up with.
- When a bee writes a sonnet, they’re waxing poetic.
- As cute as can bee.
- Any excuse to wear a tutu, right?
- As sweet as honey.
- Thank you for always bee-ing mine.
- Petal to the metal.
- Remember, bee puns are good for your health, they give you a dose of Vitamin Bee!
- A world where bees are our friends and flower our food. Isn’t that just amazing??
- Keeping of bees is like the direction of sunbeams.
- Did you know that bears without ears are commonly referred to as B’s.
- A bee is never as busy as it seems; it’s just that it can’t buzz any slower.
- The hum of bees is the voice of the garden – Elizabeth Lawrence
- The bee was fired from the barber shop because the only thing he could do was give a buzz-cut.
- Hive never felt this way bee-fore.
- What kind of bees drop things? Fumble bees!
- Bee puns aren’t that great. I don’t get what all the buzz is about.
- There are few things more exciting to a new beekeeper than an almond tree in bloom, it’s the bees working feverishly, and the sound of the honeybee humming her mysterious song.
- Bees love the summer because it is very swarm outside.
Cool Instagram Bios For BeeKeepers

- Naughty bee children really need to beehive.
- We always buy our natural honey from the same bees because they always give us their swarm wishes.
- The killer bee was so effective because he used a large buzz-ooka.
- These bee puns are just winging it.
- Sorry, I can’t be bumble about how good my costume looks.
- The flower doesn’t dream of the bee. It blossoms and the bee comes.
- On the first day of class, bee students are given a sylla-buzz.
- I know that bees are essential to the survival of our planet that’s why I’m so committed to growing a healthier planet. #beekeeping.
- Bee puns really sting.
- The worst part about getting stung by bees is that the following day you are going to have to take care of those hives.
- The bees favorite guns? BeeBee guns, I suppose.
- Quit pollen my leg.
- Bee the change you want to see in the world.
- Save the bees, please!
- Oh, honey.
- It’s not just honey as a way to keep the skin hydrated, it’s what honey stands for, that still matters. To give bees a home.
- The younger generation of bees love the musician Sting.
- The best way to keep bees alive — and thriving — is simple: protect them.
- The little bees favorite type of candy is of course bumble gum.
- It was the bumble bee and the butterfly who survived, not the dinosaur . – Meridel Le Sueur
- The bee that resides in America is also known as a USB.
- You can call me queen bee.
- As a beekeeper, I do some of the most rewarding work in the world 🐝, working hard to keep healthy populations thriving. Yeah, that’s me.
- Keep calm and honeycomb on.
- There must be somewhere really special for people who love bees….cause why not?? #beekeeper.
- What is a swarm of really small queen bees called? The royal wee.
- What did one bee say to the other when they landed on the same flower? Buzz off.
- Do you bee-lieve in the magic of Halloween?
- What is the last thing to go through a bee’s mind when it hits a windshield? Its stinger.
- Mind your own bees-iness.
- The busy bee has no time for sorrow
- The talkative bee earned a reputation as being blab-bee.
Unique Instagram Bios For BeeKeepers

- Buzz-worthy
- When the flower blossoms, the bee will come.
- The father bee was in such great shape for his age because he always took his vitamin-bee.
- If you have no honey in your pot, have some in your mouth.
- What do bees like with their sushi? Wasa-bee!
- A Queen Bee will only eat hum-burgers at Burger King.
- Buzzing from one virtual party to the next.
- On Halloween night, legend says the zom-bees come out to play.
- Bees can fly in the rain if they are wearing their little yellow jackets.
- You can find me on Bumble.
- Bee well honey, we’re in the house. 🐝
- Honey, I’m comb.
- A bee’s favorite sport is rug-bee.
- I’m allergic to pollen so we’ll see how this goes.
- When you cross a doorbell and a bee you wind up with a hum-dinger.
- Why do bees get married? Because they found their honey!
- I’ll be your honey.
- Stripes in bloom.
- Hey! Hey! You! You! I don’t like your bee-friend.
- Bee positive, they said.
- What’s a bee’s favorite Spice Girls song? Wanna-bee!
- Mind your own beeswax.
- A wasp is nothing more than a wanna-bee.
- I can’t help pollen in love with you.
- The baby bee was affectionately known as a little hum-bug.
- All bees love the honey-moon part of their relationships more than anything else.
- Why I’m so amazing and awesome: because I make honey.
- What’s a happy bumblebee’s blood type? Bee positive!
- Work hard and stay bumble.
- A bee that’s been put under a spell has been bee-witched!
- Who’s a bee’s favorite singer? Bee-yoncé.
- The hum of bees is the voice of the garden.
Funny Instagram Bios For BeeKeepers

- To me, beekeeping is about keeping a part of the world alive.” – Cyprian Nyakundi.
- Bees are the unsung heroes of pollination 🐝 It’s time to show your buzz for bees.
- A bee who is good in math knows exactly what a rhom-buzz is.
- We bee-long together.
- The lovely flowers embarrass me, They make me regret I am not a bee – Emily Dickinson
- Female bees have a particular affection for ru-bee rings.
- What’s a bee’s favorite flower? Bee-gonias!
- The worker bee decided to take a vacation to Stingapore last year.
- The swarm of teenage bees all loved The Beatles and their “Let it Bee” album.
- According to my costume, it do bee like that sometimes.
- That single bee finally got married because he found his honey.
- The one item the bees never forget to bring to the beach are their frisbees.
- This costume really is the bee’s knees.
- The male bee was such a romantic, he kept pollen in love with all the female bees
- Never play hide and seek with the swarm because they will always wind up bee-hind you.
- Speaking of music, all bees can relate to the pop band the Bee Gees.
- There’s amazing pride in seeing a bee land on a flower you planted—but that’s not your act of creation, it’s your act of joining in
- Bee Happy. Bee Clean. Bee the change you desire in the world.
- The bee bank robber would always tell the bank tellers “Your honey or your life.”
- I’ve totally pollen for you.
- Stopping to smell the roses because I’m a bee.
- What do you say to a bee in the Wild West? Bee-haw!
- A combination of a bumble bee and a race dog will give you a Greyhound Buzz.
- Word are like bees – some create honey and others leave a sting-Unknown
- A bee’s favorite haircut is a buzz cut!
- The little bees are always humming because they forgot the words to the song.
- What do you call a bee that’s a sore loser? A cry bay-bee!
- Handle a book as a bee does a flower, extract its sweetness but do not damage it.
- A beekeeper’s goal, like myself, is to keep bees happy. And, bees are happiest when the environment and hive are thriving.
- The bee is more honored than other animals, not because she labors, but because she labors for others
- There’s no place on Earth I’d rather bee.
- A world of honey, growing bigger all the time. Just tell me, what can beat that??
Learn more about starting a beekeeping business:
Where to start?
-> How much does it cost to start a beekeeping business?
-> Pros and cons of a beekeeping business
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4-Step Guide: How To Create The Perfect Instagram Bio For Your Business
Instagram gives you 150 characters to tell your followers what your business is about.
This is where you are given the opportunity to summarize your company, engage your audience, and leave a great first impression.
We will break down the qualities and aspects of Later's Instagram bio, as a template for you to use.
Step 1: Highlight Exactly What You Do
Your Instagram bio should be a place where you tell your readers exactly who you are.
This should be brief, clear, and to the point. Explain what makes you unique and what you can do for your audience.
In the Later example, they do this in two different ways:
- In their profile name, they showcase their company name with a clear description of what they do
- They provide even more explanation and boost their brand up, saying they are the #1 marketing platform for Instagram

Step 2: Pitch Your Service [And Use Relevant Keywords]
While it's important to explain what type of company you are, it's also critical to pitch your product or service.
When creating a website, this is often the first thing people see on your site to really understand what you are offering and what makes you stand out from the rest.
Later does this using one line on their bio, and 8 relevant keywords:

Step 3: Provide A Clear Call To Action
Your call to action should be something you are encouraging your audience to do.
This could be in the form of a recent promotion you are offering, a link to a specific article you want eyes on, or just a way for users to get directed to your website.
In any case, you should always provide the user with easy access to whatever it is you'd like them to do. You can do this by providing a direct, embedded link on your bio.
For the Later example, they encourage users to check out their blog where they showcase tips and guides. This is a common strategy that brands use to get more traffic to their blog, and eventually, turn leads into customers.

Step 4: Use Emojis
Lastly, emojis are a great way to break up any text-heavy sections in your Instagram bio.
Be sure to use emojis that are relevant to your brand or to highlight the items you are discussing in your bio.
Later adds emojis to draw the readers eyes to certain aspects of their bio, such as what they do and their call to action:

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