12+ Top Email Templates For B2B Sales (2024)

Updated: January 19th, 2023

12+ Top Email Templates For B2B Sales (2024)

B2B sales are all about trust, relationships, and transparency.

If done right, sending personalized emails can be one of the best ways to cultivate relationships with other brands.

Here are 12 free B2B sales templates to use in 2022 that will help you with your sales efforts.

Video Email Template

title=[Prospect’s first name], here’s that tutorial you wanted Hi [prospect’s first name],

We know you’ve been struggling with [pain point].

And guess what? We offer the perfect solution to your problem.

[Your team member’s first name] will help you navigate the nitty-gritty of overcoming [pain point] in this video: [URL to video]

Get in touch if you have any questions.

Best, [Your email signature]


The PAS Formula Email

title=Disappointed with [leads pain point] Hey Penny,

I'm sure you've been in this situation before.

You're feeling insecure about your weight, and it's affecting other areas of your life. I get it... it's a common and frustrating situation for many women these days!

But there IS something that you can do about it.

AM Gym is running a three-month weight-loss boot camp designed specifically for women ready to take back control of their health and well-being.

For more information or to set up an appointment, please don't hesitate to contact us right away.

Thanks! Signature


B2B Email Template to Build Rapport

title=Congrats on the new role. Re: call follow-up. Hi [First Name],

Just left a quick message at the office for you. I chuckled a little bit when I got an automated email this morning from your predecessor, [NAME OF PREDECESSOR] who we worked with briefly, and before him, [OTHER FORMER COWORKER NAME], who we worked with as well ...

First and foremost, congrats on coming into this new role! I'm sure you've got a lot going on - so this conversation might be timely or not. If you're stressed, this is my go-to.

My role here is working with businesses (in the area) on how they can effectively and efficiently drive more traffic to their website, increase conversions, and nurture leads into customers.

How has your first month kicked off so far?

  • [Your Name]


The Relevant Question Email

title=A proven solution for [leads pain point] Hey May,

I know you're busy working to increase conversion rates.

But who isn't? I want to make this quick.

Here are my tips for increasing conversion rate: _____ _____

They're easy and will take no time at all!

Would you like a quick 15-minute session during the next week so I can walk you through the tips and discuss this further?

Thanks [Signature]


The “you’ve been on our site” email

title=Meeting invitation for [leads_name] Hi [First Name],

You recently visited [your website] and [took this action].

If you’re interested in [content topic/product page visited] then I can recommend the following additional resources:

additional resource 1 additional resource 2

Our company also offers [product/service] which could help you [achieve this specific result].

Are you free for a call at [date and time] to talk about this?


Free Trial Feedback

title=3 steps to achieve [leads_goal] Hi John,

I'm writing today to see how you liked our product and service. I hope it's been a great experience for you so far! If not, we'd like to know what could be improved.

Some things that may have gone well are:

  • The ease of ordering
  • Quality of customer service
  • Shipping speed

Some areas where improvement might be needed are pricing flexibility and customization options.

To help with this process, please take a few minutes to answer these questions.

If anything comes up during this exercise that is worth noting, please feel free to mention it here as well.

Thanks, [Signature]


The 10x personalization approach

title=[First Name], did I catch you? :) Hey {First Name} I hope this email finds you well! I wanted to reach out to you because we are in the same {LinkedIn Group, Slack Group, Association, etc} , {Link To Group} and I think I may have something interesting for you.

If I did my homework correctly you are spending {Estimate} per month on {Service relevant to yours} at {Company website} and {Any other information related to the spend}.

I work at a {Company Name} and we {Value proposition}. We can lower your monthly cost for {Service mentioned above} by XX% with very little effort.

Just reply to this email and I’ll give you a product demo.

Let me know what you think!


The AIDA Formula Email (Attention-Interest-Desire-Action)

title=Your service needs this Hi John,

Like many of your peers, you know how bothersome it can be to [deal with the problem].

I've been there. I know how it feels like [problems] and how significant it is to find a solution that works for you.

We designed this tool specifically for people like you who are looking for a solution. We will take care of everything from start to finish. You don't have to worry about any technology work required for its implementation.

Would you like to try out the product? If yes, please get back to me for the best time to have a call tomorrow.

Best Wishes


Email that gets an 80% response rate in 24 hours.

title=Sorry I Missed You Hi [First Name],

Sorry I missed you on the phone today, I was calling because…. (leave a one sentence reason for your call, or the name of the referral / event that introduced you)

In my voice mail, I mentioned that I will call you back on [DATE] at [TIME] and of course you can always reach me before then at [YOUR PHONE NUMBER].

I look forward to connecting.


[Your name]


The recent news email

title=Hello, (yourleadsname), my old friend, I’ve come to talk with you again… Hi [First Name],

Congratulations on your recent round of funding!

Your shining reviews on [insert link or mention site] say a lot about your team. It’s clear that you’re going to make an impact on the [insert industry/market] soon.

I just wanted to say congratulations, I look forward to more good news about [their company].

My name is [your name], I work at [your company], and we [one-pitch sentence]. If you need anything at all, just give us a shout.


Product Promotion B2B Email Template

title=Get [X]% off on [product/service name], [prospect’s first name]! Hi [prospect’s first name],

We’re thrilled to announce a [X]% discount on [your product/service].

You can now leverage the strategies [prospect’s competitor] used to accomplice [goal] at a pocket-friendly price!

If you’re unsure about [your product/service]’s fit for your company, drop us a line.

We can get on a call at your convenience, and our subject matter experts will answer all your questions — even the tricky ones!

Schedule your call here: [meeting scheduler URL]

Best, [Your email signature]


B2B Email Template to Introduce Yourself

title=Resource for industry/strategy questions Hi [First Name],

I'd like to introduce myself as your resource here at [Your Company Name]. I work with businesses in the [software, healthcare, nonprofit, education, etc.] industry, and noticed you visited our website in the past.

This inspired me to spend a few minutes on [Prospect's Company] website to learn more about how you're approaching [X strategy for customer service, sales, marketing, etc.]. I noticed some areas of opportunity and decided to reach out to you directly.

[Your Company] is working with similar companies in your industry, such as [X Company Name], to help them accomplish [Y goals], and giving them the [Z tools/solutions] to succeed.

Do you have 15 minutes to discuss [Prospect's Company] this week?

If so, you can book time directly onto my calendar here: [Meetings Link]

Looking forward to meeting,

[Your Name]


25 Email Marketing Subject Lines You Can Use

Here's a list of 25 popular email subject lines you can use for your B2B Sales

  • Can I ask for a quick favor?
  • [Month’s theme] Insights from the Pros
  • We are looking for new clients
  • Your business can prosper without your sales team
  • Disappointed with [leadsproblem]? [testimonialsname] had the same problem
  • Stay ahead of your competitors with an automation tool
  • Double your lead base starting at $29
  • Every [leadsjobposition] needs this tool
  • [yourcompanyname] + [leads_name] = a safe road to success
  • A [benefit] for [prospect's company]
  • I found you through [referral name]
  • I love what you did with launching [product/ initiative]
  • Let’s meet this week to discuss your budget
  • Did you hear what happened [with X]?
  • This will make your day
  • Question about [a goal they’ve mentioned]
  • I had this idea since we last spoke
  • Save 10% on [product or service], this Friday only
  • Is it time to [make a big change in their business]?
  • Can you afford to lose [something important]?
  • Hi [name], [question]?
  • Can I make your life 20% easier?
  • Have you tried [restaurant in prospect's town]?
  • Tired of salespeople who never give up?
  • Three things to know before [event]

Looking for more B2B sales email subject lines? Check out our full article here

Tips For Writing A Successful Email

A well-written email can be a powerful communication tool. If you want to get your point across and have it read, write an email that is clear, concise and compelling.

Here are 6 tips to help you write better emails:

1. Keep it short.

People are busy, and they aren't going to read anything more than a few paragraphs long in their inboxes. If you have something important to say, be concise.

2. Be friendly and personable. The best emails show that their sender cares about the recipient: address them by name, make jokes and be friendly, compliment them on something they've done recently—demonstrate that you know them well enough to give them a personal touch.

3. Use bullet points or numbered lists where appropriate.

If you're making a list of suggestions or talking about multiple things, it's much easier on the reader if you use bullet points or numbers rather than listing every point out separately in paragraphs.

(Obviously this doesn't apply if you're using an email for something else entirely—such as a newsletter or informational message.)

4. Proofread your message carefully before sending it out.

Even though you may think you're a pro at typing emails, there are still some mistakes that you could be making. It's important to avoid these errors so that your message is clear and correct.

If you skimmed over the email, there is a good chance that you missed an error in the very sentence that you just changed.

Pro tip: Read your entire message out loud before hitting send. You are more likely to catch mistakes this way!

5. Be sure to include the recipient's name in the email.

This seems like an obvious tip, but it's easy to forget that we're not sending mass emails to a group of people but individual messages to each person on the list.

Your best bet is to craft your message carefully, and make it personal by using the recipient's name. It shows that you're paying attention and it also makes the email feel more personable.

6. Be clear about what you want

Be specific and don't beat around the bush. Think about what you're asking for clearly before you write anything down.

In the first line of your email, state clearly what you want and how the recipient can help.


Below we detail the most common questions as it relates to [[ Topic ]] for email.

How often should you send B2B marketing emails?

It is generally accepted that one email per month and no more than five emails per month is an acceptable range.

How does B2B email marketing work?

Focus on the prospect's persona. Position your brand as a thought-leader in the industry by providing information that helps prospects realize their pain points.

How can I increase my B2B sales?

  • Leverage online mediums to generate more leads
  • Send cold emails
  • Optimize your website landing pages
  • Get more online reviews
  • Generate a targeted list of business contacts


Crafting an effective email template can be challenging, but these tips and templates are a great starting point. Above all else, remember to keep it simple and helpful. By understanding what not to include in your marketing email, you’ll be able to cut through the noise in your prospects' inboxes and truly stand out as a solutions-oriented partner to their businesses.

meet the author
Pat Walls

I'm Pat Walls and I created Starter Story - a website dedicated to helping people start businesses. We interview entrepreneurs from around the world about how they started and grew their businesses.